
NYC -- how i love thee

day 34...

...have you ever been to a place where your soul connects to it, in a place where you feel completely & utterly alive...it moves you & you can spend hours on end in certain spots in this place & yet you have yet to discover all that it has to offer...

...one of those places that i have discovered over & over (and still discovering) is New York City...i love the city, & would function in this city if that is where i was meant to be, but for now it is my playground...so what makes me all goo & gaga for this city, that other people think, "ehh its ok, or i would rather hang out in detroit than visit new york...

...well i love the food (there is the fat kid we have been waiting to hear from all week)..& even if you ate out 365 days, 3 meals a day you would never, could never eat at the same place in nyc (shout it from the roof tops, a fat kids dream); besides that it has so much great food, & it doesn't have to be $55.00 poo poo platter, this is the stuff even i can afford on a regular basis...

...mass transportation, i love it, & new york has it locked up, been to LA, it sucks, & chicago is not too shabby...but you can hop the subway or ride the bus & you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out the maps or the system...& did i mention you don't have to get behind a wheel & drive, or pay attention (well pay attention to your stops & make sure you are going in the right direction, yes it has happened to me)

...variety & diversity...so many people, so many cultures all thrown together to make a city that is bursting at the seem with every kind of different person under the sun (yes, you can get that in other cities, but not that many in one place)...

...convenience, everything is at your finger tips, a coffee shop, a grocery store, a library, a movie, a park, a clothing store, a play, a bar, & it all can be in walking distance if you choose it to be...you can stay within your own neighborhood or walk a few blocks over & be in your friends with a whole new set of conveniences...

...there are great things to see, time square, empire state building, ellis island, statue of liberty, bryant park, st. pat's cathedral, serendipity (its based the place where the movie is based off of), central park, 5th & madison avenue, little italy, china town, soho, tribeca, the site of the world trade center, wall street, coney island, jersey, or you could (which i much prefer) to just chill in the city & watch it move around you...

what can i say, i'm a city girl...any takers?

<3 BA


  1. I'm an NYC virgin! And I really want my first time to be special, so I'm thinking I'll have to go with you to get the most out of it! Maybe we can take JJ too. ;)

    1. ummm, for sure, i would love it & then you will fall in love with the city, i guess we can bring jj!
