
& the beat (THE STORY) goes on...

day 64...

*are you ready for another moment with our friend & her escapade...here are the previous just in cases!

where we began

that could be the end, but there was more...

we are not through yet...

& so we meet are man...

...ben first started working for, The Vine, eight months ago...he moved from a small town outside of detroit where he had grown up, he knew it was time to take his design talent to another place & besides his heart couldn't handle being in the same city as his ex...she destroyed him & he knew staying in the same place with the same routine would only make him live through hell on a daily basis...so he applied for this design job a friend sent him, got an interview, & a 2nd, and then an offer...& as he was getting ready to accept it when she came back in to his life...

...he is not even sure why she showed back up...maybe she wanted him back, a second chance at what, a miserable way of co-existing...& unlike so many other times, he didn't even respond, instead he picked up the phone & took a job far away from her...

...luckily friends awaited him as well as a whole knew life where he could forget her, well at least that is what he was trying to convince himself of...he had no idea, what he was about to step into...that his world would be completely turned upside down again & again by those of the opposite sex...

...when he first started his job, he was so overwhelmed he barely notice all those that were around him, fortunately for him he worked in an young environment, with some really fab people so making friends was not difficult...he slowly started going out with his work buddies & noticed that he was starting to enjoy his single life that he had forgotten about...& he also made a very conscious decision that at this point that is where he needed to be, in a single capacity just enjoying life...not that he wasn't enjoying a date every now & then, but he knew where his head needed to be & he wasn't about to go back there...

...so on Valentine's Day, when his buddies ask to grab a drink...he was excited to be ignoring the holiday he once put so much effort in to & just be with the guys...he did not anticipate that he might get chucked, literally, back into a familiar situation...

...he knew some of the girls from the office, he of course got the low down on each of them from reliable sources, his buddies, who had at least dabbled in the office water cooler a time or two with a few of them...those he knew were off limit & from his buddies' stories he was glad to have the intel...

...however the one no one could figure out was audrey...she mingled with the other girls, bitsy, an over achiever, loud mouth, office gossip was her best friend & no one could figure out why...b/c audrey appeared to be the opposite...audrey wasn't completely unfortunate looking, she had her moments, & as ben noticed this happen to be one of them...of course he saw her at the office, most of the time he noticed her looking at him or wanting to say something & then backing down...she was always friendly saying hi but not too much else...

...but unlike everyday for the past 8 mos., there was something different about her...almost a "i don't give a flyin' f*&*^" vibe that made her appear irresistible...he noticed her smile, and laugh it almost as if a spell had been cast on him, & the more he could hear laughing & talking the more he wanted to interact with her...she was like a magnet, she looked a little more cuter than usual, but it was her smile, something that made him want her...

...he hoped as the night went on the 2 groups would intermingle no chance...however later on in the night he saw her on the move, he was thinking maybe making her way to the bar, this was his chance...no sooner did he move to talk with her was she eating the floor beneath her...he about lost it but decided helping her was a better option, in hindsight he should have just laughed..b/c at the moment where he was helping audrey, & he felt like she was getting ready to say something, he paused only to be met with her meal & the many, many alcohol beverages she had indulged in...he wasn't sure if he was supposed to laugh or be utter disgusted...before he even had time to react...she was gone...& he was left to clean himself up...& to his dismay she never returned...

...his buddies bailed one by one & as he hoped for her to reappear he eventually resigned to the fact that she had some how left, so he paid his tab & left...while waiting outside for his buddy, his phone rang...a number he didn't recognize, he picked it up, "hi ben!" he almost dropped his phone...as he was about to answer her or tell her off he wasn't sure, he noticed the puker standing there getting ready to hail a cab...he closed his phone, saying nothing & walked over to audrey...

...after a few minutes of prodding back and forth he convinced her to share a cab...while she agreed, he could tell she was only doing it to show how NOT mortified she actually was...as the cab moved he could see that her drunkness had either wore off or she at least had vomited it all out...b/c they started having a normal conversation about where he was from, why & how he came to be living in the city, he hesitated at first but explained in an abridge version about him needing to get away, & touched a little on the girl...he sensed she knew that the wound was still a little too fresh so she quickly moved to discussing if he liked working at The Vine, as well as which people he liked in the office, and then ones he rather not work with...he really enjoyed talking to her, he felt an ease with her...as he was about to say, aside from the vomit, this has been nice to get to know you, maybe we should grab lunch & skip the alcohol...she looked at him with a serious face & said, "have you ever noticed me before tonight, do you not see me, that i literally had to fall right in front of you & then puke on you to notice me?" he didn't know what to say, no one, no girl has ever said that to him..."ummm, ummm"  & before he could formulate an answer she was there, pressing her lips against his....& then a jolt the cab stopped at her apartment...she handed the cabbie some cash & said, "you comin'?" he paused, and saw it in her face, that if he said no she would never ask him again..."yeah, sure."

...as they reached the front door of her apartment, she looked back at him, "please excuse," & before she could finish she was leaning over the porch, exercising her right to puke...she leaned back, "i'm sorry, usually i am not like this..." he chuckled, "stop i'm not..." & there was that smile...as they went into the apartment, she asked if he minded if she grabbed a quick shower, he knew she didn't need to explain...he grabbed a seat on the couch, turned on the TV & checked his phone, only to see 4 missed calls & 2 new voicemails, 1 from his buddy & 3 from the same number from earlier, it was her; he put his phone down deciding he wasn't even going to go there not now, not while a potential person was showering only a few hundred feet away...

...it seemed as if hours went by, he never understood why girls took so long no matter what...before he realized it, he had started to doze off, & the next thing he knew he felt a heaviness on him, he slowly opened his eyes to see her quietly walking away, he grabbed her pant leg..."what are you doing?"  she reminded him that she was showing kindness to him after he didn't flip out about the puke...& before she could get further away from him, he knew he wanted to finish what she had started...he stood up, move towards her & leaned in to kiss her...

...as she came walking in the door, he got distracted by his phone, a text from his past that he was trying to leave behind, but the distraction lasted only moments b/c there she was standing right in front of him, he had never noticed until that very moment how pretty she really was...he stood up gave her a slightly awkward hug, he could feel her tense up, and he decided that he needed to see, remember & feel everything so he went in for the kiss, & there he was back in her apartment, the same feeling...& then as he pulled away his phone went off, a text, 'baby, answer me,"...she looked down long enough to see the word 'baby' & then back at him, & he realized she knew it was her, she slowly started to back away and turned to head for the door...& she was gone...

...ben threw money at the table & ran after her...it had started to rain, but he didn't care, his first thought was she grabbed a cab but then he looked & saw her moving quickly through the crowd..."Audrey wait, come on..." it seemed as if the words were not meant for her, for she didn't even turn..."Audrey..." he pursued, luckily to catch her due to stoplight meant for him...as he grabbed her & turned her around, the smile was gone...she was shaking...

..."what, how, i mean..." half sentences were all she could produce..."wait a minute, i never, you have to let me..." she stopped him, "you don't have to, i get it, that was..." her voiced started getting choked up & then angry to cover the hurt...ben grabbed her pulled her in tight, she let herself be, she wanted him, she wanted to be in his arms & let the events of the night before be the only issue...but as she was about to say, alright go, explain, she felt a vibration from his pocket...& she pushed him back..."don't, please don't"...& just as the light was in ben's favor moments before, it was now in hers, & she jolted across the street, taking every ounce of her not to look back...ben didn't move, he was stunned...he grabbed the phone & look to see it was just his buddy, his head dropped...& he just let the rain hit him...hoping it would wash away the pain & confusion...

...we are not done quite yet...To Be Continued...

<3 LZ