
a videos that will totally make your monday...

(hell they will make any day, thank you...YouTube)

day 65...

in 2005, three people decided to create a site where people can create video & then upload it to a site...yes i am talking about You Tube, & yes you can get sucked in for hours (like i just did)...so in honor of this site & all the laughter, talent, & fun it brings here is a list of some of my favorite YouTube videos...they brought a smile & a laugh when i needed it, so please enjoy!

1.  How to Wrap a Gift...
2.  Sh#t Girlfriends Say  (side note quite a few of these are funny...so take a gander)
3.  Top 60 Ghetto Black Names
4. You Know You're Arab When...
5.  Harvard Sailing Team - Boys Will Be Girls (then watch the opposite, Girls Will Be Boys)
6.  Siri Argument
7.  Sh#t Nobody Says
8.  Middle Eastern Mistakes
9.  Coast is Not Clear
10.  This is not YouTube but still a video & i found it entertaining... SNL Disney Housewives

bonus, not funny, but love ...Forever

<3 MM

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