
dear you...

“the real lover is the man who can thrill you by kissing your forehead or smiling into your eyes or just staring into space.”  (Marilyn Monroe)

last year...
...on day 113 - 4.22.12, i wrote dear my future husband...on day169 - 6.17.12, i wrote dear my future person...on day 196 - 7.14.12 i wrote dear the one...on day 240 - 8.27.12 i wrote dear person who is spending the rest of your life...on day 263 - 9.19.12 i wrote dear my future other half...on day 291 - 10.17.12 i wrote dear you who picked me...on day 335 - 11.30.12 i wrote dear lucky one who gets me...on day 358 - 12.23.12 i wrote dear well this is it...

& today i write...

dear you,

...you will know all that i need without me saying anything...you will allow me to grow and fall and then when i do not want to get up, you will pick me up in a way i could never imagine...you will be there for me without actually being there...you will make me feel so special that i will feel like i am living a real life fairy tale, you will make me laugh & smile, you will be my biggest support and my biggest comfort, you will not just love me but you will love the extensions of me, you will embody the definition of what it means to love, you will show me how to love and show me a different way to live, you will smile at my quirks and embrace my craziness...you will do for me more than i can ever imagine...you will be a blessing from above...& you will be mine...

so as you hold me, and love me, know that YOU are the one, YOU are my heart...

with all my love to the moon & back,


..."we have nothing to FEAR but FEAR itself..." (FDR)

“without FEAR there cannot be courage.” (Christopher Paolini)...

...there is this notion of FEAR that looms among us...that in a day we FEAR that we will royally screw up, that we will mess up at work, we will say the wrong thing, we will hurt those that we love, we will look the wrong way, that we will be in the wrong place at the wrong time, that we will miss a moment or several moments, & it will be too late to say what we need to say, or do what we need to do...there is this FEAR that sometimes holds us back from being, from living the life we want or we know is right...there is a FEAR that strangles us and we end up living in FEAR rather than living to live...

...so how do we deal with something that is so present in our life that to not think about FEAR is almost like breathing; it happens without us even realizing it...without even knowing, we breathe, without even thinking FEAR sets in...& then we are caught or held back...so do we deal or do we say f*@# it, and let it loom, let it feel like it might hold us back & then don't let it & live knowing that it didn't because guess what, FEAR doesn't really hold us back, we do...& then know that you took the leap, you put it all out there, you said what you needed to say, you did what you needed to do & you lived even with FEAR staring you in the face...

...FEAR only has meaning when we provide it purpose; otherwise it is just a word, with 4 letters...& that's it...