
checkin in...you still there?

day 26...

what better day to check in than some random day & not the last day of the month; well if you are me it is a great day...

so let us recap for a minute...or rather shall i give a quick news update of the many days of 30...

  • the card project -- 15 people, soon to be 16 people that i have sent cards to...i know i am still catchin up; have you written a card yet, even if it is just that one...
  • i am still a fat kid (a proud fat kid:)....i.e. 30 to 30, not going so well but i am not giving up hope, so you shouldn't either...
  • if this was a conversation that was a huge pause so i could check my goals for this year of 30, the memory is going...or i am having selective memory....blogging everyday (check)
  • wine, not there yet, & black coffee i think i am getting closer, especially if it is my favorite, illy
  • i have 15 people that are following me (no i did not pay them, yes some of them (well most) are related to me) so new goal, maybe at least get 30 people to follow this hot mess before i turn 30...we shall see (yes that was a subtle suggestion to tell a friend or two to follow it, hell they don't have to torture themselves & actually read it; just click follow) 
  • letting go, i am getting there, (circa blog post 1.25.2012, yes; yesterday's) just using different techniques, remember i am at least trying transparency on for awhile (or until it pulverizes me, so kidding, you should totally try it)
  • i have reminisced about my college years
  • talked about my sister (& how she ROCKS my world;)
  • revealed some valuable lessons
  • talked/blogged some more...
  • ....& yet you still read on...so this is the point is where i say THANK YOU, whomever you are, a friend, a relative, a stranger, for taking a minute (insert thought...what then hell is she talking about, minute my a*#, more like 20) to indulge in my journey to 30 thus far...not always the brightest crayon in the box, or the funniest, or even that interesting but yet you humor me (insert thought...how the hell does she know, well the people that let people like me blog give us stats so i know &...) i am much obliged to you :)...
...end of recap; lesson learned keep reading it can only get better (we can only hope); besides you never know what i might say, & the one day you actually decide not to read i could say something crazy (insert thought...been there, done that, this whole thing speaks mounds of craziness) or i could give a shout out to you or give something away (highly unlikely) but one never knows what i am capable of with my mac, topics flying freely, & me in the driver seat...just sayin'


<3 AP


  1. Keep writing and I'll keep reading!!! Also, I can totally help you with the wine drinking........ ;)

  2. thanks cena...& i might have to take you up on the wine thing...
