
over the years i have worked...

day 4 (i forgot which day i was on; which i guess is a sign of old age)...

i think i shall take a minute and discuss the elements of my working ability...by trade i am in education (special & deaf)...however i decided in my 24th year i would quit the kids, might as well try to kick a bad habit (i am kidding i LOVED my students it was the other s%#@, that i could not stand; have a conversation with a teacher, you will see in the first 5 minutes, 2 seconds of the conversation what i am preachin')...i decided to adventure into the big bad world and seek a job in a not-for-profit, b/c literally i would volunteer everyday of my life (but a stupid thing called bills & money get in the way, so i shall not be looking for love but a man who has a huge wad in his pockets & adores me so i can volunteer all the time; sorry i digress)...

so i was on the hunt, looked all over, ohh wait, i probably should mention this is also the time the economy decided to tank & no one wanted to hire someone with zilch experience...so what does any self-respecting teacher do, STRIP, come on (first if you have seen me, people would pay me to put my clothes back on) & that is so not me...i decided to wait tables for my brother, cause that is what people with not 1 but 2 degrees do when the family owns a restaurant (are you envisioning my big fat greek wedding, & did i mention his name is nick; yes i know i could star in the movie, LITERALLY)...in addition to being  a lifer (which even though now i got out of the business, i sincerely miss it, cash people, at your finger tips) i also substitute taught (yes i quit teaching to go teach someone else's class, hello it was damn good money; remember rich husband not there yet)...it was great i took jobs when i wanted & then hung up when i didn't want to, hung out taught kids & at the end of the day the bull$*#^ stayed & i left...

there i was waiting tables, substitute teaching, & looking for a job (having no luck)...but i did some of the most amazing things, went on vacations without taking time off (you don't make money; but you also don't get the time back in your life), hung out with my family without worrying about time...for those years time disappeared & it was so AHH-MAZING...time being a funny thing, we jam pack so much into a day that some times we forget just how precious it is & how little of it we have...so without getting to emotional & mushy (a little late) i am glad i did it prior to 30...if you ask me, we should retire when you are younger, enjoy life, what the hell, you get old & nothing works anyways might as well work then...there was my stint of semi-retired, i contributed to society a little, so i wasn't full retired...

after my little stint in semi-retirement, i decided ok i must get back out there and start looking for other jobs, maybe even go back into teaching full time...well here is the slight issue with teaching the Deaf, either there are jobs or there are not...so i was going to move & then i decided, chocolate was my calling (or rather my Godfather had a small company that needed some one to jump in), so i travelled the 5 hours to michigan and checked it out...& ended up taking the job...it was what i needed & God knew that...he knew i was ready for a change...to leave Ohio and go some where, not too far that i couldn't touch the people i love but He knew i was ready & to also start a new adventure...so the adventure has been going on for a little over a year & there is a purpose (still figuring it out, i said i am hitting 30, not flippin' 90; i only know so much)...& i miss parts of the jobs, well more so the people...you kind don't realize it was all about the people until you don't see them anymore...& i am blessed that the people i have met thus far are pretty stellar...SO a new chapter awaits in me in the land of chocolate & michigan :)...

hold the phone, a little seriousness just happened-- it will from time to time, i am getting old, we like to reminisce about the past...here is to all the working fools, may each day always bring a new adventure or at least a good story :)...& remember take it from someone with experience, be careful with time, it is a precious gift!

ps sorry little bit obsessed with the strikethrough (way cool feature)...

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