
every girl deserves a brother...

...or 2, 3, or 4...

day 66

well as most of you can assume (or rather you were guilted in to reading this blog b/c you know me so you already know), one can gather that i have a large family...& this one, this one is for my brothers...i think every girl deserves a brother, & in my case i was blessed with 4...3 older and 1 younger...having brothers is one of the best things a girls can ask for...why you ask...let me enlighten you...

...a brother, will be completely honest with you about the way you look almost to the point where you want to cry & then realize better him than some one else...they will take packaging tape & put on your hair...they will make you the coolest kid in school...they will triple dog dare you to squeeze mustard in your mouth for 30 seconds...they will launch a duct tape ambush on you...they will let you road trip with them to Nashville...they will have hot friends, that will know you & talk to you...they will karaoke with you...they will always let you be the third (6th or 7th) wheel, whether it to be a wedding or just to a party...they will people watch with you...they will make fun of others & have inside jokes with you...they will fart on you & burp in your face...they will sing crazy songs with you...they will beat you up, only for you to fight back...they will laugh with you & at you...they will protect you...they will watch over you...they will become your best friends...they will be your roommate...they will go out & party with you, and then clean you up...they will push your buttons to the point of wanting to slug them in their face...but at the same time hug them...they will scream at you, make you cry & then give you a big hug...they will make you tough and be able to stand on your two feet...they will be your biggest fan & worst critic...they will make you more aware of guy things (probably more than you will ever want to know)...they will listen even when they don't want to & give advice even you don't want to hear it...they will be there for you no matter what...they will hold on to you when your world seems to be crumbling...they will push you to be a better you...they will put up with you...they will give you a job when no one else will...they will move you a million times & then move you back a million times more...they will fix things even your heart with their jokes...they will just be, they will be your brothers, your friend, your everything, your heart!  

...to one of my greatest gifts from God...
my brothers...
JJ, Tony, Nick, & Joe...
all my love...

PD <3
MM <3


  1. Love this! You forgot one thing though - they gave you some awesome sister-in-laws as well! Maybe we'll see a post about them soon??
