
at certain points in life, we search...

“I think you travel to search and you come back home to find yourself there.” 
 Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

we grow up, attend school & then we make a decision about what we want to be when we grow up...back & forth, what is the right path for us; what is our purpose among all the masses??...now most of us think we nailed it, we want to be a CEO, a lawyer, a teacher, a politician, a actor, a designer, the list goes on...we land our job & off we go; then all of sudden we wake up & we are scared to death that what we envisioned is not what we want but rather what we thought we wanted, & then we spiral down into questioning every decision we have ever made...we no longer think or trust what we have thought for so long...& we are stuck with the next question, what next??...for fear of making the same mistake or never finding what we will becomes daunting...& all of sudden we feel lost...

...& then we feel as if nothing else can become more unreliable, a moment of peace sets in...a moment of trust; almost as if God says do not worry, trust in me i will make your path straight...& for that moment no matter how long it may last we know that we will figure it out & that is long as put faith in that trust, we might find our purpose, or we might figure out just what we want to be when we grow up...that moment may not happen within the next minute, hour days, or months...but if we stop long enough it is there...

...so as you, as we are all trying to figure this thing called life out, & we are hurrying along in it; remember to stop...b/c you never know when your moment might fall in your lap...

"Accumulation of wealth is a popular defense against fear. Since we fear losing our jobs, health care, or retirement benefits, we amass possessions, thinking the more we have, the safer we are…

We engineer stock and investment levies, take cover behind the hedge of hedge funds. We trust annuities and pensions to the point that balance statements determine our mood levels. But then come the Katrina-level recessions and downturns, and the confusion begins all over again…
If there were no God, stuff-trusting would be the only appropriate response to an uncertain future. But there is a God. And this God does not want his children to trust money…
Scrooge didn’t create the world; God did.
Psalm 104 celebrates this lavish creation with twenty-three verses of itemized blessings: the heavens and the earth, the waters and streams and trees and birds and goats and wine and oil and bread and people and lions. God is the source of “innumerable teeming things, living things both small and great… These all wait for You, that You may give them their food in due season” (vv. 25, 27).
And he does. God is the great giver. The great provider. The fount of every blessing. Absolutely generous and utterly dependable. The resounding and recurring message of Scripture is clear: God owns it all. God shares it all. Trust him, not stuff!"

*a little something extra that may explain what my meaning*
*& for all of you that have missed me, hopefully this is my strong return*