
ohh Valentine, where art thou?

day 44...

a pre-valentine's story...i thought i would share this random story i found...just in case you needed a little love on this pre-V Day festivities or just perhaps wanted a story; i mean it is valentine's day so stories are good, yes?...

"...she woke up that morning, only to realize that everything was only parts of her dream...she rolled over, only to out stretch her hand to find nothing in her bed except emptiness, it was the same feeling that consumed her heart...everything was so vivid as if the moments that her dreams created were in fact true...she lay there & closed her eyes, trying to get herself to go back to the point where she was so in love & the man of her dreams was right there in front of her...the man she had wanted for so long had fallen for her...she opened her eyes again & nothing, still her bed, still no one was around...it couldn't be just a dream, she thought...again closed her eyes, & then drifted back off to sleep, and there he was...

...she hated Valentine's Day it stood for everything she wasn't or didn't have...which in her mind was, a couple, a significant other, someone's better half, their person...it wasn't that she hated those that were in love, in fact she admired & longed for the same thing they had...but at this point in her life, this was not the case...however in the back of her head there was that one person that could send her heart to the moon & back, she always wondered if he thought the same as her or if he just saw her as a co-worker...everyday when she woke up to the face day, she would think, pray & hope that this would be the day where he declared his love...& when the day ended she would stroll back to her car, and think, "ahh maybe it is for tomorrow..."  & being the hopeful romantic she thought wouldn't it be great if he chose Valentine's Day to reveal his feelings, & send her a rose for every thought of her, she knew the corniness it reeked of but at the same time it made her smile...& every Valentine's Day from when he started, nothing happened...her hope was seeming to dwindle, a small seed of doubt started to grow, that he would never look up & see her...

...after work,  a few of her girlfriends decided that on this Valentine's Day they would cease the moment & head to the bar for some drinks...why the hell not, no one was buying them a nice dinner, they might as well get sloshed & be single, rather than lonely, miserable woman watching some horrid chic flick...the bar was busier than they anticipated, as soon as they found their perch, she looked up to notice that her crush was standing at the end of the bar with a few other guys...she almost approached him right away, after all they were work friends..but decided in order for that to take place she would need liquid courage...

...well several drinks later, she had more than enough courage to walk up to him, & not just say hello but say a few other things that had been swimming in her intoxicated mind...she stood up, climbed over her friend, and then fell flat on her face...only took look up & see everyone laughing...she played it off, but under her intoxication she was mortified...a hand reached down to ask if she was ok; before she could blow him off, she looked up to see him...his eyes were as soft as the night's sky, and his smile as wonderful as the sunshine...in her head thoughts flew by, 'really you got to be kidding me, the one time we actually interact, & he is picking my drunk ass up'...she grabbed his hand, almost not wanting to let go, & as she was getting to express her gratitude, her body decided to reject the over indulgence of alcohol all over his shoes...MORTIFICATION setting in, the bathroom was her only sanctuary...

...a friend rushed after her, she stood head first inside a toilet bowl, sobbing & puking...& stating she would not go back out until he leaves...however; tell him her apologies & that new shoes would be making his way to him in the near future...her friend tried to convince her that it wasn't that bad...but she knew that now any chance of him seeing her differently was completely & utterly vomit, literally...

...a half hour had passed & a friend popped their head in the bathroom, to say it was time to leave, he had left...she stood up walked to the sink, & stared at a face that looked as if 4 year old niece decided to give her make over...complete with a dishevel hair do...she cleaned up as much as possible, and pulled herself together...one last time at the door, yelling to her friend to make sure he was really gone...then pushed through the door, grabbed her purse & beelined for the entrance to the bar...

...she stood outside & decided her next step would be to hail a cab, & head straight for bed with a chic flick in tow; which in hindsight looked really appealing...as she smooched all of her friends, and they all went their separate ways, a voice came up from behind her, "really you puke on me & then you send your friend back out to talk to me, shall i say middle school..."  she couldn't turn around & face him, "well that's what you get when you are trying to help a lady." dead silence, crap, he walked away & now i am talking to myself..."actually," as he stood, now right in front of her, "i found the whole thing quite funny, and it will be a great story to tell at the office..." her mouth fell to the floor, "what, i swear, if you..." he put his hand to her mouth, don't worry your secret is safe with me, ohh gracious one..."  he smiled & she melted...by the way, "want to share a cab, same area & all, just sayin'?"

("just because i'm in love with an uptown girl, you know i'm in love with an uptown girl...")  Her head flew up; wait what...the phone, "uptown girl..." she scours through her sheets, where the hell is it...ahh, eureka, unknown number, at the same time realizing her head has decided to start its own band & the drummer is doing his solo on her temple..."hello," "hey..."  her mouth shoots open & she drops the phone, last night???...

to be continued....

<3 EK

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