
have you ever...zumba...if not...

day 87

...i think you should...so so fun...& you could lose your arss if you did it often enough...which might be my new plan...

so scene...when i volunteered at laughfest, one of the venues had a poster that they offered zumba (for those you don't know what it is it basically dancing to fun music & sweating your a#@ off at the same time; a fun way to exercise while gettin' your groove on) on tuesday nights from 5:30 - 7:00 for $5.00; i was like i should totes try that...i have always wanted to try it, my mom wanted me to go with her...so i figured why not; perfect opportunity...

...i couldn't go last week (not an excuse i worked); but this morning i packed a workout bag (i still remember how to do that) & then i went about my day...when it came towards the end of my day, i almost chickened out but alas no, i showed up, & went for it...some ladies in the class were really encouraging, explaining to me to not so much worry about my arm movements but rather my feet, the arms would come later...the instructor explained that the important part is to just have fun...& the music started & we were a go!

...no instruction out her mouth, just her body moving every once in awhile signaling to move in a circle, or a count...but basically you got to dance your way out of bag following her lead...& it was SO MUCH FUN... AND i learned --> literally music + dancing = my kind of exercise...so by the end of the hour & half class, i can barely keep up & i am half a#@-ing every move b/c i am tired...now i said if i could dance everyday of my life i would be a bean pole...ask & you shall receive...will i go back, HELL YEAH...will i seek out other classes, FOR SHA...

...besides at the end of the class, the cool down routine was to arabic music & she was 'quite literally' solo dancing, & i felt right at home as if i was at a wedding or hafli...yes, the music spoke to me & said come back for more...

...lesson of the day...dance your A*& off; cause i think that's the way i'm going besides why not ;)...

<3 RK

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