
& the a*# shrinking continues...

day 10...

you know when you decide that it would be a grand idea to get in shape & lose weight...& then you get so far in to it (like 20 minutes) & want to call it a day...& think wtf is this all for..so i can look great in a pair of pants, so i can walk up a flight of stairs & not lose a lung...but really what is it for & why the hell & i am doing it...we do it b/c food is so freakin good & that s%$# don't come in diet & if it does you know it taste like a*#...so in order to partake in those said meals or to look good for a friday night, we call on our friend (rather enemy), the diet...& so it begins...

...well today is weigh day & i am proud of myself however not to sure how much was actual weight & how much was water weight, either way a loss is a loss, & i am totally taking it...so i am now 26 lbs. closer to 30 before 30...now i must say the highlight of my week was not the raw veggies i was eating but rather those around me sayin, "30 lbs, you will be way too skinny..." bless their hearts that they think that this body can't stand to lose that & probably a few more....

...i also went on a walk it is my third in 10 days, pretty good (your thought -- fat a$#)...i need to build up to it & i have to stay strong b/c the winter is the hardest...it gets dark so early & its mother f'n cold...side note, it has been beautiful which only means we are in for a s*#$ storm soon...so yippee for that & for me who will choose to go lay in my bed & snuggle b/c its will be too damn cold & then i will curse myself for not taking more advantage of these beautiful days...

...see the funniness came back as well as some anger...the dieting version of me is a smidgen angry, i stared at doughnut today & said no, you know what that does to a true fat kid (have you not been reading), let's just say it is like denying a crack addict, crack..not pretty :)...

i shall survive & hopefully survive a little skinnier (i have been on this damn diet like a bajillion times) maybe it will work, if not i am stickin' with what i know & that is being a true fat kid...

Cheers to being skinny, to being fat, to whatever strikes your fancy:)!


  1. SO PROUD OF YOU AND YOUR 4 lb. LOSS!!!! Just a side note...even though I rarely and I mean RARELY work out...I have this fantastic video that isn't Suzanne Somers cheesy but actually very calming. I never have an excuse to not work out because I never have to leave my living room. Here's a link to amazon when I bought it on a whim. I HIGHLY recommend it. It's a mix of yoga/pilates/and who else knows what. Makes you sweat but just by pushing the muscle strength of your body.


  2. i will have to check it out & if my memory serves me correctly, i think you were a runner...& ps thanks
