
"quite literally," becoming old...

day 27...

...scene --> wake up this morning in a rush b/c of course i pushed snooze (which is not a surprise b/c i always push snooze & sleep five more minutes)...way too many times & now i am running late, and i needed to pack and meet my cousin for breakfast (who i am always late to (hello arab time) but this morning i couldn't be late because she needed to be some where, so i am running around like an idiot & end up leaving my apartment without finishing packing (ohh, and half dressed)...as i am running past my closet (which has full length mirror on the door, thank you landlord) i catch a glimpse of myself...which causes me to stop dead in my tracks, & think, "holy s*&% what the hell happened to me, thank God i live alone, so no one has to see me," (yes, i posted that on facebook, it was funny (well i thought it was) & i wanted to share)...i stop for another second to take another look (did i mention i was late for my cousin breakfast --can we say fat kid)...but have no time to deal with what i am staring at that is causing quite a scare...

yes i went out in public, do i need to say it again, BREAKFAST, nothing will stop me, so breakfast (check), then i run downtown to drop something off at work, & yes i still look like a hot mess, i was hoping to fly under the radar, but of course NOT, i had to talk to a million people (well not a million but way more than my face was ready to see)...work task (check)...then i go back home, i have just enough time to change my clothes, finish packing & quite literally not still deal with myself...

get into the car...hair a little scary, & then my face is whole other issue...ohh, i forgot to mention (which does negate the old statement) i have a zit on my chin the size of texas russia including siberia...so as i am driving, i decide to take on the first task, my hair...a side sweep to the side, i am pinning, and braiding, & then my mouth gasps (severe thought piercing through my brain -- WTF is that?) as i am staring not at one but a bunch of gray hairs, so what does any girl do, she calls her stylist...dial the number & tell the stylist i have grays and need a dye job, she laughs at me that would be b/c it is my mother, and calmly says, "we will deal with it when you arrive" (sure there laura, i can remain calm when my head is changing colors)...

so as i finish my hair, tryin' to hide the gray b/c i cannot pull them all out, i move to my face & look to see my eyes & the ten pounds of luggage that have permanently fixed themselves to under my eyes...i go to work...and finish not too much longer (hey, i know i am no make up artist)...i gaze at my finish product & think well at least it is a step up from what i was lookin' at 7:00 am...

i arrive at my destination, do a quick check & think this is it, it is time to unleash the beast...& think as soon this over, my a*$ and my stylist best be goin' to get the dye to eliminate my grays & turn back time...

...so enjoy while your hair is still the color that you were born with, enjoy while the bags under your eyes seize to exist...enjoy being able to wake up & not to have to put 10 hours in your prep time...

your "quite literally" almost 30 year old (ohh so not bitter about the aging process) friend...

<3 TZ

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