
...embarrassing moments, did that just happen...

day 315...

...you trip up the stairs, your skirt is caught in your panty hose...you have a booger hanging out of your nose...you fall off a chair for no reason...those are the moments...where you want to shrivel up and die and then later die of laughter (hopefully)...

they are the moments of embarrassment that help us form who we are...I have had my share of falling up steps or chairs but there is one I will never forget...

...'scene, circa 2000, central catholic hs retreat/diversity week...an assembly where the mood is respectful and somber...& I step up to the podium to read a poem...I'm off and start reading, I come to a word, 'crutch' and I say CROTCH well of course I have to fix it and that is where I become mortified...everyone has now realized I have said crotch...assembly is over and I'm destroyed and to add insult to my slip my guy friends yelling crotch as I walk down the hallways or die laughing when they keep saying they know what is on my mind...I wanted to run and hide but then I found the humor (many years later, no just days) in it...& I decided it was funny, it was not the end of the world ...if you can't laugh at yourself then someone else will...

<3 bt="bt" p="p">

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