
...a week ago...a boy asked a girl to marry her & she said...


“You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” 
(Dr. Seuss)

...the story begins...

...a little less than a year ago around New Years...3 friends went out to dinner; as they enjoyed each others company; a conversation arose about New Years resolutions, it was then determined that they would give each other two resolutions...as they passed out resolutions, one of the friends received the first of her two resolutions, it was that she was to go on 6 dates (1 every other month) in 2013...in the back of her mind, she was thinking there was no way this resolution would be completed; in fact a few days later post dinner, she openly admitted to her dear friend that, that resolution would never happen...& her friend, declared, "it is not even New Years and you already giving up..."  need less to say, the girl decided that she would actually do her resolutions and prove her friends that she was up for the challenge...

...well the girl thought, she knew enough people she could land 6 dates with ease...she didn't care what or with who, just so she could check it off her list and move on...well January came along & no dates, she often heard, "nope don't know anyone.." & then February came and it wasn't looking very promising for her...now this girl had been presented with the idea of on-line dating; however she was not a fan, she just couldn't wrap her head around it...but after many discussions with a many people, & another friend telling her to create her own fairy tale, she decided to join the world of on-line dating...she did one site that was simple & easy; & along the way she shared her experiences with family and friends...she was getting dates & in her mind, 6 dates were going to be breeze...

...at the same moment when she was recapping her dating sagas to 2 co-workers, they decided that the website she was using was good but they could find better...after a few hours of searching they were now urging the girl to join a new site...the girl was absolutely adamant that one site was enough, and it was enough maintenance...but they would not take no for an answer, so they asked her if they could sign her up; she agreed as long as she did not have to do any of the work...the 2 co-workers leaped at the opportunity and picked out a picture, wrote a profile , and scoped the scene...all she had to do was go on the dates...again after searching they found some interesting characters, they wrote emails & sent them out...

...much to the girls surprise, she received an email back from one of the co-workers picks...the emails started; back & forth they would go...& at the beginning the girl thought how soon could she meet this new person, so the sooner she could move on...but it continued and emails turned into long phone conversations; & the girl realized how much fun the boy was and how much it felt like she knew him forever...

...they went on their first date & just as the emailing & phone calls were natural so was the date...old acquaintances that lost touch that met up again and no time had passed...and she found herself intrigued...and wanting to know more about this person...and one date became two dates, and 2 hour conversation became a 6 hour conversation; and before she knew it, months passed, & she wasn't interested in getting 6 dates anymore but just dating this one guy; who had turned into this unexpected person in her life...

...so weeks turned into months, and they hung out and got to know each other even more; she found herself feeling a comfort and ease with him & he treated her like a queen, & the very thought of him made her smile; & before she knew it her heart fell for him & she was in love..she was in love with her best friend...she was in love with this man who started out as a resolution and a random pick, she was in love with him, she was in love with the person she laughed with and even allowed to see her cry, she was in love with all of him...and at random moments, she would think to herself, how could this be happening, especially so fast...but she knew it was greater power from above who put this person in her life, to challenge her to be a better her, to allow her to experience love, and to just be with...

...7 months later, a boy drove to rochester, picked up his girlfriend...allowed her to do her routine, then took her to dinner; & as they laughed and talked he had a plan...then a server showed up escorted them up to the "dessert bar" where she discovered a table set for 2, with champagne and dessert, flowers and a balloon, and a message in a bottle...then a boy stood in front of a girl and spoke his heart, got down on his knee, opened a box, and asked her to be his wife, his best friend, his love, to be with him forever and always...and she looked at this boy, this boy who had become more than she could ever imagine, he would become her future husband, he was her person, he was the one, he was her other half, the one she would be spending the rest of her life with, the one who picked her, the ohh so lucky one who got her, & she knew this was it, she knew he was her heart, he was her everything, and she said YES!

...in less than year b/c of my two best friends i took a chance, i stepped WAY out of my comfort zone and did something i would have never done; and because 2 friends decided to try a different route, I found my person...

...one of my favorite sayings is, ..."God doesn't give you what you want but rather what you need"...He gives you people who say take a chance & just live, He gives you friends to show you a whole new direction, He provides you with a person that gives you his heart only so you know that you can open your heart...

...so here is to the next chapter as the story continues...


because your mark inspired me...i am who i am...

“...the two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why...”(Mark Twain)...

...a child walks into the room and is greeted by a friendly smile, that welcomes them...she points to where the child should put their things, & tells the child in the nicest of voices, come join your friends and let's play...from that moment, the child learns to love education because a teacher took a moment and brought them into a world they love, a world of education...

...a teenager grabs a ball and shoots a lay up and misses; he tries again and to his dismay he misses again...the ball rolls away from him and he turns to walk away; and he hears a familiar voice, and the ball is back in his hands...the same voice says, "as long as you keep trying you can still become a better player..."  ...the teenager grabs the ball and misses the lay up again, and goes for the fourth attempt and nails it; he turns to look at the coach who took a moment to tell a kid don't quit...from that moment no challenge is too big for a teenager who learned that quitting was not an option from a coach who stopped and took the time...

...a young designer arrives at his first day of work with the vigor to start his new job, after several meetings and many interactions, the young designer sits to work on a project assigned to him...determined to show his boss and his new coworkers, what he learned and what he can do...his determination led to many hours of hard work...a few days later, he presented his idea, and the room was silent, he missed the mark; his boss as polite as possible delivered the blow and he needed to go back to the drawing board...the young designer left feeling defeated, for the last hours of the day he stared at his computer screen...a member from his team noticed his defeat as she was walking by his desk, and a few minutes later and email popped up on his screen...as he opened the email, a light bulb popped up and a quote; ...“Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” (Thomas A. Edison) ...from that moment, a once defeated designer, remerged with a fiery soul & a passion to prove himself, all because someone took a moment to show that even those at the top of their game have all failed at some point...

 ...a brief second, a word or two...a thought, a belief & without even knowing it can lead to an inspired moment in time...& those that inspire, that left us believing for the next moment, or left us having faith that we can do anything, sometimes do not even realize the impact they have on us...& maybe that is it; we inspire without even knowing it; we leave our mark on this world and don't realize it is our mark, our moment to say i was here...but it SO was...

...so leave your mark, live to be inspired, live to inspire those that come in contact with you...live to live and see what happens, be that coach, or coworker, or teacher, be you & write your moment and see what the world thinks when you walk on by...

...& for all those that i am left in awe by your inspiration in my life, my heart thanks you...

***disclaimer --> i may have included this video, a hot minute ago, can't remember & i know all those that stalk this blog will remember so please forgive if so, if not enjoy, it is good (well i think so)!!!


...the power of words...

“Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind.”  (Rudyard Kipling)

...thank YOU...I'M sorry...i LOVE you...EXCUSE me...you ARE the best...i HATE you...please FORGIVE me...thank GOD, shut UP...PEACE...hug ME...thank YOU...STUPID...GOD bless YOU...stop...DUMBa**...YOU are BEAUTIFUL...you ROCK...

...and the list goes on & on...i could fill this page full of words, all with different meanings, some invoke feelings of hurt, of happiness, of sadness, of laughter, of anger, of excitement...words fill our lives, they allow us to communicate to those that we love, to our best friends, to those that we are at odds with, to those we want to hurt, to those we want to forgive or to be forgiven, to those we need to hold on to, & to those we need let go...
...WORDS allow us to speak what our heart needs to say...
...WORDS allow us to reach other people that are near us or far away...
...WORDS can be typed, spoken, or signed...

WORDS inspire...
WORDS help us believe...
WORDS change the way we think...
WORDS give us faith...
WORDS ask the question...
WORDS send LOVE...
BUT put meaning to them & they become...
that much POWERFUL...

...so as you speak, remember the POWER of your WORDS...
