
10 random facts on this day...read on!

day 112...

random fact 1...people are more likely to view my blog if i shut the hell up & post pictures & videos as opposed to me writing shiznat...(is that a hint)

random fact 2...i love children's books, quite literally spent 30 minutes longer in barnes & noble, ohh no, not picking a book out to buy, no just reading them...here is a line from one of my favs, Love you Forever by Robert Munsch "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living my baby you'll be." 

random fact 3...i got a little pissed today, that by accident i downloaded a song attached to the twilight series...i just liked the song...less appealing since the discovery of the attachment...

random fact 4...i like Flo Rida's Song, Wild Ones...i like even more that his rap name is named after the state he was born in...

random fact 5...i put a chair together today; check it on facebook, otherwise i am too lazy to post a picture, the chair took a lot out of me, just ask my brother joe i called him like 50 times, including to tell him his time wasn't wasted & the chair is successfully put together...ps dear ikea, it shouldn't be that hard...

random fact 6...everyone needs a day of nothing...do what you need but take time & enjoy a moment for you...read a book, drink some coffee, dance in your apartment, pray/meditate, put together a chair (ha, no;)...whatever gives you a moment to have peace & smile...

random fact 7...hot yoga = i totally dig = it kicks my a#*

random fact 8...or rather a question of the day...if you lived in the late 1800s would you like the idea that men & women were so proper to each other & this whole idea of being courted, would it be fun? & is it better than the BS we have inserted in the 2012 dating world...

random fact 9...i like home depot, i especially like it when i can find exactly what i am looking for all on my own & then proceed to use what i find in the proper manner...(this ones for my dad & brothers, they would be so proud)

random fact 10...a friend introduced me to the thee most fabulous website & among checking out the articles i am attaching, you should totes check out & follow them on twitter, funny & good sh*#...(disclaimer if you start seeing an influx of emails me with articles from said website, do not be surprised, & this also serves as fair warning, just sayin')
          Thought Catalog
            --What Kind of Single Person Are You?
            --5 Unhealthy Thoughts Girls (& guys) Have
            --Things 90s Kids Realize
(ok there is your teaser...now go, read & enjoy)

<3 ALJ