
the call back game 2012 style...

day 152...

...first, here is to the end of may, so that is 152 days gone from the year, 152 blog posts, 5 months gone, 2 months & 15 days until i turn 30, 152 cards written & through it all, i have & continued to love it...so CHEERS...

my little cousin (well she is not little but younger than me, think texting generation) but anyways she, really all of my younger cousins, they are texting everyone they know, i think their text to phone call ratio has to be 100:1...this would include boys; however i learned that there is a waiting game here...one of which i am terrible at...

let us back pedal..remember ladies, back in the day (like less than a decade ago) there was the 3 day rule, a guy would not dare to call before the 3 day mark, any guy that actually called before 3 days had to have something wrong with him...then if he didn't call after the 3 days it was completely over, and then if he called on the 5th, 8th, or 12th day, we would make up some excuse for why he didn't call sooner...then the cycle would repeat itself, until either the relationship evolved or you found a new guy to start the whole process again...

welcome to 2012 version of the call back game that now exists in text form...& i have witnessed this first hand...so if guy texts you, even if the phone is sitting in your hand, DO NOT text him back right away, that is a 'no, no'...instead wait several hours or a day and then text him back...but it doesn't just stop there, & the two of you start a conversation, why would you do that...NOPE, he most likely will not text you back, b/c apparently it would be too easy to just answer you, even if it is simple answer or say i can't talk...so there you are looking at your phone & no response...then when the "appropriate" time has passed he might respond, or you go ahead and send another text asking a very explicit question...which then also makes you look like the beginnings of "annoying girl" but in reality you just want to talk to him; did i mention the idea of actually talking to him is so 2002, so you wouldn't even think about calling him...so after hours, or a day, or the second text, he finally responds to you...instead of ending this crazy game you make him wait...are we getting the picture...

i do not fit in to this waiting game, actually i am the exact opposite, my cousin (the same one i mentioned) refers to me as a super texter, basically i over text, answer when i am not supposed to, and do not wait even a second if i have my phone...cause you know why, WTF is the point...so they think you can't or won't respond, or are so unavailable...i have news for you the whole point of texting is so you can respond when you can't have a 5 hr conversation...

i would say the majority of the world have their phones attached to them...so to take a minute & respond hurts who...no one...& if you cannot respond, then respond when you can, but don't leave someone hanging...& this whole idea of having an entire conversation via text blows my mind as well...i think texting should have the same etiquette as the phone or emailing, so dear phone companies and email companies, create an auto response for texting; they could say the following, "i am busy, will text back later..."  "you suck, please stop texting me..."  "when i ignored not just the first but the fifth text, i hope you would get the hint, HINT, don't text me, i am not going to respond..."  "hey psycho, stop texting..."  "i am sorry you are blocked, get a clue, stop texting me..."  "i have received your text but i am driving, & will respond later..."  & you can even custom your auto-text backs...think about how many lives you could change or rather how much time you can save...

now that i have talked about this for 5 paragraphs too long...go text some one & then wait or dare to be different, don't wait & when they respond, do me a favor just text them the f*#k back...

<3 JS

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