**disclaimer 756...when wanting to eat something you shouldn't...count to 10...breathe in & breathe out...think about it again & then go ahead & eat it (i didn't say all my advice was good)...because you will keeping craving it, so might as well get it over with & just eat it;)
...this week has been all over the map, i have been sick, feeling blah, managed an amazing day of stellar points, a not so stellar day of points & then there was friday...and at some point during today i wanted to eat mahi mahi sliders, sweet potato french fries, hershey kisses (i ate these), an avacado & tomato sandwich (i ate this), mentos (yep ate that too) and a cookie (yeah that's a true fat kid talking)...well the good news i did not eat everything i wanted; however i did come home and probably ate half a bag of riesens (which if you haven't tried these candies, i highly recommend them, not only am i helping you out with your diet, i am giving you food tips;)...so all i know is that this 33rd day of my diet i failed with a big fat (kind of like my ass) "F"...so...
**side note -- maybe i should also work on being more positive about Operation N.M.F.B, nah where is the fun in that...if you can't have a humor about where you are at in your life, than what is the point of actually dieting (something has to get you through & we all know it isn't the carrots & apples)
DaY 33...i stopped counting after the 12th riesen (kidding i didn't eat that many, it was probably half though)...
...until SuNDaY...
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