
...the card project comes to an end...

day 365...

...after my friend sent me a letter an idea transpired...an idea that what if I took a minute out of my day to send a little note and then the idea came to life...and after many stamps, lots of paper (good thing i work for the company who knows a little bit about paper, thank you Design Design) and several notes to people stalking them for their address, the project is finished...

...the list (contrary to belief there is no importance in the order) of all the people who have touched my life, whether it be for seconds, minutes, hours, years and I had my chance to say thank you...thank you for touching my life in such a profound way that I am forever changed...now I know there is some that I missed and i hope in the upcoming year I remember to send a note & to just write notes when I feel it...but for now my heart thanks you...

Card Project 2012...

1. 1.15.12 Stella Kallil
2. 1.16.12 Andy Coleman
3. 1.16.12 Phil Lash
4. 1.17.12 Courtney Mix Davis
5. 1.18.12 Dave Gomer
6. 1.18.12 Tony Thompson
7. 1.19.12 Jeff Kallil
8. 1.20.12 Gina Horne Martinez
9. 1.20.12 Joe Zogaib
10. 1.21.12 Marsha Bracken
11. 1.21.12 Dorothy Kardatzke
12. 1.22.12 Tony Pedro
13. 1.23.12 Mary Ann Davis
14. 1.24.12 Rachel Saksa
15. 1.25.12 Donald Kallil
16. 1.26.12 Alayna Pedro
17. 1.27.12 Tom Zogaib
18. 1.28.12 Donna Howell
19. 1.29.12 John Collart
20. 1.30.12 Lucia Pedro
21. 1.30.12 Abe Saad
22. 1.31.12 Scott McCrary
23. 2.1.12 Christi Cross
24. 2.2.12 Kate Pedro
25. 2.3.12 Barb Atherine
26. 2.4.12 Angie Smith
27. 2.5.12 Andrea Kanaan
28. 2.6.12 Mary (g-ma) Pedro
29. 2.7.12 Katie Sterns
30. 2.8.12 Mandi Randall
31. 2.9.12 John S. Pedro
32. 2.10.12 Nancy Martin
33. 2.10.12 Andrea Pagels
34. 2.11.12 Jenn Nance
35. 2.11.12 Brian Guappone
36. 2.12.12 Emily Atherine
37. 2.13.12 Elizabeth Kallil
38. 2.14.12 Barbara Assatly
39. 2.15.12 Carol Broderick
40. 2.16.12 Janet Majoy
41. 2.17.12 Maggie Pedro
42. 2.18.12 Emily Benedict
43. 2.19.12 Diane Scott
44. 2.20.12 George Gusses
45. 2.21.12 Kristin D'Amore
46. 2.22.12 Kim Nance
47. 2.23.12 Gabriella Pedro
48. 2.23.12 Bridget Bockey
49. 2.24.12 Alison Gusses
50. 2.25.12 Christa Shalhoub
51. 2.26.12 Charlie Assatly
52. 2.27.12 Alex Pagels
53. 2.28.12 Debbie Zogaib
54. 2.29.12 Jessica Porter Buscemi
55. 3.1.12 Anthony Pedro
56. 3.1.12 George Pedro
57. 3.2.12 Marie Zogaib
58. 3.3.12 Sandy Matt
59. 3.3.12 Jeff Jones
60. 3.4.12 Lila S. Zogaib
61. 3.5.12 Mary Ann Maloley
62. 3.6.12 Phyllis David
63. 3.6.12 Michelle Moujaes
64. 3.7.12 Jessica Lawrence
65. 3.7.12 Olivia Kallil
66. 3.8.12 Kathy Chalhoub
67. 3.9.12 Bobby Goldyn
68. 3.9.12 Amanda Kanaan
69. 3.10.12 Francesca Pedro
70. 3.10.12 Angie Staten
71. 3.11.12 Marque-Ann Davis
72. 3.12.12 Bill Heidrich
73. 3.13.12 Jessica Zogaib
74. 3.14.12 Steve Somppii
75. 3.15.12 Tara Hackem
76. 3.16.12 Don David
77. 3.17.12 Jennifer Kallil
78. 3.18.12 Lori Giuliani
79. 3.19.12 Kristen Abraham
80. 3.20.12 Fr. Dave Reinhart
81. 3.21.12 Melissa Lago-Jones
82. 3.22.12 Nina Kallil
83. 3.23.12 Kim Pagels
84. 3.24.12 Paul Kanaan
85. 3.25.12 Katie Prins
86. 3.26.12 Nick Pedro
87. 3.27.12 Robert Kallil
88. 3.28.12 Ava Lago Jones
89. 3.29.12 Wanda Mudwiler
90. 3.30.12 Susan Birnbaum
91. 3.31.12 Marisa Pedro
92. 4.1.12 Cheryl Boynton
93. 4.2.12 Peg O'Hearn
94. 4.3.12 Marianne Schlick
95. 4.4.12 Marie Frimodig
96. 4.5.12 Mary McCartney
97. 4.6.12 Tom Vituj
98. 4.7.12 John Pedro (dad)
99. 4.8.12 Maia Lago Jones
100. 4.9.12 Kate Dowling
101. 4.10.12 Lynne Benzer
102. 4.11.12 Nancy Miller
103. 4.12.12 Dan Kanaan
104. 4.13.12 Len Simons
105. 4.14.12 Laura Kallil
106. 4.15.12 Leslie Sukup
107. 4.16.12 Anthony Abraham
108. 4.17.12 Amira Pedro
109. 4.18.12 Denise Gilbert
110. 4.19.12 Jackie Domin
111. 4.20.12 Kate Simons
112. 4.21.12 Amelie Lago-Jones
113. 4.22.12 Cena Pedro
114. 4.23.12 Alexis Scott
115. 4.24.12 Susan Beavers
116. 4.25.12 Tabby Gilbert
117. 4.26.12. Nick Kanaan
118. 4.27.12 Alex Nicola
119. 4.28.12 Kamel Ansara
120. 4.29.12 Jonathan Davis
121. 4.30.12 Michelle Benzie
122. 5.1.12 Jill Ferner
123. 5.2.12 Pete Bower
124. 5.3.12 Joe Pedro
125. 5.4.12 Chad Zeunen
126. 5.5.12. Mike Damas
127. 5.6.12 Heather Kurtz
128. 5.7.12. Hillary Miller
129. 5.8.12 Katie Walsh Spenthoff
130. 5.9.12 Arianna Bond
131. 5.10.12 Amber Moore
132. 5.11.12 Jessica Gilbert Connor
133. 5.12.12 Brooke Pauley Lord
134. 5.13.12 Jeremy Cousino
135. 5.14.12 Pete Atherine
136. 5.15.12 Liza Simrell
137. 5.16.12 Holly Bain
138. 5.17.12 Robin Gomer
139. 5.18.12 Michelle Azar
140. 5.19.12 Holly Hamed
141. 5.20.12 Petee Atherine
142. 5.21.12. Lizz Steinmetz
143. 5.22.12. Will Gusses
144. 5.23.12 Shannon Pauley
145. 5.24.12. Kevin Hall
146. 5.25.12 Joe Kanaan
147. 5.26.12 Tony Chalhoub
148. 5.27.12. Denyse Woods
149. 5.28.12. Chrissy Daniel
150. 5.29.12. JJ Pedro
151. 5.30.12 Sue Gusses
152. 5.31.12 Juanita Slaman
153. 6.1.12 Bridget Findlay
154. 6.2.12 Megan Boothroyd
155. 6.3.12 Lisa Kallil
156. 6.4.12 Jackie Shellabarger
157. 6.5.12 Liz Poppenhouse
158. 6.6.12 Missy David
159. 6.7.12 Ray Davis
160. 6.8.12 Eileen Durham
161. 6.9.12. Carole Abboud
162. 6.10.12 Lynn Hannig
163 6.11.12 John Broderick
164. 6.12.12 Judi Saba
165 6.13.12 George D'Amore
166. 6.14.12 Lindsay Gusses
167. 6.15.12. Mitch Howard
168. 6.16.12. Anna Nicholas
169. 6.17.12 Colleen Kanaan
170. 6.18.12 Doug Skaff
171. 6.19.12 Loretta Kallil
172. 6.20.12 Ann Brothers
173. 6.21.12 Kari Sharp
174. 6.22.12 Kristen Braxmaier
175. 6.23.12 Gaye Alverson
176. 6.24.12 George Saba
177. 6.25.12 Kim Ansara
178. 6.26.12 Leah Kanaan
179. 6.27.12 Dawn Evans
180. 6.28.12 Tammy Sharp
181. 6.29.12 Mary Bain
182. 6.30.12 Caitlin Taylor
183. 7.1.12 Laura Pedro
184. 7.2.12 Lisa Groendal
185. 7.3.12 Marilyn Creech
186. 7.4.12 Kirk Griffes
187. 7.5.12 Bo Durham
188. 7.6.12 Ann Franz
189. 7.7.12 Colleen Taylor
190. 7.8.12 Dianna Riffe
191. 7.9.12 Toni Moore
192. 7.10.12 Waleed Moujaes
193. 7.11.12 Michael Nassar
194. 7.12.12 Rachel Zelin
195. 7.13.12 Ann Barash
196. 7.14.12 Maloke Ansara
197. 7.15.12 Patty Carmean
198. 7.16.12 Tom Pagels
199. 7.17.12 Dan Kanaan
200. 7.18.12 Tim Sterns
201. 7.19.12 Alicia Sharp
202. 7.20.12 Evelyn Zogaib
203. 7.21.12 Dorothy Saba
204. 7.22.12 Jackie Ansara
205. 7.23.12 Beverly Bardwell
206. 7.24.12 Joanne Eberflus
207. 7.25.12 Laura Creager
208 7.26.12 Elyse Flynn
209 7.27.12 Angela Nassar
210 7.28.12 Kathy Creaturo
211. 7.29.12 Eddie Hollins
212. 7.30.12 Barb Kallil
213 7.31.12 Damaris Montano
214. 8.1.12 Joyce Salamy
215. 8.2.12 Missy Bishop
216. 8.3.12 Brian Bishop
217. 8.4.12 Leslie McArthur
218. 8.5.12 Mandy Cholodewitsch
219. 8.6.12 Jessica Burns
220. 8.7.12 Mike Martin
221. 8.8.12 Emmy Saad
222. 8.9.12 Beth Hensel
223. 8.10.12 Matt Slaman
224. 8.11.12 Beth Razoog
225. 8.12.12 Emily Berry
226. 8.13.12 Brianna Coolman
227. 8.14.12 Michael Chalhoub
228. 8.15.12 Andrea Marzean
229. 8.16.12 Molly Souder
230. 8.17.12 Fred Nassar
231. 8.18.12 Steve Creaturo
232. 8.19.12 Chris Lisi
233. 8.20.12 Chloe Benzer
234. 8.21.12 Corey Tracey
235. 8.22.12 Mike Martinez
236. 8.23.12 Victoria Hackem
237. 8.24.12 JoAnn Nassar
238. 8.25.12 John Lago
239. 8.26.12 Larry Howell
240. 8.27.12 Jennifer Conrad
241. 8.28.13 Ann Naumoff
242. 8.29.12 Janice Saba
243. 8.30.12 Katie Wagner
244. 8.31.12 Sasha Matt
245. 9.1.12 Bro Randy
246. 9.2.12 Nicole McCarty
247. 9.3.12 Joy Hajjar
248. 9.4.12 Marcus Creaturo
249. 9.5.12 Chalsi Eastman
250. 9.6.12 Al Percival
251. 9.7.12 Kelly Frey
252. 9.8.12 Angie Frey
253. 9.9.12 Karen Percival
254. 9.10.12 Kate Borchardt
255. 9.11.12 Dave Bain
256. 9.12.12 Sarah Abraham
257. 9.13.12 Phil Cowley
258. 9.14.12 Patti Johnson
259. 9.15.12 Brian Vura
260. 9.16.12 Nicki Lykens
261. 9.17.12 Renee Ellis
262. 9.18.12 Christine Sellers
263. 9.19.12 Nick Brandt
264. 9.20.12 Kim Kaczor
265. 9.21.12 Demond Dubose
266. 9.22.12 Elena Bossler
267. 9.23.12 Maria Chalhoub Ashkar
268. 9.24.12 Stacy Piper
269. 9.25.12 Melissa Barr
270. 9.26.12 Laurel Murphy
271. 9.27.12 Marina Tripodis
272. 9.28.12 George Chalhoub
273. 9.29.12 Janice Blocher
274. 9.30.12 David Abbott
275. 10.1.12 Nick Ellis
276. 10.2.12 Gary Parsons
277. 10.3.12 Alexa Nassif
278. 10.4.12 Nellie Moss
279. 10.5.12 Stacy
280. 10.6.12 Teresa Pummill
281. 10.7.12 Marty Pedro
282. 10.8.12 Diana Welsh
283. 10.9.12 Charlotte Best
284. 10.10.12 Laurie Hartford
285. 10.11.12 Kim Bremer
286. 10.12.12 Susan Harmon
287. 10.13.12 Marty McGurk
288. 10.14.12 Eric Littler
289. 10.15.12 Abby Hagen
290. 10.16.12 Julian Saad
291. 10.17.12 Kathy Abraham
292. 10.18.12 Marc Nassif
293. 10.19.12 Fr. George Shalhoub
294. 10.20.12 Mary Sue Timar
295. 10.21.12 Liz Schepisi Fossum
296. 10.22.12 Hadley Lago Jones
297. 10.23.12 Daniel LaValley
298. 10.24.12 Liz Bialecki
299. 10.25.12 Corrine Joseph
300. 10.26.12 Rebecca Tadora
301. 10.27.12 Judy Hood
302. 10.28.12 Lori Cox
303. 10.29.12 John Stewart
304. 10.30.12 Hendrix Lago-Jones
305. 10.31.12 Michael Hood
306. 11.1.12 Dawn Hanusz
307. 11.2.12 Mrs. J Saad
308. 11.3.12 Mary Schepisi
309. 11.4.12 Victoria Stewart
310. 11.5.12 Randy Bialecki
311. 11.6.12 Chris LaValley
312. 11.7.12 Betsy Hood
313. 11.8.12 Debbie McCrary
314. 11.9.12 Marty Hood
315. 11.10.12 Beverly Trezek
316. 11.11.12 Cheri Ellis
317. 11.12.12 Fr. Jim King
318. 11.13.12 Nick Atherine
319. 11.14.12 Dorothy Seitz
320. 11.15.12 Sharon Grzywinski
321. 11.16.12 Jori Hindley
322. 11.17.12 John Sollers
323. 11.18.12 Suzie Roth
324. 11.19.12 Jena Keller
325. 11.20.12 Duane Seitz
326. 11.21.12 Bethany Perry
327. 11.22.12 Jenny Atherine
328. 11.23.12 Tayler Spellis
329. 11.24.12 Marcia Collart
330. 11.25.12 Samantha Paez
331. 11.26.12 Becca Ritterspach
332. 11.27.12 Ally Lippert
333. 11.28.12 Mary Beth Walsh
334. 11.29.12 Kristen Carmean Lowenstein
335. 11.30.12 Jenny Cromley
336. 12.1.12 Mary Walsh
337. 12.2.12 Pat Horne
338. 12.3.12 Mary Kulwicki
339. 12.4.12 Lena Nicola
340. 12.5.12 Courtney Morgenstern
341. 12.6.12 Fr. Michael Kontos
342. 12.7.12. Leah Axdorff
343. 12.8.12 Tom Wardlow
344. 12.9.12 Mark Kurtz
345. 12.10.12 Alli Kulwicki
346. 12.11.12 Emily Warner
347. 12.12.12 Mary Ann Warr
348. 12.13.12 Connie Tolson
349. 12.14.12 Kathy Hughes
350. 12.15.12 Zee Czerniak
351. 12.16.12 Emily Hughes
352. 12.17.12 Lauren Czerniak
353. 12.18.12 Jenny Scott
354. 12.19.12 Nancy Wanha
355. 12.20.12 Katie Haney Watts
356. 12.21.12 Mandi Kulwicki
357. 12.22.12 Mania Pothorski
358. 12.23.12 Anna Haney
359. 12.24.12 Helen Drosak
360. 12.25.12 Mike Parker
361. 12.26.12 Nick Haughton
362. 12.27.12 Jeanice Gantus
363. 12.28.12 Laurie Czop
364. 12.29.12 Lindsay Czerniak
365. 12.30.12 Sonny Pedro
366. 12.31.12 Joe Czop

<3 SP

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