
Card Project Update...

day 171

...i know you were wondering about it...so let provide you with a quick update...yes i am about to complete 171 cards as of this evening...i would be a liar to say if they always went out on the correct day...HOWEVER to date i have 171 that i have completed...i am extremely pleased with it & now have found it my personal goal to finish strong no matter what....

my cousin is fascinated by this project...and always asks me how it is going and how people react to these cards...well i must say i have been surprised...i have received oodles of kind words in return...i am and still not expecting to hear anything back from people...that wasn't the point, the point was to say, "thank you for touching my life...thank you for being you...i am a better me b/c of you...you literally make my heart smile..." when i do receive a note back i am floored and humbled by their words and some times feel overwhelmed with love & peace...my favorite is to hear that it came just at the right moment...i like to make people's day a little bit brighter...& that is what i hope each and every card does do...it provides hope when all seems lost, it provides happiness when there is so much sadness, it provides peace when you are struggling, it provides a smile when there seems as if there is nothing to smile about...it provides love, it provides faith...it provides a hug & a kiss...& it has made me appreciate life even more and surrounds me with so much happiness and overfills my heart with blessings...

the power of words lasts forever...until 172

<3 LK

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