picture this....me exercising & then here it is (well from 2 yrs. ago)...aren't i brilliant having my niece & nephew in the stroller in front of my body, so you only see a portion;)...
**disclaimer 23...you can disguise any part of your body by placing something in front of it...like a small person or persons (your niece or nephew or both of them) to hide your thighs or a large purse to hide a little or lot of your stomach...
Hump Day, we meet again...i'm feelin' better, enjoyin' some food & did some exercising...so i think i am back, thank God....i also think that i am totally adjusting to the points system...i am finding myself not consuming all the points...yeah i say that & watch tomorrow i blow my points out of the water...but as for right now i am going to claim my appetite is shrinking as well as my stomach, that's right, bet your fat ass or mine that i am becoming a new thinner version of me...deep down we all know a fat kid is waiting to come out, but fingers crossed the skinnier kid will want to kick the fat kid's ass at least for the time being...i think that is enough talk for hump day, hell i showed you a picture and got "physical" today, well i mean i described, almost a fight between a fat kid & skinny kid, well not described but mentioned so that counts for exercise right?....kidding i did walk to fridge a couple times to get a glass of water, grab the jelly, i even had to unscrew the top for the jelly and then go put it back & i can't even tell you how many times my arm had to curl (there is an exercise term for you, healthy mind = healthy body) up to my mouth to put the food in...whoa & now i'm spent & going to bed...
day 31...21 points...see banked some of those points...score for me & hell with all the exercise i'm taking part in, its a one way ticket to NO more FAT bridesmaid world...
...until tomorrow...
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