
the beauty of a conversation...

day 30...

...monday, so not a fan; however i just finished a conversation that allowed a sense of peace & a smile to complete this day that i loathe so much...

...have you ever had a conversation maybe for only a brief moment, or maybe for hours & it was just what you needed...that person's voice was just what you needed to cause a smile to creep across your face...& you may have talked about the most important things, and you may even have discussed very insignificant things but it was great conversation...over the course of my 30 years on earth i have been blessed with many of these said conversations, & after each one, i always feel the same --> AHH-MAZING!

...when was the last time you had a conversation that captivated your heart, your soul, your mind where you wanted to write everything down that they said, you wanted to hold on to the moments of laughter, & record every awe-inspiring moment/thought that occurred...

...i am a talker, by nature (shocker) but most often the talk is just chatter, but after a great conversation, it always feels like i just ate the most satisfying meal, & i can now sit and relax & just be...no thoughts, no over analyzing, just be in that moment...it is such a peaceful moment, that it is almost indescribable...

...it is random, & has no sense of a path of where it will go, but it is true and honest, & it is a good talk...so my friends, talk on & do yourself a favor, have a great conversation!

<3 LP
<3 AS