
the quest to expand my brain...

well one should never stop learning...or at least that is what i keep telling myself...i actually like learning (if you would have told me that 6 years ago i would have said no freakin way; well just as life has a way of surprising us; here is another one)...it is fun to learn when you are interested in a topic...i am taking classes to become an interpreter for the Deaf..i should have listened to my mom (another lesson--another blog post later) & finished my degree a way long long time ago but i am now doing it so chuck one up to not listening to a much smarter woman than me :)...not so smart...

well i also decided it would be great to learn other things as i get older...i have decided my next language to learn is Arabic, not bc i want to be some interpreter for the government...but bc when i go into a Middle Eastern bakery and everybody and their mother are speaking Arabic i know what the hell they are talking about and can order in Arabic...then i don't have to look like the white girl who has no idea...it is kind of like street credit...

& i have always always wanted to learn, my grandparents were both from Lebanon, and both spoke it fluently but that is where it stopped...my mom understands it but cannot speak it (back when she was growing up, not the coolest to be different--think bringing pita bread sandwich to school rather than sandwich on white bread, not the coolest kid, then)...& she wishes she would have kept using it, but didn't....anywho...now my turn and I want to learn!

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