
men & women...

can we really be friends, or is it a complete & utter myth...

day 28...

(side note: the stylist did wonders, i am now half as scary as i was:)

...if you have ever seen the movie, "when harry met sally" there is the a debate throughout the whole movie in regard to if men & women can actually be friends, or does sex get in the way...

well the long & short of it is they go back & forth (dating, not dating, friends, not friends), only to find out that they truly do love each other, so whether their friendship grew into a full blown relationship or the fact that they realized that the only way they could possibly work is if they were together as best friends & soul mates...so harry & sally have solved the conundrum that has been lingering for years, not quite sure about that..& its hollywood, they have to make the ending good, that is why we keep going back for more (or hence the reason we pay $10.00 to see those happy endings)...

i am impartial to this thought, actually leaning more towards the not being able to be true blue friends (30 years rather more so the last 10-12 yrs. of experience is where this is comin' from)...part of me would like to believe that is possible...not to say that we can't be friends, i am just talking like true, know your business friends...like those of the same sex can be with each other...

...does physical attraction get in the way?  are we incapable (well men more than women) of not being able to be just good friends?...

some say that in order for a true male/female relationship to work, it must go through all the stages & the two to come out on the other end in one piece...something like this happens --> girl likes boy, boy wants to be friends, boy likes girl, girl just wants to be friends, then they both like each other & then realize they are better off being friends...if they survive through all the mess than maybe they can end up being "just good friends"...

truthfully i don't think guys (maybe i am bias, not quite sure why i would be) can handle it (there are exceptions to this rule, but i use it as my general rule of thumb), either they want the girl, they start dating another girl & then push that girl (friend) out of their life completely b/c they cannot handle the balance or for some reason they think the girl can't handle being just friends & that they might lead us on and hurt us (the leading on/hurting only comes when you don't draw the friendship line & be truthful)...

shall i say more, or am i completely an utterly right, we can be surface friends (the few exceptions where it is more than that) but as far as true friends it is just not possible...

well how off base am i?  am i making any sense?  come on let me hear your thoughts (it always can't be about me blabbing, well it can but not tonight/today i want to hear your thoughts of the thousands ten that read what i put out there:)

<3 DH

sorry for my lameness, the last 2 days, i have no idea what is goin' on, writer/blogger block...


  1. I think guys and girls can be friends. In fact, I have a lot of guy friends that are great to just sit and talk to, but there is nothing there, but friendship. He's married, I'm married...

    Now am I friends with anyone I dated before marrying Dan? No...but the break ups were horrible and messy and a lot was said and done that I wouldn't expect either of us to be friends.

    So...to end my long response...I think if you've never been together in a romantic way and just meet (like at work, for instance), then yes you can be friends. But if you've been with that person, then I'm thinking no. You can't be friends.

    1. leah,

      thanks for posting a comment, & i totes agree with you about the friend thing & friends, b/c i have the same kind of guy friends where there is nothing & they good people to sit & chat with...i think it is the level of friendship with guys & depth of friendship that comes into play is more what i am thinking...i think it is sometimes can/will be super complicated...however i do not think i am making any sense...we will have to chat the next time i see you...hope all is well...loves to your face...thanks for reading!
