
a sunday, is the beginning or...

...rather the end of the story, or shall i say another chapter...

day 50...

where we began...

then there was some more...

(see i am making it real easy for you to follow along {or i just want you to keep reading & not be totally confused as if you aren't already!})...

...when she woke up to the sound of (the now annoying voice of) cyndi lauper; she wanted to shoot herself in the head, she then realized that none of it was a dream & she literally wanted to bury herself alive...but she knew that no matter how many times she closed her eyes & drifted back to sleep, her phone was going to keep ringing, she was still going to have to piece together the events of the night before, and she would also have to answer all her questions, among others, & even talk to him...ohh no her stomach started to churn, how could there...omg...& she darted for the bathroom...

...upon returning to her sanctuary of her bed, she gazed at her phone, mother f*; 5 missed calls & 12 text messages...thank God only 2 of the missed calls were ben; however as she went to scroll through the text messages she realized 10 of them were from ben...the 2 not from him were from bitsy, saying that ben was asking about her; so they might as well be from him...she kept reading what he was saying, about "how they needed to talk, how he was sorry but yet how much fun he had, how he needed this not to be too awkward, could i please call..."

...she looked at her clock, ok it is 1:00 pm, & i have completely wasted a day & need to face this, him...quick text, "meet me at GG's at 5:30 pm, we can talk then?" ...she waited & no surprise immediate response..."thanks, see you then."

...ok now she had to some how pull herself together, appear half way decent (if she could pull off hot, or "omg i am so glad last night happened;" that would be a bonus) & have some kind of f*&^% clue on what the hell happened the night before...she strolled to the kitchen, coffee, toast, aspirin; would hopefully start to solve some of her issues...a shower would be next to get rid of the stench she had been graced with...as the coffee finished up & she added her creamer, she realized that she needed to decipher her dreams from reality, well it was obvi that ben was in her apartment, bedroom, & dare she say bed at some point on the night of valentine's...

...the part that was so hard to figure out or remember was cab to apartment, what the hell happened in that cab ride...seriously, she thought, i could not have been that drunk; or could i...she strolled into the bathroom, removed her clothes or rather the rest that still manage to stay on her body...climbed into the shower...the hot water against her skin, made her feel a little bit more alive...as she finished the shower, a thought came "showering" back to her...she stopped rinsing her hair...the bathroom, the shower, omg i remember that part; b/c i decided to vomit at points throughout the night, i wanted to shower when i got back to my apartment...images came firing upon her, she was making out with ben in her living room, & then told him to wait while she ran & jumped in the shower...if nothing but removing the ick she felt, this shower was proving to be very helpful in allowing her to remember her night of shame fun, or so she hoped...

...after her shower...she lay on the bed feeling a million & half times better, her foot felt something & she pulled out her pj bottoms; ahh so she was at least dressed for part of the night...thank God; maybe she wasn't that bad after all...she looked over at her dresser & found two bowls, with spoons...ahh, she giggled in her head, we must have had late night cereal...he must think i am total weirdo...next to the bowls, was a t-shirt she did not recognize; she stood up and walked over to it...she lifted it to her nose...& at that very moment where she took in him all over & his smell the memory of the night before came rushing back...

& the story continues...

<3 DS

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