

day 37...

making my <3 :) one word at a time...

in my short stint as an adult (i say that b/c i am far from the maturity level of an adult but there are glimpses, some times)...i have had a compliment thrown at me from time to time & i must say they happen at the most appropriate times, when i need them :)...now i also must include i attract the most randomest people ever, & usually i lie through my teeth (i know i have a lot of bad karma, comin' my way, ohh wait maybe that is why i am single, hmmm) about having some crazy super possessive boyfriend, or that i am not allowed to date b/c of my religion, or whatever pops in my head no matter how absurd or unusual the story is & then i sell it to them like it is gold...

...first, you are thinking what does this have to do with love, well i love compliments & i would personally thank each one of these randoms if i had not lied to them five seconds before so...& second, you are thinking well she just confirmed she is certifiably nuts (SHOCKER, i think not)

so here are a few of my random moments filled with a compliment or too
(**these compliments i am referring to are those from the opposite sex; not that i do not welcome all/any & love all compliments)

...i waited tables for my brother & we had our share of people that came & went in to the restaurant, my section (the section i love is the counter, i love the access & the people are right there in your face)...this guy looks at me, (& i quote) "you don't look like no white girl."  & i paused, said thank you, and then walked back to the kitchen, still not sure what he meant but am still assuming to this day that it was good compliment...

...this weekend we were walking the streets of NYC at night, heading to our next bar & run in to three young gentleman (who probably saw 3 girls, & they were 3 guys so why not try to see if they could have some fun & they tried really hard; however no suspense here, epic failure)...literally opening line, "we are three guys, and you are three girls, let's go get a drink..." & he introduced himself, and of course i do likewise & provide my alter ego, regina phalange (gina), it makes a great conversation starter...i explain i am not from here, i am from michigan and then he tells me he likes our basketball team, & then i say well you have no shot now, b/c i hate michigan i am an ohio state fan...& then tries to use lebron james as a connection, & i reply wow, lebron left us & plays for miami...which he apparently thinks my feistiness is cute b/c he then replies, "i like you..." & is giving me creepy eyes, & conversation is finished, & we walk away...

...on more than one occasion (as i mentioned) i have lied about having a boyfriend, i even went as far as saying my boyfriend is a big athlete who beats me, and i love him so much i will never leave him, to also telling a story that i am unable to talk to guys b/c my family would murder me...why can't i say no, when they are just trying to use their game...i have no flippin' clue...

another recent story, walking up 42nd to 5th avenue and a gentleman is raising money for some cause, which i tell him i have no money for, so maybe he will leave me alone, but then he looks at me, & flat out says, "you are beautiful..."  yes i get semi uncomfortable, but manage to say thank you (people are usually not that blunt, besides that is a strong compliment)...he then asks if i have a boyfriend, & guess what i do, I LIED, my cousin was standing right next me, so i went all kentucky on him (NO, he didn't know i was related & NO, i do not roll like that, but it worked)...thank God my cousin played along & light turned so we could walk...he congratulated my cousin and said something nice to me again...& i moved on...

...don't mistake my stories, i love them, i am just not so sure how to deal with them, hence my awkwardness masked in elaborate ridiculous stories...leading to bad karma...what am i going to do, so here is my shout out, THANK YOU for the compliment, & i am sorry i lied...maybe slightly better karma now...maybe ;)

& remember, compliment someone, you never know when you are making someone's day & besides they have a great story to tell later...

go ahead, get your compliment on...

<3 MP


  1. Were they THAT repulsive that you didn't want to give them a shot?! Think of this way...you go on a date...you don't care what the response will be so you show your true self and then you get to decide if you like the guy or not! You should have seen where all three of these went! maybe not the "you don't look like no white girl"...I'm not quite sure what that is. Haha

    1. now kate shall i remind you of the scene at new years, where jess & you thought that guy was hitting on me...& lo & behold he wanted one thing...yep sista friend same with these guys, i can smell that play from jersey...however i appreciate your encouragement!

  2. I laughed through this post because I pictured or witnessed many of these events take place. Here it is- Danielle whether she likes to admit is amazing person and by letting her guard down a little- maybe these compliments will turn into something more. You are beautiful and amazing, stop and tell the truth because I know they would simply fall in love with you
