
simplest of lessons to the greatest...

day 9...(yep 2 in one day, aren't you lucky!)

this could get way out of hand...so i am only going to touch on a few & maybe if you are still reading say day 56 or day 342, then we will revisit this...here we go & p.s. just bc i am turning 3 x 10, does not mean the lessons are over from a retired (ha retired) teacher's perspective, you should NEVER stop learning, it is one of life's greatest pleasures!

**side note, i know you are thinking what happened she was so damn funny now all this stuff about time, & learning lessons, & blah, blah, blah...don't worry the funny will return, some times i can be serious or deeply thought provoking, it has been 30 years, i had to have those moments (every once in awhile, just sayin')...**

1.  -->one of my dear friends has been sick much of her adult life & she actually by medical terms should not be alive, but she is & is married & thank God doing well...she also has ONE of thee best outlooks on life....so after meeting her, getting to know her & eventually becoming friends i would often visit in her when she would make a frequent hospital visit...one time in particular, i remember looking at her & saying, how do you do this & still smile and be positive at the end of the day...she looked at me & said "there are so many people on my floor who no one ever visits, there are so many people who have no one, & are way more sicker than me...how can i not be positive & think how lucky & blessed i am..."  & from that day on, no matter what (& there are days where staying in bed & pulling the covers over my head sounds way more fun) i always think about her & think, look at what i have and how much i am loved, how can i have for one second not be happy & positive (now if you know my family they will vouch i am not always the happiest clam); however if the majority of my days i am than it is an absolute tribute to her...

2. -->this story leads into my second one which was taught by mother (actually she has taught me some of my greatest lessons, i do not think she even realizes how vital she is on my outlook on life)...my brother decided to play with fire & accidentally cause a fire in our house, thankfully by the grace of God we were all fine, the little pyro went to fire prevention class, & we had to move out & get new s*%$, we were the fortunate ones...well i did not think so, when i stood in my grandmother's basement & i was b&%$ about something i did not have (no, this was not yesterday, i was in 4th grade; yes i was just as feisty back then)...my mom looked me straight in the face with a "did that just come out of your mouth", & said, "there are people in this world who have nothing & way worse off than you, so SUCK it up..." & i looked at her & said nothing (hell, i knew not to talk back)...but it was actually something that stuck with me & was reinforced by a friend so many years later...my mom thinks she was way harsh, HOWEVER i do not, it is something i have never forgotten, her words, her look, her passion that at that moment we were lucky we still had each other, we had a place to live & food to eat, we would be ok...so no matter what, life could be that much worse...thank you mom...

3. --> (put your hands together for the last lesson, well for now:)...life is way too short, each moment is so important, cherish it & use it...cause that maybe all you have...in my short little lifetime thus far, i have been blessed with many people who have touched my life, left their footprints on my heart & i am eternally grateful for them...in saying that some of these people have lost people in their lives who are their world, they have lost sisters, brothers, mothers, friends, and so many more...& i know each one of them would give anything to have a moment back with them...i would & my connection is only secondary...actually my heart still hurts & i think how am i going to go on knowing that their physical existence is no longer there to hold, to laugh with, to talk to, to just be with....so i cannot imagine how they feel...i know those people (no matter how long or rather how short) were in my life for a purpose for a reason, God knew i needed them...so for those that i have come in contact with after fully understanding & appreciating this great lesson, i relish in the moments i have with them, i want to suck up as much of them as possible...b/c you never know & i never want to say, I should have...

...recap for my 30's...life may be sucking but it could be worse, suck it up ;)...life is way too short, each day is a gift, each moment with another person is a blessing, cherish it & live as if this was it...:)


  1. This post left me feeling content...like I just ate a big meal.. I think we can both relate to comparing things to food :)
