
why should you be on the skinnier side???

DAY 40...

**disclaimer 32...surround yourself with encouraging & positive friends...the ones that are with you when you are eating donuts, the ones that hand you a tissue when you can't zip your jeans up, & those that will say, "damn girl, your ass looks good!" when you lose a few...

...friday was definitely an experience not a good one in the points department...but overall i found a new reason to lose weight...while at my brother's house i was watching a scary movie and the girl in the movie could not fit through the small window because she was too big...& this girl was not a fat girl so what does that say for the girls a little more on the heftier side...so here is the reason...you DON'T want to be that girl stuck in the basement by her psycho adoptive father with no way out but a small window & your ass doesn't fit through & so you have to wait until he passes out from drinking way too much vodka (which we all know he is faking) to walk pass him because that is only way you can grab the keys to the car to escape...but lo' & behold he wakes up, grabs your arm & you are caught once again...this could all have been avoided if you just lost a few pounds & fit through the damn window...and P.S...the doggie door scene in "Scream"...if her hips were a little smaller she would have made it through the door before it crushed her...so just think: your life or that cookie....hmmmm...

...40th day...points....lost track as i shoved the 15th nacho into my mouth...
....until SUNDAY!!!