
a fat kid eats both an appetizer & a whole meal...& probably will go for dessert

DAY 25...

**disclaimer 254...you CAN wrap it up and take it home...when out to eat, eat half your meal and take it home to your significant other or some family member...

i slept in so that always helps with a day of dieting...it makes it easier to face a day of dieting when you only have half the day of dieting left...i know what you are thinking, that is ingenious...and when you are me & semi-retired you actually have that luxury of a half day of dieting...well, shit i could write a book on my secrets to dieting entitled, "sleep 1/2 the day, keeps your ass away...i could make millions & then take those millions & screw the diet and have the fat just sucked out...

well today was good, i did go out to eat & almost became that fat kid who not only ate spinach & artichoke dip (Betty's/Surly Girl = the best ever spinach & artichoke dip) & then proceeded to eat turkey caesar wrap & broccoli with cheese...good news, put your hands together for me because i didn't...i ate the broccoli with cheese & only 1/2, yes HALF the wrap...i got that sucker wrapped up & took it home to my brother...yippee for me & tonight i settled for not being the fat kid...

day 25...points, not to sure but i know that spinach & artichoke dip = 0 points;)...
...until tomorrow...


  1. your blog is doing nothing for me except making me hungry! i am really craving spinach and artichoke dip now!
    and you know, i was thinking, that you really should have come out yesterday and caught the plague from us. you could have gotten sick, thrown everything up and not eaten for 24 hours. how's that for a diet???

  2. not yet..that is why i am staying away...& that sounds like a diet to me...
