
are you a stalker?? (read on, i'm going some where)

not a real one of course (well at least i hope not; if you are my sister in law is a shrink (close enough she has a degree in counseling) she can help:)

day 93...

facebook (FB) was introduced like yesterday ions ago & has become a massive craze...people of all ages log on more hours than they actually do work (true fact) to comment, post a status or a picture, to find long lost friends, or to just waste an absurd amount of time...hey i am not pointing fingers, i am guilty of all those things including FB stalking, i have decided to categorize it as a syndrome...

...these are the symptoms (they can vary case by case), you get on FB really quick to update your status, or post a quick picture & then all of sudden you get sucked in by someone else's post or picture...

...for instance if i was that type of person, which i am not (usually those guilty of said behavior tend to deny, deny; just sayin')...i proceed to get on FB to, i don't even remember why, & then i see some pictures of a girl i know...i then proceed to find out she is engaged (yes you congratulate her)...then i thought to myself how in the hell did i miss that...so after stalking all her pictures...i definitely have to go to her profile page & stalk all the way back to the point where she posted that she was engaged & got 100 million likes or changed her status to engaged...so there i am 11:51 at night (i mean this is hypothetical, i would never) scrolling through this girl's page to find out when she got engaged...& i had to go all the way back to last summer...& i am thinking i am so way out of touch how the hell did that happen...i need to step up my game...then i scream stop...get off the site right now...that is how an "hypothetical" instance of stalking works...

or...for instance you do a quick FB scroll through statuses & you notice a friend of yours is at the exact same play as you...so what do you do before the 2nd act starts you shoot him a quick text...which by then he figures out either its a weird coincidence that you just happen to know that he is there (yeah you just happened to guess that he be in toledo on that day at that theater at the same play as you & i am a size 2, which as we all know is not likely now or the near future) or you have committed an infraction & basically admitted that you FB stalk...& you are now, just got your hand caught in the cookie jar, GUILTY...

it just so happens, i have a very dear family friends' mom who post pictures about her kids, their spouses, her grandkids...anything major/minor, she takes pictures...i LOVE it...why b/c i am a FB stalker (ok i said it)...i am going ahead & putting it all out there (seriously i am not alone)...i do it, & i honestly can't help myself...you don't dangle a donut in front of a fat kid, they are eventually going to go for it...& that is what happens...

so either you just say NO (just like the DARE program) to whole mess of a situation or you shout it from the mountain tops a blog, i am a FB stalker, watch out (but by all means keep the info/pictures/statuses/major or minor events a comin', please)...(yes i have consulted my sister in law & we are now in a support together; besides she says (or at least i think she would say), admitting you have a problem starts the process of healing...

until then...
Cheers to the stalk....

<3 PO

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