
this is what happens when you get old...u pass out!

day 6 (i didn't forget, i had a little cocktail & took a nap)...

i am not a drinker by trade, so when i do drink i am a light weight...so usually i feel it after one drink no matter the strength of the drink...so if you know of someone looking for a cheap date (remember he has to have bank so i can volunteer for the rest of my life), give me a shout...so kidding (maybe not ;)...so after having a little sleepy mcsleep, i decided to roll out of bed & blog to all the beautiful people who read this (or the 2 who have checked it)...& tell you all the times over my numerous years where alcohol (thought running through mind--s%$#, this could go for days, pause--please direct attention back to sentence where i said cheap date, thought -- whew!) has played a significant factor...

i actually was going to have a new years resolution to drink more, then i decided i like my liver & i also prefer to go through life remembering how stupid i am...& i also remembered that i am pretty crazy sans alcohol so it wasn't a good resolution to keep :)...

liquid courage -- that it does for me, or at least when it comes to those of the opposite sex...first big drink time when i did the senior crawl from college (either i cannot remember before that or i choose not to care about them)...we all had dares that night (my sister & her friend) & i was the only to do mine...where i called a hot (not semi hot, but hot, he opened his mouth (southern accent) & i melted & his gorgeous a#*, can we say WOW) college football player & told him such or rather abridge version...i chickened out a couple of times & then a friend finished it with a voicemail (ps drunk texting was not around then, it was drunk calling, did i just date myself:)...you gettin' excited, thinkin' we dated for "x" amount of years & then he broke my heart....NOPE, he called back & that was that...i did not stand a chance but it sure was FUN!

21st birthday -- that is what you were supposed to do; i puked in the bushes & did 9 shots -- i was proud of myself...pretty good; no indiscrepancies...

few years back (ps if said events do not surround a major life event you most likely will not remember age or very specific details, especially when hittin' the ole' 30)...went to NYC (i am in love with the city, another post another time) to visit my cousin & we decided to go to the bar & have a few cocktails (beauty of NYC most of the time, don't need a designated driver); well i apparently had a few too many & gained my liquid courage & texted (it was popular then) a dear friend of mine (who i missed & semi had feelings for; don't get your panties in a wad i might tell the story) because i had not heard from him...& ask him why not this was occurring...of course no response, until the next day way late when this friend informed me how busy he was that didn't have time to talk to his parents let alone me (not the response i was looking for as well as feeling like S&*%...well sad to say we barely talk anymore...so my dear friend, my apologies & i do miss you...

recently last summer, i attended a fab wedding, & i didn't drink that much but at end of the night i felt the need (rather others did) to give me few so i did gain some courage & needless to say not one of my finer moments (more details to follow) & lastly tonight, nothing crazy (like i said light weight)...but i decided to drunk text (i think that is what the kids refer to it as now) a said friend & i shouldn't have...nothing major...& much to my dismay no response (probably better)...EXCITING stuff right?

so what do you (well ME) learn over the years, even though a sips of some bubbly are quite fun, not always your finest moments...good stories to tell the kiddos or blog about but remember the immediate ramifications will be there for the days or months to come...NOW don't get me wrong i am not saying don't EVER do it, you must live...& to live is to get tipsy every once in awhile (not sloppy, stupid drunk just a little to take the edge off); just do it responsibly by doing it in good company & handing that phone to a friend!

aren't you glad i drank, woke up & then blogged...all this helpful info!

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