
a snack a day keeps the weight away...(a healthy one that is...)

DaY 38...another hump day!!!

**disclaimer 34...when going out for the day, plan a snack to take with you (and aim for a healthier one, i know, a fun one would be better, but you will thank yourself at the end of the day)...

...today was your average hump day...i woke up, did some pilates (little hard to walk outside when there is no sidewalk and snow for days), but still trying to be active & hopefully it allows for the ass and thighs to become smaller & tighter, not to mention gaining a little more flexibility (i'm flexible now;)...[HA,HA, right, i can't remember the last time i touched my toes without my knees being bent] it just doesn't hurt to become MORE;) flexible, it helps with the old age)...then i had to do a favor for my sister in-law so i had to go dig my car out of the mountain of snow (that in itself is a workout)...i realized i would be gone most of the day & a light went on in my head, (when i am not working it takes a lot for the lights to go inside my head) i should pack some food, & then i won't want to pick at my sister in-laws or heaven forbid stop & get some munchies...well my theory was proven to be right and i did get hungry, but i had my trusty snacks;)...however later on, (i have to thank my sister in-law for having them) i was at my sister in-law's house and wanted to eat more & she luckily cut up some cucumbers for my nephew & being the fat kid that i am my nephew probably had like 2 slices & i ate the rest (thanks George:)

~38th day...25 points...a lot of those points were avocados because i love them & not cucumbers; which i also love because they are 0 points...
...until tomorrow...

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