
7 hump days & counting...

45th day = 7 hump days...

**disclaimer 23...cereal for dinner is good for you, it is A) part of the grain group & B) when you add the milk, part of the dairy group...throw in some fruit and you have now hit more than half of the food groups...(p.s. cena you are welcome)

today is my 7th hump day & i did not have too much going on today (literally; being semi-retired you got some time on your hands)...one thing i did decide on this day of rest;) was that i have to get my butt in gear in the avenue of exercising & get back on track...which i plan to do, not sure if it will happen this week but it is on my calendar for next week...hey at least i have a plan;)...and the other NOT exciting thing happened to me was i stuck to the points (well i went over by 1 but it was an avocado, it has fat but the good fat, at least that is what people tell me)...

...day 45 & not much to report on this hump of a day (i know, contain yourself, i am hysterical)...
...26 points...but there was some good fat in there...
...until a more exciting tomorrow...


  1. Hey there! Fixed the link on The View post. :)

  2. i did it...thanks...that would be awesome to win that trip:)
