
damn you, drunk text...

day 94...

remember there was the pager, then it the bag phone, then the zack morris phone, then there was the flip phone, then there was this phone, then there was another & another, then a droid, then an iphone...

well as one might guess with the evolution of the phone there is also the evolution of communication...when i was in college which was not that many moons ago...cell phones had begun to sweep the country (now i know what you are thinking, wait a minute everyone had one, no not really)...if you were one of the forerunners there were some who did this activity called texting but for most of us, you had to actually call someone using your cell phone (which believe me was the thing, land lines they were so on their way out), yes breathe deeply a text was not a common thing back then (i feel like i am writing about something that occurred in the 1940's not the early 2000; technology cray, cray)...in fact it cost a hell of a lot more than now, & no one had unlimited b/c not everyone did it...

so when said person would go to the bar or a party...& have a few adult beverages...and build up some liquid courage, they would naturally pick up there ohh so cool cell phone & call either their friend or their family & leave some inappropriate message (which usually entailed some music blaring in the background & them trying to produce a coherent sentence or just screaming in the phone; ask my sister in law cena, many a message to her)...then there was the occasional (usually people would default to this one), one would pick up the phone & call the person they were semi-dating, their significant other, their crush, or just some random hot guy/girl (who they had class with & happened to have their number b/c the person was stuck in their study group) that they had no business calling & say something uber stupid...this is referred to as drunk dialing...there was even a saying, "friends don't let friends drunk dial"...the next morning afternoon the person would stumble out of bed, try to make themselves look semi decent, eat & eventually pick up their phone...(btw, phones were not attached to people back yonder...in only recent years have they become an appendage)...they would then scroll through their call list, & that very moment this thought would run through their head, "OHH SH#$"...& usually then call friends to find out what was said, now here is the kicker...most people would ignore the behavior & if ever come in contact with the person who was the causality of drunk dialing, would laugh, apologize & blame everything on alcohol...the few will own it, & call apologize...

now fast forward the drunk dialing, now it has become the drunk text (first of all, people don't call people anymore...i am guilty of this very act...) HOWEVER the drunk text is more lethal...why might you ask...well first it takes less time to text a quick message than to dial, wait for an answer or vm & then either talk or leave a message...so i.e less time means you can reach more people throughout the night, & more hot mess to clean up later...second, just as texting has replaced people having full conversations, a lot can be typed and sent & then guess what it doesn't go away...not that many people delete texts, voicemails yes, not texts...so it can be in someone's phone FOREVER, like they (who ever they are, but they are smart) say, "once its out there, its out there, no taking it back..."  so after the whole night i have previously described, you wake up scroll through (before you do anything else in the morning, b/c as i mentioned the phone is attached to you)...& see all your drunk texts right in front of your face, yeah sure go ahead & delete, but guess what the other person still has them...so now you have to send the awkward text, being, "dude i was so drunk, sorry, or someone got a hold of my phone, not sure what happened, or i totally didn't mean that, i am sorry, or no, i would never say that about you"...& the list goes on...

i have been on occasion a victim to both...so the lesson of the day (which we all know, & some idiot writing a blog is not a genius & coming up with something new)...PHONE + ALCOHOL = BAD COMBINATION...if its a problem for you, hand over the phone, just as the after school special so clearly states, "friends don't let friends drunk dial text"...


<3 MS

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