
one day...

day 231...

all it takes is one day & you can feel like you are on top of the world...that those people that are in your life lift you higher than you can ever imagine...all it takes is one day to feel every blessing imaginable...all it takes is one day & today was my day...

...this was my one day where my best friend from high school took time out of her morning to treat me to breakfast...my one day where another best friend shows up, leaving her children & husband behind & is uber prego with twins to celebrate with me...one day where my family & friends show up to be with me...one day where another best friend flies in to just so she can be there for me...just one day; where other friends/family changed their day so to be alongside of me on this occassion...that day where your family goes above & beyond...one day where those that love you shock you with an AMAZING surprise...

...all it takes is one day...& this was it for me...my day, the day that is forever etched in my heart, that allows me to be grateful, that shows me how much i am loved, that allows for me to add to my blessings...all it takes is one day...

...one day where yet again, my cup runneth over...

<3 sc="sc">

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