
an elephant never forgets...neither do women

day 179...

...so the older we get the wiser we get right, well we all would like to think so...

i have become wiser due to recent conversations...which leads me to the this blog post...

this is a very true statement on all ends, i mean I cannot speak for the elephants however, being a part of the female species, i know we never forget...now as you are shaking your head and your boo is saying i know I was right...I want you to think about all the times you have gotten into argument/discussion with anyone, especially your significant other...then fast forward to days/weeks/years later...another argument/discussion...you bet your prada shoes your memory will be primed to recall every detail from every discussion from years prior, i don't even care if it was 20 years before, our brains retain information like it is intelligence for the CIA...

you will start pullin' comments out (even if they don't pertain to the discussion) like, "remember when you said i didn't know what i was talking about." "remember when you said i couldn't cook like your mom." "remember when you left your shoes on the step and i tripped over them and i specifically told you don't put them there & that is why i'm upset, you never listen."

...we, females are shaking our head, thinking, i don't do that..i have never done that, when in the back of your head you just did it yesterday...and your boyfriend is now thinking, this is ohh so familiar...how does she remember all that stuff, when most of the time during our argument I can't even remember why we arguing...

so yes ladies, we have this small indiscretion, but you have to also remember that we also hold on to and remember the good things...like when we are sick and they make us soup, or if for no other reason but just because they bring us flowers or send us a card...or they sit through a play when they would rather be playing with their boys...or when they stare at us and say, "what girl"...

it's just at some moments when we need ammunition we know where to pull out the weapons of mass destruction...& then you better watch out...but, hey we still love you ;)

<3 DE

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