
...a moment of thanks...

“Let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel to say your nightly prayer. And let faith be the bridge you build to overcome evil and welcome good.” 
 Maya Angelou, Celebrations: Rituals of Peace and Prayer

...it comes without fail each year...we bake/cook, we travel, we kiss/hug, we laugh and tell stories, we watch football and we may even play games, & we eat and then when it's all said and done we eat again...& maybe eat again...

...as we go through the motions of thanksgiving this year; a moment hits us...not of what we can eat next or what deal we can score tomorrow...not of what we need to accomplish at work next week or what big plans we have for the weekend but a moment where are heart is content and filled with a feeling of gratitude...& maybe that gratitude is for a full and satisfied belly or the fact that we have a few days off...or maybe it's for that moment where you were greeted with a hug or a kiss, or you were able to catch up with some old friends or family whose faces you don't see ever so often...maybe it's because you are surrounded by those that you love and for that moment the gratitude is in being & nothing else...no matter the reason, the moment is there for us to look up, to pause from it all and say thank you God, for the blessings, for the moments that you placed in my life...especially this very moment you created right now...

my moment is now and my heart grateful...happy thanksgiving...

p.s happy birthday 8th birthday lucia...wishing you all of today & many more...my heart is forever thankful for YOU!!!

“Piglet noticed that even though he had a Very Small Heart, it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude.” 
 A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh


do you realize at this very moment...

“Thank you for coming into my life and giving me joy, thank you for loving me and receiving my love in return. Thank you for the memories I will cherish forever... ”
 Nicholas Sparks, Message in a Bottle

...it will never ever again be the same...in the very next moment life will be different...

to actually think about it; is SO bizarre ...however to actually live it is the greatest adventure of all times...so be thankful...be thankful that on this day you can place your hand over your heart and feel it beating and know that is your purpose to live, to be in someone's life for a brief second or a lifetime is a gift...to have others in your life who profoundly effect you is one of God's greatest gifts...

...my moments with so many people are what makes my story so great...i have been blessed with so many but recently two that have warmed my heart; made me stop and think how am I so blessed to have their moments to be a part of my story...

...moments like where I witness my best friend touch the lives of little kids with cancer...whose heart is already so big and now grows to become even bigger to allow all those little kids in and inspire her for her new purpose in the world...& when life hands her a rough day; & heaven is a little brighter for it has a new angel she continues to fight on for them...and by knowing her and her purpose my life is that much better & i am that much more grateful for my moments of knowing her...

...or another special person in my life who just by seeing her you know all of her moments will be lived to the fullest...each day as she gets up she knows her purpose...her purpose to touch those that are different by her smile, her patience...to bring energy to those around her where she allows you to think you can do the impossible...where her moments of life are bigger and brighter because she lives them all and she wants to take you and everyone along with her...

...so as I go to bed or wake up in the morning; I am thankful for all I did and I can do but I'm ever so much more thankful because I have the moment to witness other's purpose...to see them living in all their moments...to know that as I feel my heart beat; my purpose for that day is to be a part of their moment, my heart is thankful & I smile... :) :) :)