
15 in 30 = ME! --> ...the world is full of emotions, that is why life is not boring......

day 226

3 days --> "...the world is full of emotions, that is why life is not boring...

...we fall down, we either laugh or we cry...someone cracks a joke, we laugh...somebody cuts you off on the highway, we get annoyed...your niece or nephew runs into your arms for a hug, your heart melts...

...our lives are dictated by emotion...(i know women are so emotional, blah, blah; well maybe if you were a little emotional we wouldn't have to over compensate for you and we wouldn't be SO emotional...see there it is emotion...)...as it dictates our life it also provides the musical score to what we are living day in & day out...one can choose to embrace the score or try to dismiss it...my advice to you, is embrace it, if you need to cry, ball your freakin' eyes out...if what you need is a good laugh, laugh away...if you need to scream b/c someone is being an idiot, do it...

...keeping those emotions bottled up will only be cause for one thing to happen, for you to burst at the seams and who knows what havoc you will rain on once you get going...God intended us to have all these feelings, and to express them (yes, express them in a healthy way:) so people will know what we are feeling and most importantly we will know what we are feeling...

...so me & EMOTIONS how do we size up...
i live to LAUGH, i hate to CRY, i despise being ANGRY, i love to be HAPPY, i rather not be SAD, i enjoy CONFUSION (hell, that is where i function at 99% of the time), i don't understand HUNGRY(cause i never am), i do not do WORRIED or STRESSED (or at least try not to), i can handle being EXCITED but not SCARED, i can always use a good SURPRISE, i am usually SLEEPY, i tend not to get DISGUSTED but it has been known to happen, it can take a lot for me to be EMBARRASSED, & i am never SHY (don't see the point), and on a daily basis i will be and can be LOST on anything and everything...
this is me, my emotional baggage and all...i can always promise a good time, may not be the smoothest ride, but everyone needs to take risks...get on the EMOTIONAL train, & see where it takes you...

<3 bc="bc" p="p">

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