
vulnerability...can there be a balance...

...when a boxer learns how to fight they are taught to protect the body; to not let the body be vulnerable to hits to the chest or the face...if you protect the face or the chest from those hits, a boxer's body can withstand the punches...however if your opponent is able to engage and get a punch off to the face or the chest, it will make you more vulnerable to more hits & eventually could result in you losing the fight... --> so we learn that in order to come out on top, one must not let your body be vulnerable & protect it at all costs...

...however in yoga one does several positions and moves where the chest is to be opened up; leading with your heart & in fact at the end of a practice a position, your body moves into 'shebasyna' (i have no idea how to spell that word); this position is where everything is exposed, you are completely vulnerable...laying on your mat hands palm faced up, legs spread out, chest is lifted off the ground, completely & utterly vulnerable to whatever maybe coming your way...

...am i making any sense; am i giving exercise tips, fat chance, literally, me giving exercise tips is like me passing up pie, it should & will never happen...this is about vulnerability (my SIL, kate will love this post)...& as i was laying in yoga class at the end (i said i don't give advice i need it all for myself) i thought about how vulnerable i was to anything & then my mind immediately raced back to that of a boxer...

...by nature i am a boxer; i will protect my chest, my heart; at all odds so as to not let either of them take a blow...however during my yoga classes; while laying on my mat...my heart, my chest are completely exposed and to my surprise I am at peace; it actually feels pretty damn good...I am ok to let my chest be open and for my heart to lead...

is this progress, does this parallel real life and I can allow myself to be vulnerable...or does this mean what it means two different sports with two different approaches??

or just maybe it's a step in the right direction & I will find my balance between the yoga mat and the boxing match....

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