
dinner is killing me...

...well at least it is kickin' my ass...

**disclaimer 758...some times you got nothin' to say and right now i got nothin' to say so i shall shut my mouth & then hopefully the food will stop going in...but i shall say a little in the blog area first before i shut it..(you couldn't expect me to say nothin')

so where i moved too...well we all know i have a new job which comes with new food issues, the chocolate milling about along with the occasional evil POTLUCK...well the other icing on the cake is the location...i moved to Grand Rapids & I am currently living in my cousin's basement. so basically let us just say as far as comes to eating, it is like eating at home...my cousin cooks like if i were at home & my mom was putting food in front of me...& now she has been gone for 2 weeks and her mom did the same cooking for me & sent me home with leftovers...and word to the wise when an Arab woman cooks for you, there is no such words as "i'm full," "no thanks", all you can do is keep eating (not that I am all opposed to eating good food, so i can't totally blame them)...so i have been eating but this week, i have done not so bad, i will watch what i eat during the day & then feast at night...so hopefully not too bad...

...here is too moving and o.m.g the dinners...
until "what is for dinner" tomorrow...


what a hump day...

**disclaimer 323...the hump is the hardest part to get over...so if you happen to slide down & have to start climbing back up again...just envision a big fat slice of cheesecake on the other side it can definitely provide motivation...

we are going to postpone the "where i moved to effecting my diet," until tomorrow; why b/c let us talk & visit the subject of POTLUCK (it is actually a bad word when it comes to dieting)...that is what we had at work today, a POTLUCK...so not only am i combatting chocolate but now a wide variety of food...& the POTLUCK was amazing, wings, mexican dip, cookies, cupcakes, candy, pop, salad (wait that is healthy), and the list goes on...i did ok, not as great as i could have but it was my first POTLUCK, and it was baptism by fire...

did i mention also i went to someone's house for dinner, which means i ate more...so i did not make it over the hump today, i just sat at the bottom & ate:)

...until "making it over the hump a day later" tomorrow...


& it is second day back in the circus & i am almost forgot...

...so here i am getting ready to climb into bed & then i was like ohh sh*t; i forgot to blog & so i got out of bed & now i am typing...can we say D-E-D-I-C-A-T-I-O-N!

*disclaimer 683...be patient, usually when you get back on the horse for the first time; you are bound to fall off now & again...

...so here i am day 2...now my new job...well i have recently moved to michigan, (no worries i will forever be a buckeye fan & always bleed scarlet & gray)...anyways my new job is working with chocolate...like hi we were best friends; not i see you from a far an give a friendly wave...i am selling chocolates; which means i am tasting, wafting in the glorious smell & basking in all the wonders of chocolate...now one part of my job is knowing my product so i have tried some samples (well a lot), & i wish i could say differently but i have thoroughly enjoyed every single piece...this also leads me to have some major will power issues, that i need to face head on...especially when i am at the actual place where the chocolate is being made...i realize this is not part of my diet regiment, but a girl has got to get paid (& did i mention; it is an easy sell; who doesn't love chocolate)...

...so here i am day 2 & making it through...well that is still up for debate...
...until "saying no to chocolate (some times yes)" tomorrow....


look who is back...& skinnier than ever....A BIG FAT NOT, literally...

...here i am trying to get back into the swing of things b/c ladies & gents...it is almost time to face those bridesmaid dresses head on & say, "go ahead & try to make me look like a fat ass."

disclaimer 102...remember when i said never give up, i was totally not kidding, look at me several months later & still not admitting defeat...

...today was naturally weigh day & you will be glad to hear i have lost -1.5 lbs. (now mind you, if you look you will notice that this particular loss has been over the last few months, i know i am the diet queen, and we shall now hear the roars of laughter)...this now puts me at a total loss of -17 lbs. (if you think about that it is almost 3 --6 lb. babies; scary right, well it is that time of year to catch a fright...however i was ecstatic to realize i was maintaining and then actually lost a pound after the whole several months of mowing down on food & still not exercising... (remember that promise; i still have some time, not a lot but enough)

...tmrw. i will tell the tale of my new job which proposes a small problem (or huge) for true fat kids...stay tuned for this one b/c if you think working in a restaurant is bad wait until you hear this one...& then on wednesday we will discuss the geographical (hold the phone; i know i just used a big word; i think i saw it in the newspaper & decided to throw it out there) move i made & how it is now affecting the diet-o...& then on thursday we can discuss my plan of action for the two new adventures in my life & how i am going to exercise (for the record, i went on a walk last week, 1 out of 7; we all have to start some where)...& then friday i will be trying to psyche myself up for not wanting to eat Halloween candy...i know i am busy girl with lots of issues this week; but hopefully we can work them out & be back on track...

i know you have missed me; i have received a million emails (or maybe 1) saying you need me in your life...so never fear the fat girl is here & ready to b.s. you once again...

until "the b.s. continues" tomorrow...