
how about you "weigh in"...

day 72....

**disclaimer 227...indulge into a good book...it will save you from indulging into food, especially if you strategically place yourself away from the food...

...it is about that time...day 72 & you have heard enough of my b*tch*n about my ass, how i cannot control my eating at certain points throughout my diet, & and then the all too familiar me blowing my points and then dreading weigh day...well let us reverse rolls...your turn to "weigh in" (i am so funny, try to contain yourself)...let me know what you think about my progress, be brutally honest, remember i can handle it....if you are dieting or otherwise a skinny person (i was going to use another word, but i am trying not to discriminate against skinny people), tell me how your diet is going or how you stay so skinny (i am smiling when i say that, well kind of)...& lastly give me suggestions (i.e..."if you spent half as much time on your diet instead whining about your ass, & your failure to maintain your diet, can you imagine how svelte you would be???)

72nd day...25 points...
...until "waiting to hear from you" tomorrow...


  1. So...my plan was to not start dieting or "tightening up" in nick's words until after Christmas of next year. I know that if I start now I will just down spiral after that and end up dieting three times before the wedding. HOWEVER, I was in the shower the other day (I'll try not to get too graphic) and was washing the appropriate parts and realized a second ass had started to form on the south east and west ends of my current cheeks. I wasn't planning on dieting for a while but I forgot that I tend to overindulge when I don't think I need to diet for a while. So! I don't really have any updates other than that I am gaining weight...forreals....and need to take it easy and at least maintain for the next several months or so...however...summer is going to creep along very soon and I'm going to need to wear a summer dress to the 8 billion different weddings that on the calendar. So Danielle, you are my mentor and I need you to yell and scream until I go to the gym with you. You have far greater will power than I.

  2. I second that AMEN...& kate you cracked me up...you should have totally seen the visual in my head...and I am on it...i will keep you in check...thanks ladies...
