
you have nothing to lose...

day 115

my deepest apologies that i did not post yesterday (i know you are deeply saddened by that), but if you have noticed (the whole one of you that looked) i posted twice today so as to stay on track...

the phrase goes a little something like this..."go for it, you have nothing to lose"...in actuality you have everything to lose and thats why we don't just go for it...most of the time human nature pulls us back & we are stuck in the moment where we are always wondering what if i just said something, or if i would have just done it...& the things that scare us to the core we will most likely never take a chance on b/c we feel we have everything to lose...that feeling in itself is way greater than that of a "what if"

so how does one approach this notion that they have nothing to lose?  do we operate life always in the no fear zone?  do we throw caution to the wind and just put ourselves out there?

ultimately it is solely up to you, b/c no matter what, at the end of the day it is going to be you & that decision you made...you have to determine the worth in both of those options & either go for it, or let it go...are you going to be the one still sitting pondering your what if's or are you going to be the person that says well at least i tried no matter if you lost it all or gained everything...

so what's it going to be...going for it as if you have nothing to lose or lose nothing b/c you never put it out there in the first place...???

<3 SB

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