

day 110...

"once upon a time...they lived happily ever after...it was a dark & stormy night...there once lived a..."

all these phrases catapults us in to some of our favorite stories...isn't that why we indulge in stories about people we will never meet...it takes us away from reality, to fall in love, to cry just cause, to cheer on the underdog, to make believe we are princesses or fighting aliens, to see the girl get the guy, or to believe that we are conquering the world, or to experience passion, or to just be a part of the unimaginable...no matter your genre we read because for those pages & those moments we become the characters like or unlike ourselves & we get to have a happy ending, or an unpredictable turn of events or if we are lucky we learn a lesson...

to read is to continually open your imagination & expose yourself to so many different worlds...i so wished i would have figured that out several years ago, the power of a book, the emotion of a story, the endless meaning of words...b/c now when i do read it is such an amazing pleasure & for those moments when i get sucked into a story, i live & exist within the story...& lets face it; it is like being a kid & playing pretend...& who doesn't want to do that every now & again...

...so take a moment, read a book, & allow yourself to imagine :)

<3 JD

“From that time on, the world was hers for the reading. She would never be lonely again, never miss the lack of intimate friends. Books became her friends and there was one for every mood. There was poetry for quiet companionship. There was adventure when she tired of quiet hours. There would be love stories when she came into adolescence and when she wanted to feel a closeness to someone she could read a biography. On that day when she first knew she could read, she made a vow to read one book a day as long as she lived.” 
 Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

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