
now i remember what happened...

(**this is just a story!)

day 57...

& the story continues...

here are the first three parts, just in cases...
where we began

then there was some more

that could be the end, but there was more...

"...the memory of the night came back to her as if she was back in the moment where her dream was becoming a reality...

...she got out of the shower, &; grabbed a t-shirt and pants...and walked out to the living room & saw him sleeping...at first she freaked out, she wanted to jump up and down like a school girl...but instead she grabbed a blanket and pulled it over him...as she walked started to walk away she felt a tug on her pajama pant..."where are you going?" he looked up at her...she paused she didn't know what to say...(be mature, be bold, be sexy)..."well, i figured since i did puke on your shoes, i could at least let you sleep on my couch," she smirked as she walk towards her bedroom...

...she could feel him stand up behind her, and reach for her, as she moved..."no i meant, i want to finish what we started, since you do have feelings for me..." before she could negate her obvious big mouth comment about how much she liked him, his lips met hers & she was now melting into his arms...& she wanted to stop & ask him a zillion questions, but partly due to her intoxication along with her desire to be with him, she let him have her...

...she sat down on her bed, she was breathing heavy, what did she do?...how could she, she doesn't operate like that, EVER, the room started to spin...then she started to take deep, DEEP breaths...what if he thinks, i am that kind of girl, what if he thinks that it was a random hook up...at that moment she was thankful if for nothing else that nothing decided to resurface that she had just ate...her breathing had slowed down, she was starting to think more rational, all i have to do is remember the rest & then set him straight, feelings or not...

she walked over to her closet, and saw his watch laying on her desk...her mind flashed back to that night, well i suppose we kept moving from room to room...or he just decided to leave everything behind, just in case she didn't remember, she thought, either really thoughtful, or incredibly weird...

...as she stood there letting him kiss her and allowing his hands to navigate her body, they manage to walk & kiss into her bedroom...he sat on her bed, there he was her dream guy, her crush, & all she had to do was let go and just be with him...he pulled her close to him, she pulled back...he could sense her reluctancy, he looked up at her, "what is wrong?"  she stammered, "i just don't usually do this, i am not a drinker, for sure not a puker & omg, so far from a one night stander, i think that it would be..." she couldn't say it, she wanted him, and the fact that he was there, wanting, she stopped herself, wait a minute...he could see that her mood was changing...

..."what?"  he asked innocently...she was now standing away from him..."why are you here, do you think that you will get a*# from me because perhaps you think i am way too drunk to care & you know i freakin' like you..." his mouth dropped open..."umm, umm." "you totes did, you a*$hole. just like every other guy, i so thought you,"  he cut her off, "wait a f-- minute, i am not the one who announced in the cab that if i come back to your place, i could have you any place in your apartment..." her mouth hung open, and she felt like she might want to throw up all over again & on him... "however," as he noticed her starting to look more and more green, "i don't think that about you, i know you were speaking from a shall i say an adult beverage induced state...i watch you in the office, i see how you carry yourself...i know you don't take shit...truth?"  he looked up at her, a different look than what she had ever seen, she shook her head, she had now calmed herself down...where she was at least sitting next to him..."i was hoping that maybe i would get to know you a little better, don't be a girl & take that the wrong way," "ugh," he laughed, "know i want to know you outside a work, this, tonight just happened a little differently than i planned & so now here we are..."  

...she didn't know what to say, was he for real...a part of her was 'screamin' are you f-- kiddin' me, here is this hot specimen, and you are having a gut check, like really come on'  & the other was like 'tread lightly'...she sat there..."well, i'm hungry, do you like cereal?"  "what, really...you are not kicking me out?"  "not yet, i figure we could have a little more of a chat before i toss you, & what better way to chat it up than with cereal..."  she smiled..."frosted mini wheats or golden grahams?"  he sat there for a minute, she was waiting for him to say, hey i got to go...then he looked at her, stood up..."i guess golden grahams will have to do, i prefer life the next time we do this...

her breathing completely turned to regularity...ok she didn't do anything...then a thought dawned on her, 'no pants,' & 'the best i ever had'...what if she was remembering what she wanted & leaving her disgrace out of it...what if he saw, remembered it differently...what if she didn't remember what she thought didn't happen...she tried to go back to the night more memories, nothing...well if it was any kind of good why couldn't she remember...she looked over to at the clock, 'ohh no, 5:15,' how did that happen...her phone went off..."see you in 15, still comin' right?"  she thought for a moment, if i can't remember the rest how am i supposed to talk to him as if i do...but then it occurred to her, maybe that was it, she could play it off to however he recalled the events of last night & go from there...she would let him lead the conversation..."why of course :)" she replied...she could do this, be bold, be sexy, act like you know...

she grabbed her bag shoved his goodies in it, grabbed her keys, phone & jacket & headed out...here goes nothing...as she turned the key to lock the door & she pushed on the door, a thought slammed into her head...they were here, the kissing started here, she was up against the door, when they first started making out...so much passion, there was no flippin way it ended with cereal, another make out session & cuddling...mother f--, passion, her remembering him wanting her as much as she wanted him...right there it started, she knew it, he was not going to have the same memories...

...stomach churning as she walked down the street...she rounded the corner, GG's was now in sight...she wondered if she beat him, she looked at her phone, nope she was late, typical for her, & she knows he is never late...& there he was as she opened the door, sitting, waiting...she stopped & almost turned around...but something compelled her to go in, to move towards him...as she approached the table, he looked up and their eyes met, he had a smile on his face which instantly made her smile...he gently moved in for a hug & kiss, she allowed herself that moment, & then as his lips softly pressed against hers...she knew...the story wasn't over...

...to be continued...

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