
have no fear...

day 108...

the phrase goes a little something like this..."the only thing you have to fear is fear itself..."

don't you think that fear is that feeling that sits in the pit of your stomach...that feeling you get just before you are about to do something...& you are so unsure of it that it takes your breath away...& it doesn't matter what the task is; whether it bungie jumping, skydiving, signing a proof to go to press, approving plans, telling someone you are sorry for hurting them, telling someone bad news, or even telling someone you love them...we all know the fear exists yet what we choose to do with it, may even be scarier than the actual fear...

the reality of something coming true or happening is so scary often we avoid certain situations or pretend like they are not happening...but once you embrace it and decide what to do; usually what happens is it becomes less scary or it can rock your world...so why put ourselves in that situation of fear b/c to not have fear means you are not living; it means your life exists only to be safe...that you may never experience greatness if you don't embrace the fear...

Forever Embracing A Reality!

<3 AP :)

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