
it's reunion time, relax it is not me & some food getting together, rather me & some old friends...

day 136...

**disclaimer 592...plan your diet day...don't get crazy...you don't need to say at 12:10 I will be eating 1 banana & a weight watcher meal (that might be borderline obessive)...just think ahead so that later on you aren't thinkin' damn I shouldn't have eaten the cookie & the icecream, now I have no points to actually eat my dinner....

...typical hump day....I meant to tell y'all...I have another motivation to lose the fat that surrounds, rather succombs my whole body...my lovely 10 year reunion from high school is this year (i.e...my high school class coming together to admire what each other has become & then basically gossiping about who looks like shit & has done shit with their lives, well just like I will not be the fat bridesmaid, I prefer also not to be the fat ass classmate, who has let herself go and everyone is like, " damn what happened to her."....we all have been there...

The reunion is in august so I have some time to get myself together & hopefully over the next 3 months, I will lose another 12.5 lbs....which would be amazing...watch out world, here I come (now I just need a job for my hottie body)...

& p.s...I realize the REAL reason for losing the weight is for my health and my own personal image...(right & whoever believes it is just for themselves (& I'm not saying part of the reason isn't for yourself but come on), can go eat a donut and then get into a bathing suit while singing, "I'm every woman" in front of your entire graduating class & the hot guy/girl you have a crush on...any takers?

Ok enough of me I'm out of control...what a hump day...day 136....wow...
...until "controlling myself" tomorrow....

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