
mmmm.....its wednesday....why not eat a burger....

food for thought: wednesday...

**disclaimer 941...fruit = eat it...healthy but also can satisfy your sweet tooth (& lets face it you can eat a hell of lot more fruit than chocolate)

...now first, i am not saying you should indulge yourself in only fruit but it so good...especially the summer when it is all in season & fresh, the fruits in the summer are some of my favs...so here they are and their point value, just in case you were wondering...and i realized after stocking my fridge with fruit that i can eat way more of it and save my points for other things like a cheeseburger with a fried egg on it, french fries, a wedge salad & a taco (i am just saying, hypothetically you could use your leftover points for that instead)...

~peach (1 6 oz.) = 1 pt.
~nectarine (1 4 oz.) = 1 pt.
~plums (2 thats right i said 2} 4 oz.) = 1 pt.
~strawberries (1 1/2c. {not just 1 but 1 1/2 c.}) = 1 pt.
~blueberries (1 c. & they are good for your brain or immune system; hey i am not a doctor, just a fat kid trying to live a skinny kid's dream) = 1 pt.
~blackberries (1 c.) = 1 pt.
~cherries (1 c.) = 1 pt.
~kiwi (1 4 oz.; but i only like them when they are really good, and ripe but not too ripe) = 1 pt.
~apples 1 lg {8 oz.) = 2 pt. /1 sm. {4 oz.} = 1 pt.
~banana (1 6 oz.) = 2 pt.

...i mean amazing & i am no mathmetician but if you eat one of everything that is only 11 points...and you for sure will be full....

...so the lesson for this food for thought wednesday...FRUIT = EAT IT!!!
...until "are you enjoying your fruit, because i am;)" tomorrow...


so the 2nd day, not as great but not terrible either...

...positive thinking tuesday...
**disclaimer 572...just go ahead & eat...especially if you hanging out with your family & friends...remember tomorrow is another day & you can diet then...

...no matter what happens, you just have to go with the flow & that might be the possibility of blowing a diet to enjoy a meal with some of your favorite people;)...the most important thing is don't fret, just eat & enjoy it; then wake up tomorrow morning and face it head on with a diet mind set...live in the moment & if that moment does not call for dieting, eat the cake and smile as it goes down the hatch...

...i ate a little more than i wanted but the company was priceless, i'll deal with my ass later...
...until "a diet filled day" tomorrow...


i am coming out guns a blazin' & facin' the scale head on...

weigh day...loss = 0 lbs. total loss = -14 lbs....

disclaimer 845...keep saying "no" until you are blue in the face...(remember when you were a kid in school and you took part in the just say no to drugs program & they taught you several ways to say no, well that wasn't the only thing they were preparing you to say no to)...yep the food that wants you to double the size of yourself...so keep it up sistas, "just say no"

...when i am not dieting i can say that i pay attention to what is going into my fly trap...which often times can save my ass from growing week to week...thank God for that...so here i go again and stayed the same weight & i am definitely not complaining because i did not gain...however in order to drop some more poundage i need to diet (count points, because we all know it works) & i need to get my body moving...so for day 1 of being back on the wagon...(even though it was a close call, the bride & groom decided to extend their invitation of eating pizza to me, i turned the bride down flat & she backed down, but the groom came out strong; however even though i participated in this delight, i stayed within in my points) i am feeling pretty good, i just need to keep the ball rollin' for real (i keep saying it, because then i will believe & do it)...

...ohh the familiar territory that we keep going back to...but we have to stick with it...i have a lot riding on it, not just my ass but a bet (remember)...
....until "positive thoughts" tomorrow...


omg...what am i going to do with myself...

**disclaimer 120...what do you do when food keeps showing up in front of you...the answer is simple after contemplating what is best for you...you decide it is better to make yourself happy by eventually shoving it in your mouth, then having it move to your stomach, and then attaching itself to your ass...i didn't say what makes you happy is healthy, but you are for sure smiling aren't you:)

i cannot figure myself out...i am having the hardest time getting back on track...i have remained the same weight from last week; however we know that only lasts so long if i keep up my eating habits...so i am going to chuck this week up to i suck at life & for the moment i suck at dieting, with a capital "S"....however i am bound & determined not to give this up...all i need is one solid week & hopefully that can roller coaster into a healthier me (who are we kidding, a skinnier ass & thighs)...

so to answer inquiring minds...
NO...this is not the end just the middle (imagine you went up a hill & back down & got stuck in the damn valley...you just have to work extra hard to get back up that hill & to the top)
NO...i am not blogging once a week (i know it appears that away according to the last/this week)

...as always thank you for your support and patience...don't worry the fat bridesmaid/m.o.h...is still fighting the good fight...just often times the food gets the best of her, hey, i am a fat kid what do you expect...

until next time (it will be for sure consistently next week, scouts honor;)


just another manic monday....

....weigh day monday....well on this monday despite a birthday party....i managed to lose a 1.5 pounds...which i was pumped about...however i was thinking that to gain & lose that 1.5 pounds when i am at my goal wait, is no big deal...but at this point i would like that 1.5 pound to stay the hell off my body...and then when i get to my goal weight, it can stick around & then fall off when it feels like it....

*disclaimer 712...be thankful for the positives...like when your ass is 1.5 pounds lighter or when you don't blow your points...or just find a positive, like i buttoned my pants with one try & one deep breath...

...my niece turned 7 and we had a lovely party times 2...however i held back, so my body would not suffer today...
....weigh day was successful & hoping it continues until next week...
...until "another lovely day" tomorrow...


...just when you think you've got it...bam, a piece of cheesecake is thrown into your face...

day 179...

disclaimer 304...if you go over board one meal, try to reign it in for the other meals (or chuck it up to a f*ck*d diet day)

...& the theme for wednesday is....
"Food for Thought/Curve your Craving"...so on this episode of watch out, don't eat your face...i will tell you of things that help me deter my cravings or foods that i like to eat while dieting (& may even continue to eat after i stop dieting; so they all can't be that bad)

...so this one is more geared for curve your craving...instead of chips or if you are craving something salty...try eating cucumbers with salt on them...i find them delicious & they totally stop my stomach from screaming at me for some salt (disclaimer 22....watch your salt intake)...other veggies can substitute as great snacks (i mean some times they can help and then their are other times, you need to just to eat the damn chocolate), b/c most of the time they have 0 or no points...and if you add a little salt, bam, (do i sound like emril) salty snack, 1/4 of the calories...

day 179...went out to lunch, had a salad = good, & washed down with a piece of cheesecake = bad...
...until "the theme awaits us" tomorrow...


and here are at the end of day 2...

day 178...

disclaimer 342...have a plan, & a back up plan...i'm not saying you are going to fail, you are just being extra prepared...

...1st, my other good friend joined the bet, & no offense to the my first friend, she will definitely be stiff competition, will power like a stubborn jack ass (but she is not a jack ass, love ya;)...

...2nd...i have a plan for Oper. N.M.F.B/M.O.H., a "theme" for each day i will blog...i think it will help me in being more creative as well as it not being the same old sob story of me being a fat ass & continually blowing a diet...

so tuesdays theme is....wait for it..."...positive thinking tuesday..." so no negativity on tuesdays, & it will either be something positive that i get from this whole experience, or a positive thought, & it should make you smile & hopefully help you in your diet journey...

...Positive Thinking Tuesday...
....every time you make a decision in your life, you have to fully commit to it...& truly believe in that decision, if not then that decision is a lot harder to follow through...& the other part is, it must be your decision & not anyone else's....
...my decision is I CHOOSE TO BE HEALTHY...
being healthy means, exercising (i am working on that part)...eating healthy (even when the diet is over & i am not counting points), this will hopefully help you maintain your svelte look...i am also making healthy mind choices, staying positive & sending out peaceful vibes (kate, no comments)...

day 178...and we succeeded...and i was positive...& turned down chiptole;)
...until "another theme day" tomorrow...


...so back to square 1...

week 27...the day i returned to the diet...
...weigh day...i am at -12.5 lbs. & +1.5 since my last weigh day...

disclaimer 836...@ first you don't succeed, try, try again...

...hello my name is danielle, and currently i am a fat bridesmaid/maid of honor, & if i continue down this horrific path, my ass will not decrease in size but rather, grow back to be the size of rhode island....as of the start of august i am back doing my points (i know, i said it like 5 million times before, but for real, we are less than a year away & i also have a side bet going with my good friend)....as far as today goes, i was not perfect, but hell, we do not expect me to be perfect, that is why my version of dieting is so funny...

so thank you for patience...& just think, things are way better the 2nd time around;)...

day 177...weigh day -- +1.5lbs; -12.5lbs....
...i was offered pizza & i said no (well i tasted the crust once, well no twice), you have to start saying no some where & some times it takes baby steps...
...until "day 2 of the 2nd go around" tomorrow...