day 276...
“Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world.”
― Marilyn Monroe
...i think not just men but women are drawn to ms marilyn monroe, she was beautiful, talented...she was her...and she left those that loved her way too early...i love her, i love her movies, i love the fact that, no matter how much she struggled with herself, we saw her rock a stage or a performance and for all we know the world...she gave hope to all those girls out there... of my favorite tv shows is smash, based on the creation & production of a play based on ms. monroe...even sir elton john dedicated a song to her, candle in the many books, stories, movies based on this women who came in to most of our lives via the tv/movies....
cheers to ms monroe, & some of her best....
...gentlemen prefer blonds...
& how can anyone forget singing happy birthday to mr. president...
as always ms. marilyn monroe, you keep it classy...
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