day 121
2:30 am!
dear couch...
first let me say over the years i have loved sleeping on provide a very comfortable place to lay my head either for a long nap or a short one, & i could literally sleep for days...i find a comfort knowing you are always there for me, so thank you for being my place of rest...
however why do you keep doing that to me where you suck me in & i fall completely in love with you only to fall way before i need to & as a result i do not accomplish anything due to the fact that you own me and i can't seem to pry myself away...on another note why are you so comfortable?...why is it that my body cannot fight the resistant to get up off of you & not let you fact how do you do that? you have some magic power that once my a*% sits on you, gets comfortable and lays on you, i automatically become hooked...
i realize that most times you win...& i am completely yours for those moments...i am not going to lie these are some of my most cherished moments, you & me together...BUT i do hate the days where i am wake up & then i manage to peel myself off of you & then i go to my bed & i cannot fall asleep...what do you have over me?...if you can't have me no one else are slowly ruining my life, b/c you are not willing to let go...i do not know what i am going to do, i love you but i might have to walk away for the sake of our to save me & to keep the bags under my eyes from becoming heavier, please stop being so appealing...however dare i say it...until next time...
You will forever be mine...
the girl who can't seem to pull herself away... <3
<3 MB
...the years of 30 are among us & i have hit the ground running (walking who am i kidding;) now as i have hit my goal of blogging for a whole year straight i will continue on my journey just maybe not i am back & bloggin' away...& happy to be in my 30s!
it starts & ends with....
day 120...
...a conversation...
have you ever had one of those conversation where it can literally just keep going & going, and going...where you talk about everything & anything & all you know is that you do not want it to end...& this can be any kind of conversation done in any way...but the beauty of it is that it exists between you & another person and it will never be replicated in the same is unique to the two of what is said is actually priceless, b/c it will never be said in that same way again...
i love conversations like this & over the course of my years i have had many of them...some are the greatest & i can remember where i was and what i was doing and the gist what was said & there are those where i wish to forget they happened at all...but in the end i am so glad they happened...they are the moments in life where we capture each others thoughts & feelings...
conversations can clear up the unknown...or they can explain what you don't understand...they express an emotion in one word or allow you to feel in a thousand words...they can bring happiness, tears, laughter, anger, forgiveness, & love all in one sitting...
i am blessed to have many of these & even more blessed to have them with those that have touched my heart...Cheers to a GOOD CONVERSATION or two...
<3 JD
...a conversation...
have you ever had one of those conversation where it can literally just keep going & going, and going...where you talk about everything & anything & all you know is that you do not want it to end...& this can be any kind of conversation done in any way...but the beauty of it is that it exists between you & another person and it will never be replicated in the same is unique to the two of what is said is actually priceless, b/c it will never be said in that same way again...
i love conversations like this & over the course of my years i have had many of them...some are the greatest & i can remember where i was and what i was doing and the gist what was said & there are those where i wish to forget they happened at all...but in the end i am so glad they happened...they are the moments in life where we capture each others thoughts & feelings...
conversations can clear up the unknown...or they can explain what you don't understand...they express an emotion in one word or allow you to feel in a thousand words...they can bring happiness, tears, laughter, anger, forgiveness, & love all in one sitting...
i am blessed to have many of these & even more blessed to have them with those that have touched my heart...Cheers to a GOOD CONVERSATION or two...
<3 JD
sh&* you should know before you turn 30...
day 119
so of course i was reading thought catalog & what else comes up but an article about things you should know before you turn 30...which is based off an article in the huffington post, which got its basis from an article in glamour about 30 things you should know & should have...
well naturally after you are done reading these, being the super cool person i am i have a list of my own for you to read...(ps the huffington post did a reprint so if you pick one to read you are covered)....
Cheers to 30!
<3 KA
so of course i was reading thought catalog & what else comes up but an article about things you should know before you turn 30...which is based off an article in the huffington post, which got its basis from an article in glamour about 30 things you should know & should have...
well naturally after you are done reading these, being the super cool person i am i have a list of my own for you to read...(ps the huffington post did a reprint so if you pick one to read you are covered)....
according to me, the "sh#* you should know before you turn 30"...
1. its ok to know what you want
2. wanting to leave college to get a real job is not all its cracked up to be...
3. live in every moment that comes your way
4. faith is the only thing that is consistent
5. life is that much easier if you smile
6. positivity breeds positivity
7. celebrate your successes, learn from your mistakes
8. don't be afraid to say i'm sorry or i was wrong
9. appreciate those around you
10. keep PUSHn'
11. rock what you got
12. you could pretty much be on a diet for the rest of your life
13. don't let others get the best of you
14. be the light
15. its ok to say "i love you" & "thank you"
16. getting older is not easier but staying the same age is boring
17. if today sucks there is always tomorrow
18. laugh with all your heart & cry with all your soul
19. if your heart breaks there might be someone else out there who can fix it
20. family is important
21. take risks (b/c you never know what might happen if you don't)
22. never stop learning
23. its ok to tell someone you like them
24. technology is not always the answer (it does help)
25. take a moment & make a phone call, write a letter, or sit & chat
26. in order for you to be two you must be ok to be one
27. silence & just being is totally doable
28. if you keep forgetting it, try writing it down
29. sometimes you have to walk through crap to get to the good stuff
30. you probably are not going to know everything before 30 or any age, so stop trying to figure it out...
Cheers to 30!
<3 KA
verdict is in...the five year engagement =
day 118
...seriously funny!
so on a friday what does any cool, available, almost 30 year old do, well she goes to the movies with one of her friends...& of course they see a romantic comedy b/c that is what girls do...
yes we saw the five year engagement and it was a feel good, laugh yourself in to stitches, happy ending kind of a movie...even guys would enjoy this...& the trailer does no justice to how funny this was...
this movie was based on the sole premise of a couple's long engagement, due to the fact it keeps getting postponed for one reason or another...& how they move across the country to Michigan (of all places) b/c emily blunt's characters gets a great job...jason segel who plays her fiance is behind her 100% until he ends up realizing that he resents her for wanting to stay in michigan & she resents him for becoming a "stale donut" (see the movie you will understand)...they decide that they are not 100% perfectly matched for each other...& scene
i will stop there...& let you see the is definitely a must see, i laughed at so many parts so hard that my abs got their second work out of the night...
it is just one of those movies where you leave with a smile on your face...where you realize that things can work out even after many years & you can even laugh about it...
<3 AN
...seriously funny!
so on a friday what does any cool, available, almost 30 year old do, well she goes to the movies with one of her friends...& of course they see a romantic comedy b/c that is what girls do...
yes we saw the five year engagement and it was a feel good, laugh yourself in to stitches, happy ending kind of a movie...even guys would enjoy this...& the trailer does no justice to how funny this was...
this movie was based on the sole premise of a couple's long engagement, due to the fact it keeps getting postponed for one reason or another...& how they move across the country to Michigan (of all places) b/c emily blunt's characters gets a great job...jason segel who plays her fiance is behind her 100% until he ends up realizing that he resents her for wanting to stay in michigan & she resents him for becoming a "stale donut" (see the movie you will understand)...they decide that they are not 100% perfectly matched for each other...& scene
i will stop there...& let you see the is definitely a must see, i laughed at so many parts so hard that my abs got their second work out of the night...
it is just one of those movies where you leave with a smile on your face...where you realize that things can work out even after many years & you can even laugh about it...
<3 AN
who is your unicorn??
day 117...
this is going to be short & sweet, in fact i am not even going to do the blogging tonight...i am going to let my new found fav website do it...i have spoken about my lobster; now here is a new look about your unicorn...
so, without further-ing my BS, who is your unicorn?
*cheers to those who have found their unicorn & all the best to those who have not!
<3 NK
this is going to be short & sweet, in fact i am not even going to do the blogging tonight...i am going to let my new found fav website do it...i have spoken about my lobster; now here is a new look about your unicorn...
so, without further-ing my BS, who is your unicorn?
*cheers to those who have found their unicorn & all the best to those who have not!
<3 NK
manager's meeting, one for the books...
day 116
i have mentioned that every two weeks i attend a manager's meeting at work...& a topic is put forth to us by our boss, & then we need to take the topic & relate it most of the time to work, but then often enough we can throw a personal spin on it...the last couple of meetings (as you have noticed) have been very positive up lifting, inspirational, A LOT of positive energy (& i am all about sending the positive energy) naturally just as i want to leave my mark on this world; i also want it to be a very positive that there is not a time at any point in my life, when someone saw me & saw darkness or negativity...i actually pray a lot about being the light in other people's lives...God put us here for a reason; He put us here to be the light when some only see darkness, He can't do it guess what we get to do it...
sorry i today the meeting was about faith (& i have written a blog about this before but this is a smidgen different)...
faith, i is the basis of my being...i would like to think that most of the time i have a positive will workout, everything happens for a reason, what is meant to be will be...& i even know that faith, my faith can be shaken from time to time...HOWEVER i know that it won't last forever...
i compared my faith as my foundation...& no matter how you define faith, whether it being a power or a God, it is yours to define...i went on to say my father by trade is a cement mason...there is quite a process when pouring cement & then cutting it, and you have to be careful b/c there can be natural shift, & over time it can crack, or many other things...however if the foundation is strong it will sustain & last....likewise with faith, that no matter what it may go through a whole mess of something but in the end it remains intacted...exactly how i see my faith, there are some cracks, definitely seals & some fixing up, but the foundation is good...
God knows i am not always so faith-FULL but he knows i am trying, He knows the foundation is strong...He knows there are efforts to fix the cracks & the damages...& really when you get down to it, isn't that what faith is, knowing it is not always going to be crappy, knowing things will work out, some how; some way...
having faith that it may rain today but the sun will soon shine again!
<3 TG
i have mentioned that every two weeks i attend a manager's meeting at work...& a topic is put forth to us by our boss, & then we need to take the topic & relate it most of the time to work, but then often enough we can throw a personal spin on it...the last couple of meetings (as you have noticed) have been very positive up lifting, inspirational, A LOT of positive energy (& i am all about sending the positive energy) naturally just as i want to leave my mark on this world; i also want it to be a very positive that there is not a time at any point in my life, when someone saw me & saw darkness or negativity...i actually pray a lot about being the light in other people's lives...God put us here for a reason; He put us here to be the light when some only see darkness, He can't do it guess what we get to do it...
sorry i today the meeting was about faith (& i have written a blog about this before but this is a smidgen different)...
faith, i is the basis of my being...i would like to think that most of the time i have a positive will workout, everything happens for a reason, what is meant to be will be...& i even know that faith, my faith can be shaken from time to time...HOWEVER i know that it won't last forever...
i compared my faith as my foundation...& no matter how you define faith, whether it being a power or a God, it is yours to define...i went on to say my father by trade is a cement mason...there is quite a process when pouring cement & then cutting it, and you have to be careful b/c there can be natural shift, & over time it can crack, or many other things...however if the foundation is strong it will sustain & last....likewise with faith, that no matter what it may go through a whole mess of something but in the end it remains intacted...exactly how i see my faith, there are some cracks, definitely seals & some fixing up, but the foundation is good...
God knows i am not always so faith-FULL but he knows i am trying, He knows the foundation is strong...He knows there are efforts to fix the cracks & the damages...& really when you get down to it, isn't that what faith is, knowing it is not always going to be crappy, knowing things will work out, some how; some way...
having faith that it may rain today but the sun will soon shine again!
<3 TG
you have nothing to lose...
day 115
my deepest apologies that i did not post yesterday (i know you are deeply saddened by that), but if you have noticed (the whole one of you that looked) i posted twice today so as to stay on track...
the phrase goes a little something like this..."go for it, you have nothing to lose" actuality you have everything to lose and thats why we don't just go for it...most of the time human nature pulls us back & we are stuck in the moment where we are always wondering what if i just said something, or if i would have just done it...& the things that scare us to the core we will most likely never take a chance on b/c we feel we have everything to lose...that feeling in itself is way greater than that of a "what if"
so how does one approach this notion that they have nothing to lose? do we operate life always in the no fear zone? do we throw caution to the wind and just put ourselves out there?
ultimately it is solely up to you, b/c no matter what, at the end of the day it is going to be you & that decision you have to determine the worth in both of those options & either go for it, or let it go...are you going to be the one still sitting pondering your what if's or are you going to be the person that says well at least i tried no matter if you lost it all or gained everything...
so what's it going to be...going for it as if you have nothing to lose or lose nothing b/c you never put it out there in the first place...???
<3 SB
my deepest apologies that i did not post yesterday (i know you are deeply saddened by that), but if you have noticed (the whole one of you that looked) i posted twice today so as to stay on track...
the phrase goes a little something like this..."go for it, you have nothing to lose" actuality you have everything to lose and thats why we don't just go for it...most of the time human nature pulls us back & we are stuck in the moment where we are always wondering what if i just said something, or if i would have just done it...& the things that scare us to the core we will most likely never take a chance on b/c we feel we have everything to lose...that feeling in itself is way greater than that of a "what if"
so how does one approach this notion that they have nothing to lose? do we operate life always in the no fear zone? do we throw caution to the wind and just put ourselves out there?
ultimately it is solely up to you, b/c no matter what, at the end of the day it is going to be you & that decision you have to determine the worth in both of those options & either go for it, or let it go...are you going to be the one still sitting pondering your what if's or are you going to be the person that says well at least i tried no matter if you lost it all or gained everything...
so what's it going to be...going for it as if you have nothing to lose or lose nothing b/c you never put it out there in the first place...???
<3 SB
a little of 114 on 115 phoebe buffay style...
day 114 (i still get to have day 114 even though it will be posted on day 115...i fell asleep & never woke i am getting old; think of it as my mulligan) as many of you know i am in love & will always be in love with friends...& one of my favorite characters who actually inspired my alter ego is phoebe buffay...i love her randomness and most of the time not making any sense but in actuality saying all that she needs to say in the most round about way...
so an ode to my exercise abilities...this one is for ms. phoebe buffay or as she likes to call herself, Princess Consuela Banana Hammock...
me doing zumba = phoebe running
life is about having fun even while exercising!
<3 AS as many of you know i am in love & will always be in love with friends...& one of my favorite characters who actually inspired my alter ego is phoebe buffay...i love her randomness and most of the time not making any sense but in actuality saying all that she needs to say in the most round about way...
so an ode to my exercise abilities...this one is for ms. phoebe buffay or as she likes to call herself, Princess Consuela Banana Hammock...
me doing zumba = phoebe running
life is about having fun even while exercising!
<3 AS
dear my future husband,
day 113...
(part 1) ...among other things i have now added a new item to my list for you (there are others but this is good enough for now)...yes i think about you & what i want from you, any self-respecting girl why wouldn't i...unless i thought it was totally out of the question & i was going to become a tired old spinster...there is still hope for all of us...& as long as i am hoping there is a certain something i am going to need you to do for me...
dance with me & don't ever stop...isn't that how it should be...
i have mentioned it before how much i love to in saying that you must also love it (& i hope you do), but not just dance like fist pumpin' it up, but dance with corny as it sounds, i want to start our marriage & then reach the ripe old age of 50, 72, 85 still dancing with YOU...& not just at weddings or our anniversary but whenever you feel the need to grab my hand pull me close & dance with you...whether it be in the kitchen, on our (wrap around) porch, in our living room, underneath the stars...where ever it fancies unexpected & at the most perfect moment, a dance with my best friend, with the love of my life...
that is what i wish & hope keep dancing through life...
sincerely your AWESOME future wife...
<3 CP
(part 1) ...among other things i have now added a new item to my list for you (there are others but this is good enough for now)...yes i think about you & what i want from you, any self-respecting girl why wouldn't i...unless i thought it was totally out of the question & i was going to become a tired old spinster...there is still hope for all of us...& as long as i am hoping there is a certain something i am going to need you to do for me...
dance with me & don't ever stop...isn't that how it should be...
i have mentioned it before how much i love to in saying that you must also love it (& i hope you do), but not just dance like fist pumpin' it up, but dance with corny as it sounds, i want to start our marriage & then reach the ripe old age of 50, 72, 85 still dancing with YOU...& not just at weddings or our anniversary but whenever you feel the need to grab my hand pull me close & dance with you...whether it be in the kitchen, on our (wrap around) porch, in our living room, underneath the stars...where ever it fancies unexpected & at the most perfect moment, a dance with my best friend, with the love of my life...
that is what i wish & hope keep dancing through life...
sincerely your AWESOME future wife...
<3 CP
10 random facts on this on!
day 112...
random fact 1...people are more likely to view my blog if i shut the hell up & post pictures & videos as opposed to me writing shiznat...(is that a hint)
random fact 2...i love children's books, quite literally spent 30 minutes longer in barnes & noble, ohh no, not picking a book out to buy, no just reading is a line from one of my favs, Love you Forever by Robert Munsch "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living my baby you'll be."
random fact 3...i got a little pissed today, that by accident i downloaded a song attached to the twilight series...i just liked the song...less appealing since the discovery of the attachment...
random fact 4...i like Flo Rida's Song, Wild Ones...i like even more that his rap name is named after the state he was born in...
random fact 5...i put a chair together today; check it on facebook, otherwise i am too lazy to post a picture, the chair took a lot out of me, just ask my brother joe i called him like 50 times, including to tell him his time wasn't wasted & the chair is successfully put dear ikea, it shouldn't be that hard...
random fact 6...everyone needs a day of what you need but take time & enjoy a moment for a book, drink some coffee, dance in your apartment, pray/meditate, put together a chair (ha, no;)...whatever gives you a moment to have peace & smile...
random fact yoga = i totally dig = it kicks my a#*
random fact 8...or rather a question of the day...if you lived in the late 1800s would you like the idea that men & women were so proper to each other & this whole idea of being courted, would it be fun? & is it better than the BS we have inserted in the 2012 dating world...
random fact 9...i like home depot, i especially like it when i can find exactly what i am looking for all on my own & then proceed to use what i find in the proper manner...(this ones for my dad & brothers, they would be so proud)
random fact 10...a friend introduced me to the thee most fabulous website & among checking out the articles i am attaching, you should totes check out & follow them on twitter, funny & good sh*#...(disclaimer if you start seeing an influx of emails me with articles from said website, do not be surprised, & this also serves as fair warning, just sayin')
Thought Catalog
--What Kind of Single Person Are You?
--5 Unhealthy Thoughts Girls (& guys) Have
--Things 90s Kids Realize
(ok there is your go, read & enjoy)
<3 ALJ
random fact 1...people are more likely to view my blog if i shut the hell up & post pictures & videos as opposed to me writing shiznat...(is that a hint)
random fact 2...i love children's books, quite literally spent 30 minutes longer in barnes & noble, ohh no, not picking a book out to buy, no just reading is a line from one of my favs, Love you Forever by Robert Munsch "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living my baby you'll be."
random fact 3...i got a little pissed today, that by accident i downloaded a song attached to the twilight series...i just liked the song...less appealing since the discovery of the attachment...
random fact 4...i like Flo Rida's Song, Wild Ones...i like even more that his rap name is named after the state he was born in...
random fact 5...i put a chair together today; check it on facebook, otherwise i am too lazy to post a picture, the chair took a lot out of me, just ask my brother joe i called him like 50 times, including to tell him his time wasn't wasted & the chair is successfully put dear ikea, it shouldn't be that hard...
random fact 6...everyone needs a day of what you need but take time & enjoy a moment for a book, drink some coffee, dance in your apartment, pray/meditate, put together a chair (ha, no;)...whatever gives you a moment to have peace & smile...
random fact yoga = i totally dig = it kicks my a#*
random fact 8...or rather a question of the day...if you lived in the late 1800s would you like the idea that men & women were so proper to each other & this whole idea of being courted, would it be fun? & is it better than the BS we have inserted in the 2012 dating world...
random fact 9...i like home depot, i especially like it when i can find exactly what i am looking for all on my own & then proceed to use what i find in the proper manner...(this ones for my dad & brothers, they would be so proud)
random fact 10...a friend introduced me to the thee most fabulous website & among checking out the articles i am attaching, you should totes check out & follow them on twitter, funny & good sh*#...(disclaimer if you start seeing an influx of emails me with articles from said website, do not be surprised, & this also serves as fair warning, just sayin')
Thought Catalog
--What Kind of Single Person Are You?
--5 Unhealthy Thoughts Girls (& guys) Have
--Things 90s Kids Realize
(ok there is your go, read & enjoy)
<3 ALJ
the many faces of me (ohh Lord help us!)
day 110...
"once upon a time...they lived happily ever was a dark & stormy night...there once lived a..."
all these phrases catapults us in to some of our favorite stories...isn't that why we indulge in stories about people we will never takes us away from reality, to fall in love, to cry just cause, to cheer on the underdog, to make believe we are princesses or fighting aliens, to see the girl get the guy, or to believe that we are conquering the world, or to experience passion, or to just be a part of the matter your genre we read because for those pages & those moments we become the characters like or unlike ourselves & we get to have a happy ending, or an unpredictable turn of events or if we are lucky we learn a lesson...
to read is to continually open your imagination & expose yourself to so many different worlds...i so wished i would have figured that out several years ago, the power of a book, the emotion of a story, the endless meaning of words...b/c now when i do read it is such an amazing pleasure & for those moments when i get sucked into a story, i live & exist within the story...& lets face it; it is like being a kid & playing pretend...& who doesn't want to do that every now & again... take a moment, read a book, & allow yourself to imagine :)
<3 JD
“From that time on, the world was hers for the reading. She would never be lonely again, never miss the lack of intimate friends. Books became her friends and there was one for every mood. There was poetry for quiet companionship. There was adventure when she tired of quiet hours. There would be love stories when she came into adolescence and when she wanted to feel a closeness to someone she could read a biography. On that day when she first knew she could read, she made a vow to read one book a day as long as she lived.”
― Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
"once upon a time...they lived happily ever was a dark & stormy night...there once lived a..."
all these phrases catapults us in to some of our favorite stories...isn't that why we indulge in stories about people we will never takes us away from reality, to fall in love, to cry just cause, to cheer on the underdog, to make believe we are princesses or fighting aliens, to see the girl get the guy, or to believe that we are conquering the world, or to experience passion, or to just be a part of the matter your genre we read because for those pages & those moments we become the characters like or unlike ourselves & we get to have a happy ending, or an unpredictable turn of events or if we are lucky we learn a lesson...
to read is to continually open your imagination & expose yourself to so many different worlds...i so wished i would have figured that out several years ago, the power of a book, the emotion of a story, the endless meaning of words...b/c now when i do read it is such an amazing pleasure & for those moments when i get sucked into a story, i live & exist within the story...& lets face it; it is like being a kid & playing pretend...& who doesn't want to do that every now & again... take a moment, read a book, & allow yourself to imagine :)
<3 JD
“From that time on, the world was hers for the reading. She would never be lonely again, never miss the lack of intimate friends. Books became her friends and there was one for every mood. There was poetry for quiet companionship. There was adventure when she tired of quiet hours. There would be love stories when she came into adolescence and when she wanted to feel a closeness to someone she could read a biography. On that day when she first knew she could read, she made a vow to read one book a day as long as she lived.”
― Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
the sweet sound of jazz...
day 109... is the scene, a smoke filled night are sitting around sipping on martinis, and your eye catches the guy in a sleek suit, across the room who just so happens to be staring at you and a familiar song comes on...he stands up & moves towards you, instead of asking his hand flips open to meet your hand and he guides you by the small of your back to the dance floor & he pulls you in close so your cheeks meet for a, "Sunday Kind of Love"...
...or maybe this scene, the doors open, everyone stands & you look up to catch the gaze on the man standing at the opposite end of the room & you slowly walk toward him, you slowly walk toward the man of your dreams, "At Last".
...or perhaps this are lying on the couch reading a book and on the other end is your best friend reading his book...he looks over & in his eyes you see his love for you & you mouth the words 'i love you' & you think to yourself "It Never Entered My Mind;" how much i could love you...
...or even a scene...after several years, and many kids & see a small glimpse of the man you fell in love with as he sits at the breakfast table...or how he takes his coffee...or how he moves about the kitchen...or how he brushes his hand against your back as he passes by...or even how he drives you nuts with his nervous tapping on the table...but no matter what, "They Can't Take That Away From You;" the same feeling that hits you at each those moments, that same feeling of falling in love with him all over again... you reach that point in your life & your heart is breaking as you say good-bye to your best friend, your person, your know in that broken heart of yours that, "You'll Be Seeing Him;" soon in another place; where you will forever be together...
so for all those scenes & so many more, enjoy the sweet sound of jazz...
<3 DG is the scene, a smoke filled night are sitting around sipping on martinis, and your eye catches the guy in a sleek suit, across the room who just so happens to be staring at you and a familiar song comes on...he stands up & moves towards you, instead of asking his hand flips open to meet your hand and he guides you by the small of your back to the dance floor & he pulls you in close so your cheeks meet for a, "Sunday Kind of Love"...
...or maybe this scene, the doors open, everyone stands & you look up to catch the gaze on the man standing at the opposite end of the room & you slowly walk toward him, you slowly walk toward the man of your dreams, "At Last".
...or perhaps this are lying on the couch reading a book and on the other end is your best friend reading his book...he looks over & in his eyes you see his love for you & you mouth the words 'i love you' & you think to yourself "It Never Entered My Mind;" how much i could love you...
...or even a scene...after several years, and many kids & see a small glimpse of the man you fell in love with as he sits at the breakfast table...or how he takes his coffee...or how he moves about the kitchen...or how he brushes his hand against your back as he passes by...or even how he drives you nuts with his nervous tapping on the table...but no matter what, "They Can't Take That Away From You;" the same feeling that hits you at each those moments, that same feeling of falling in love with him all over again... you reach that point in your life & your heart is breaking as you say good-bye to your best friend, your person, your know in that broken heart of yours that, "You'll Be Seeing Him;" soon in another place; where you will forever be together...
so for all those scenes & so many more, enjoy the sweet sound of jazz...
<3 DG
have no fear...
day 108...
the phrase goes a little something like this..."the only thing you have to fear is fear itself..."
don't you think that fear is that feeling that sits in the pit of your stomach...that feeling you get just before you are about to do something...& you are so unsure of it that it takes your breath away...& it doesn't matter what the task is; whether it bungie jumping, skydiving, signing a proof to go to press, approving plans, telling someone you are sorry for hurting them, telling someone bad news, or even telling someone you love them...we all know the fear exists yet what we choose to do with it, may even be scarier than the actual fear...
the reality of something coming true or happening is so scary often we avoid certain situations or pretend like they are not happening...but once you embrace it and decide what to do; usually what happens is it becomes less scary or it can rock your why put ourselves in that situation of fear b/c to not have fear means you are not living; it means your life exists only to be safe...that you may never experience greatness if you don't embrace the fear...
Forever Embracing A Reality!
<3 AP :)
the phrase goes a little something like this..."the only thing you have to fear is fear itself..."
don't you think that fear is that feeling that sits in the pit of your stomach...that feeling you get just before you are about to do something...& you are so unsure of it that it takes your breath away...& it doesn't matter what the task is; whether it bungie jumping, skydiving, signing a proof to go to press, approving plans, telling someone you are sorry for hurting them, telling someone bad news, or even telling someone you love them...we all know the fear exists yet what we choose to do with it, may even be scarier than the actual fear...
the reality of something coming true or happening is so scary often we avoid certain situations or pretend like they are not happening...but once you embrace it and decide what to do; usually what happens is it becomes less scary or it can rock your why put ourselves in that situation of fear b/c to not have fear means you are not living; it means your life exists only to be safe...that you may never experience greatness if you don't embrace the fear...
Forever Embracing A Reality!
<3 AP :)
a moment to smile...
day 107...
...i have discussed people, people's purpose in one another's lives, their footprints, the power of words, & so many other things that deal with my interaction with people on a daily basis...but people, the moments of interaction you have with them guide us through life...& just today another moment...that made me smile...
now this moment wasn't anything major, just someone stopping, taking a minute out of their day to pass along some kind words...i see this person regularly & he is super friendly but whatever possessed him or moved him to stop, my heart thanks him...
this guy works very hard, but never is negative in fact he is the direct opposite, i always enjoy his positive energy and 'can do' attitude...he is always a great for a little chat about random after most people left work today, i hear him getting ready to leave...i am sitting at my desk, working (yes i do that from time to time)...he stands up and is walking out & he pauses, & says..."danielle, i just love how whenever i see you how happy you are, not like little girl happy but a happy that is mature." i was extremely grateful and said thank you... wasn't anything huge, a few words...but to me it made me smile, it made my heart feel goal in life is to always be happy, positive & to be the light to is about that, it is about those moments to smile & then passing it this guy who i see day in & day out...thank you :)
SmILe On...
<3 AA
...i have discussed people, people's purpose in one another's lives, their footprints, the power of words, & so many other things that deal with my interaction with people on a daily basis...but people, the moments of interaction you have with them guide us through life...& just today another moment...that made me smile...
now this moment wasn't anything major, just someone stopping, taking a minute out of their day to pass along some kind words...i see this person regularly & he is super friendly but whatever possessed him or moved him to stop, my heart thanks him...
this guy works very hard, but never is negative in fact he is the direct opposite, i always enjoy his positive energy and 'can do' attitude...he is always a great for a little chat about random after most people left work today, i hear him getting ready to leave...i am sitting at my desk, working (yes i do that from time to time)...he stands up and is walking out & he pauses, & says..."danielle, i just love how whenever i see you how happy you are, not like little girl happy but a happy that is mature." i was extremely grateful and said thank you... wasn't anything huge, a few words...but to me it made me smile, it made my heart feel goal in life is to always be happy, positive & to be the light to is about that, it is about those moments to smile & then passing it this guy who i see day in & day out...thank you :)
SmILe On...
<3 AA
life is bittersweet...
day 106 has a tendency to be bittersweet...those moments in life where it throws you a delightful curveball...
this weekend was my easter (insert thought, yeah yeah i know she has been blogging about it for the last week & half) & my whole entire family (18 of us) was together, what an AHH-mazing thing for all of us to be in the same city, celebrating Christ rising...& it was so much fun, my nieces & nephews love playing with each other, & no matter what (i know i have mentioned this before) they always brighten my day...& i always love to see my parents' faces when their kids/grand kids are around, just pure happiness...& if you know my brothers, sisters & i we pretty much have fun no matter where we fact i actually wanted to you tube the conversation my brother nick had with my sister in law kate, put it this way my abs totally got a work out :)...easter is about celebrating the passion of Christ but it is also about celebrating family & friends and being makes my heart smile just thinking about it...& i know i am SO SO blessed...
...also this weekend was a retreat, Teens Encounter Christ (TEC) that i have worked on since my junior year in high school (do the math, its a long time)...but for the past two years i have been unable to attend, last year being i had no time off & this year it was my i know i have talked about Carey, i love this place, i feel completely at peace when i am there...and uber close to just makes sense...& this retreat has been a part of me for so long that i love to see the transformation of the girls, & some of my dearest friends (who i don't talk to that often but we manage to stay in touch) have come out of this i was bummed to have missed this twice, so Friday night after services i drove down to Carey & had my TEC moment & the same peace that greets me every time i show up in Carey was there yet again...
it was another bittersweet moment...sad to miss my friends, the experience, the place & happy to have my short moment, HOWEVER i would not have traded the experience i had at home with my family...God had a way of making it that kind of moment...& i am thankful:)
these bittersweet moments, even though we often don't realize them happen at random times..they help us move through life, allowing to us to appreciate it one bittersweet moment at a time!
LiVe iN tHe BiTtErSwEeT!
<3 LS has a tendency to be bittersweet...those moments in life where it throws you a delightful curveball...
this weekend was my easter (insert thought, yeah yeah i know she has been blogging about it for the last week & half) & my whole entire family (18 of us) was together, what an AHH-mazing thing for all of us to be in the same city, celebrating Christ rising...& it was so much fun, my nieces & nephews love playing with each other, & no matter what (i know i have mentioned this before) they always brighten my day...& i always love to see my parents' faces when their kids/grand kids are around, just pure happiness...& if you know my brothers, sisters & i we pretty much have fun no matter where we fact i actually wanted to you tube the conversation my brother nick had with my sister in law kate, put it this way my abs totally got a work out :)...easter is about celebrating the passion of Christ but it is also about celebrating family & friends and being makes my heart smile just thinking about it...& i know i am SO SO blessed...
...also this weekend was a retreat, Teens Encounter Christ (TEC) that i have worked on since my junior year in high school (do the math, its a long time)...but for the past two years i have been unable to attend, last year being i had no time off & this year it was my i know i have talked about Carey, i love this place, i feel completely at peace when i am there...and uber close to just makes sense...& this retreat has been a part of me for so long that i love to see the transformation of the girls, & some of my dearest friends (who i don't talk to that often but we manage to stay in touch) have come out of this i was bummed to have missed this twice, so Friday night after services i drove down to Carey & had my TEC moment & the same peace that greets me every time i show up in Carey was there yet again...
it was another bittersweet moment...sad to miss my friends, the experience, the place & happy to have my short moment, HOWEVER i would not have traded the experience i had at home with my family...God had a way of making it that kind of moment...& i am thankful:)
these bittersweet moments, even though we often don't realize them happen at random times..they help us move through life, allowing to us to appreciate it one bittersweet moment at a time!
LiVe iN tHe BiTtErSwEeT!
<3 LS
Christ is Risen...El Maseeh Qam...
day 105...
Easter is here, Jesus rose...& so i wish all my family & friends a very happy & blessed Easter...a quick hymn & a story is how we shall celebrate my 30th easter!
we sing a beautiful hymn...which i love love to sing (and i am not a singer but it is the one time i sing)
"Christ is Risen, Trampling down death by death. And upon those in the tombs bestowing life." (& then we sing it in arabic, and greek which i love as well...)
a little humor for this easter...
after easter in church we say "Christ is Risen, Truly He is Risen"...we do it during church & then on occasion you throw it out there when encountering your Orthodox my old priest was EXTREMELY fond of this phrase (nothing wrong with it) fact he had a passion for saying "Christ is Risen" post easter, a friend of mine was driving down the road...and our priest pulls up next to her...she looks over sees it is him, he recognizes her, they exchange words, & she goes on her way...all of sudden as she is driving down the road...she sees the priest in her rear view mirror coming up, & he is mouthing something to her...she can't figure out what it is & she becomes concerned something is wrong with her the next stop light, he pulls up to her again, and she looks over at him, & he is screaming, "CHRIST is RISEN!"
true story, can't make that the passion of Christ that moves us all in different ways!
<3 LK
Easter is here, Jesus rose...& so i wish all my family & friends a very happy & blessed Easter...a quick hymn & a story is how we shall celebrate my 30th easter!
we sing a beautiful hymn...which i love love to sing (and i am not a singer but it is the one time i sing)
"Christ is Risen, Trampling down death by death. And upon those in the tombs bestowing life." (& then we sing it in arabic, and greek which i love as well...)
a little humor for this easter...
after easter in church we say "Christ is Risen, Truly He is Risen"...we do it during church & then on occasion you throw it out there when encountering your Orthodox my old priest was EXTREMELY fond of this phrase (nothing wrong with it) fact he had a passion for saying "Christ is Risen" post easter, a friend of mine was driving down the road...and our priest pulls up next to her...she looks over sees it is him, he recognizes her, they exchange words, & she goes on her way...all of sudden as she is driving down the road...she sees the priest in her rear view mirror coming up, & he is mouthing something to her...she can't figure out what it is & she becomes concerned something is wrong with her the next stop light, he pulls up to her again, and she looks over at him, & he is screaming, "CHRIST is RISEN!"
true story, can't make that the passion of Christ that moves us all in different ways!
<3 LK
Good Friday!
day 104...
..."I asked Jesus, 'how much He loved me?' And Jesus answered, 'this much.' then He stretched out His arms and died."....
Wishing you all a blessed & happy Good Friday! (click to hear a beautiful hymn)
(some times it is said in the littlest of words...or no words at all, just ask Him)
<3 LS
..."I asked Jesus, 'how much He loved me?' And Jesus answered, 'this much.' then He stretched out His arms and died."....
Wishing you all a blessed & happy Good Friday! (click to hear a beautiful hymn)
(some times it is said in the littlest of words...or no words at all, just ask Him)
<3 LS
thank you for your footprints...
day 103...
one of my absolute favorite poems/prayers is footprints in the sand...not only does it provide an amazing sense of peace to think that God is carrying us through some of our most difficult moments in life but it also gives the idea of God's footprints forever being with us, as well as those of other people, who have touched our lives in such a profound fact if you think about, all those footprints that people leave on your heart & you are forever a better person because of them is directly related to God...the saying, goes a little some thing like this... "God doesn't give you the people you want but the people you need"...& those people are those that have left footprints on your heart...
so without further adieu...
Footprints in the Sand...
one of my absolute favorite poems/prayers is footprints in the sand...not only does it provide an amazing sense of peace to think that God is carrying us through some of our most difficult moments in life but it also gives the idea of God's footprints forever being with us, as well as those of other people, who have touched our lives in such a profound fact if you think about, all those footprints that people leave on your heart & you are forever a better person because of them is directly related to God...the saying, goes a little some thing like this... "God doesn't give you the people you want but the people you need"...& those people are those that have left footprints on your heart...
so without further adieu...
Footprints in the Sand...
"One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord.
Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.
In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand.
Sometimes there were two sets of footprints,
other times there were one set of footprints.
This bothered me because I noticed
that during the low periods of my life,
when I was suffering from
anguish, sorrow or defeat,
I could see only one set of footprints.
So I said to the Lord,
“You promised me Lord,
that if I followed you,
you would walk with me always.
But I have noticed that during the most trying periods of my life
there have only been one set of footprints in the sand.
Why, when I needed you most, you have not been there for me?”
The Lord replied,
“The times when you have seen only one set of footprints in the sand,
is when I carried you.”
Mary Stevenson
So i thank you from the bottom of my heart (& i hope that one day i tell every single one of you) for your footprints on my heart...b/c of you i am a better me...
<3 DK
it's all about the change...
day 102...
today's meeting we touched on the idea of change...if we embrace change it can be a great can take us places, allow for us to be catapulted in to extraordinary can allow for us to see things differently and put ourselves out there...change is not easy & can be scary and often times some change can hurt and then you need to do another change in order to fix the bad change...but ultimately change happens daily, you are the one who must either embrace it or remain stagnant...
...there are some obvious changes in our lives that occur naturally but overall the big changes are the ones that affect us the most...they might change the direction we were initially going in...not that the direction is bad it is just different than we ever had planned...
don't resist let change happen & when it does, embrace it; besides otherwise life is too boring :)
*random side note -- was in church tonight and a friend's grandparent were there, her grandfather is around 100 and walks with a cane, the grandmother she is a little younger than him & uses a wheelchair...however he didn't care what anyone said or did he was going to be the one to push was the sweetest thing i ever witnessed...this man pushing the love of his life out of church...
<3 NM
today's meeting we touched on the idea of change...if we embrace change it can be a great can take us places, allow for us to be catapulted in to extraordinary can allow for us to see things differently and put ourselves out there...change is not easy & can be scary and often times some change can hurt and then you need to do another change in order to fix the bad change...but ultimately change happens daily, you are the one who must either embrace it or remain stagnant...
...there are some obvious changes in our lives that occur naturally but overall the big changes are the ones that affect us the most...they might change the direction we were initially going in...not that the direction is bad it is just different than we ever had planned...
don't resist let change happen & when it does, embrace it; besides otherwise life is too boring :)
*random side note -- was in church tonight and a friend's grandparent were there, her grandfather is around 100 and walks with a cane, the grandmother she is a little younger than him & uses a wheelchair...however he didn't care what anyone said or did he was going to be the one to push was the sweetest thing i ever witnessed...this man pushing the love of his life out of church...
<3 NM
Internet News, is it worth writing about...
...or even talking about...since we are on the topic is any news worth it??...
day 101...
so i totally went on yahoo to see if there was something worthy writing about or what was trending at the moment; literally here were my choices, how the stock market fell again --> depressing; how pres. obama did this or that & how mitt romney is now the strongest candidate for the republican party --> blah, blah, blah; how janet jackson is skinny again --> people don't hold your breath she'll be fat just like me next week (janet, i love you, but we have the same issues); how some woman decided to say that she had cancer in order to get her dream wedding --> yes i just typed that; i am actually surprised there is not something trending about justin bieber --> gag me hard core; however if you are wondering melissa's ethridge's ex, wants more money --> cause the 23K/mo. she is receiving now is not enough; and among other things, how the arkansas football coach got fired b/c guess what he f---ed up --> SHOCKER...
yes this the 21st century, and this is our news...everything is so depressing or who is f--in' who over, really...and it keeps getting know why, because majority of society wants to read this crap; we get sucked into who kim kardashian is screwing or how awful things have become in today's what does this cause people to do, to act increasingly more like morons...b/c there is a possibility that they might get a headline in tomorrow's newspaper...i am not saying it is all our fault nor am i saying it is all the newspaper's fault, we are both to blame (i am pointing my big fat finger at me too)...i just want to read something good, well i want to read it on the front page; not on the 5th page of section F...
...we have begun to glorify bad behavior or focus on the negative...& we stopped focusing on the positive...before you jump up my a*# for thinking nothing bad happens or that we shouldn't talk about bad events; there should be a balance or at least the good should out weigh the bad...
what i learned from teaching that can be applied not only to the news, but to everyday life --> always start with a positive & end with a positive...if you give the most attention to the undesired behavior than that behavior will keep occurring while the desired behavior is ignored & then it will eventually decrease...people want attention (hell, look at me, i am 30 yr old nut job who is writing a blog everyday, HELLO can we say desperate for attention)...people like let us give attention where it should be...
remember -- positivity breeds positivity...
NOW GO DO GOOD and then spread the good news ;)
PS -- check out HAPPY NEWS!
<3 LB
day 101...
so i totally went on yahoo to see if there was something worthy writing about or what was trending at the moment; literally here were my choices, how the stock market fell again --> depressing; how pres. obama did this or that & how mitt romney is now the strongest candidate for the republican party --> blah, blah, blah; how janet jackson is skinny again --> people don't hold your breath she'll be fat just like me next week (janet, i love you, but we have the same issues); how some woman decided to say that she had cancer in order to get her dream wedding --> yes i just typed that; i am actually surprised there is not something trending about justin bieber --> gag me hard core; however if you are wondering melissa's ethridge's ex, wants more money --> cause the 23K/mo. she is receiving now is not enough; and among other things, how the arkansas football coach got fired b/c guess what he f---ed up --> SHOCKER...
yes this the 21st century, and this is our news...everything is so depressing or who is f--in' who over, really...and it keeps getting know why, because majority of society wants to read this crap; we get sucked into who kim kardashian is screwing or how awful things have become in today's what does this cause people to do, to act increasingly more like morons...b/c there is a possibility that they might get a headline in tomorrow's newspaper...i am not saying it is all our fault nor am i saying it is all the newspaper's fault, we are both to blame (i am pointing my big fat finger at me too)...i just want to read something good, well i want to read it on the front page; not on the 5th page of section F...
...we have begun to glorify bad behavior or focus on the negative...& we stopped focusing on the positive...before you jump up my a*# for thinking nothing bad happens or that we shouldn't talk about bad events; there should be a balance or at least the good should out weigh the bad...
what i learned from teaching that can be applied not only to the news, but to everyday life --> always start with a positive & end with a positive...if you give the most attention to the undesired behavior than that behavior will keep occurring while the desired behavior is ignored & then it will eventually decrease...people want attention (hell, look at me, i am 30 yr old nut job who is writing a blog everyday, HELLO can we say desperate for attention)...people like let us give attention where it should be...
remember -- positivity breeds positivity...
NOW GO DO GOOD and then spread the good news ;)
PS -- check out HAPPY NEWS!
<3 LB
turning 100...
day 100...
so as i write my 100th blog posts...i was thinking about the many things i have experienced 100 times over (now before you think/say that is what she prepared us for, really come on; stop & think about it & after you do; you will realize that it is so amazing & blessed to have any experience once if not a 100 times over:)
100 times & hopefully 100 million times more... many times you ate your favorite food -- how many times you said i love you (hoping that it was more than saying i hate/don't like you) -- how many times you have given or received a hug -- how many times you witnessed an AH-HA moment -- how many times you laughed or cried -- how many times you listened to a friend -- & then how many times they listened back -- how many sunrises/sunsets you have witnessed -- how many full moons you have seen -- how many times you wished on a star -- how many times you danced or celebrated -- how many times you sung happy birthday -- how many times you had fun -- how many times you prayed for nothing to everything -- how many times a moment took your breath a way -- how many times you said i'm sorry -- how many times you took a picture -- how many times you experienced a miracle -- how many times you didn't say anything -- how many times you said everything -- how many times you held a baby -- how many times you said thank you -- how many times you had a conversation with someone who needed it -- how many times you acted like a kid just cause you could -- how many times you helped someone -- how many times you believed in the impossible -- how many times you kept going when you didn't think you could --
--for all these 100 times & the SO SO many more i am blessed...i thank you for creating them & being a part of them...
cheers to 100 (so not over)!
<3 KD
so as i write my 100th blog posts...i was thinking about the many things i have experienced 100 times over (now before you think/say that is what she prepared us for, really come on; stop & think about it & after you do; you will realize that it is so amazing & blessed to have any experience once if not a 100 times over:)
100 times & hopefully 100 million times more... many times you ate your favorite food -- how many times you said i love you (hoping that it was more than saying i hate/don't like you) -- how many times you have given or received a hug -- how many times you witnessed an AH-HA moment -- how many times you laughed or cried -- how many times you listened to a friend -- & then how many times they listened back -- how many sunrises/sunsets you have witnessed -- how many full moons you have seen -- how many times you wished on a star -- how many times you danced or celebrated -- how many times you sung happy birthday -- how many times you had fun -- how many times you prayed for nothing to everything -- how many times a moment took your breath a way -- how many times you said i'm sorry -- how many times you took a picture -- how many times you experienced a miracle -- how many times you didn't say anything -- how many times you said everything -- how many times you held a baby -- how many times you said thank you -- how many times you had a conversation with someone who needed it -- how many times you acted like a kid just cause you could -- how many times you helped someone -- how many times you believed in the impossible -- how many times you kept going when you didn't think you could --
--for all these 100 times & the SO SO many more i am blessed...i thank you for creating them & being a part of them...
cheers to 100 (so not over)!
<3 KD
HOLY WEEK...good times
day 99...
(so close to 100 that i need a big post something to celebrate me actually doing for this for 100 days...shows celebrate 100 episodes, & since i am on the same level as syndicated sitcoms it seems only appropriate i do the it better be something good...just wait & you shall see)
Holy Week! i know what you are thinking, she has lost her sense of time...that was last week; well actually according to the "one true faith" orthodoxy ;) holy week is this week which means Christ is Rising on Sunday...for real, my easter is this upcoming Sunday (no, no one is wrong it is a calendar thing) & i have to admit this is my absolute favorite time to go to church...
it could very well be that when i was younger i got to skip school (if it was not during spring break) pretty much thursday & friday to go to what if i spent a few hours in church to have a whole day off...or the fact that my mom would bribe us with TCBY to get through services (if you know my brothers you know why a bribe was in order)...or the fact that on friday night after services, as a teen group we would hold a vigil &"read the bible" or we would play around for most of the night & then fall asleep...or even the fact on saturday night after we sing Christ is Risen in three different languages, we break out the items we gave up for lent...
well that is how my love for Holy Week grew...all these memories surrounded Jesus dying on the Cross for you & i...but then as i grew older it became different to wasn't about all the fun reasons to go to these services it was about understanding the passion...understanding His dying, His rising, & then His going forward...some of the my most peaceful moments happen during the services throughout lent...very prayerful & helpful feeling that comes from being in church...just being there makes me feel at home...
so this upcoming week as i attend services i will look forward to the bridegroom services followed by healing services & being blessed with holy oil...only to be able to hear the 12 passion gospels, followed by lamentations (where in my church the 2 choirs sing back & forth one in arabic and one in english & it gives me goosebumps) and we walk around the church carrying candles & the beir of Christ & finally celebrating Jesus rising which is pretty amazing as we all descend out of church and the priest/bishop knocks on the door (the symbolic tomb of Jesus) of the church (my mom told me that my giddo used to be the one who answered from the inside so i feel a part of him is always there)...and we sing Christ is is amazing feeling & after all these years some of my most favorite services to go to...
Happy Palm Sunday (Happy American Easter & Happy Passover)
Here is to Holy Week...
(so close to 100 that i need a big post something to celebrate me actually doing for this for 100 days...shows celebrate 100 episodes, & since i am on the same level as syndicated sitcoms it seems only appropriate i do the it better be something good...just wait & you shall see)
Holy Week! i know what you are thinking, she has lost her sense of time...that was last week; well actually according to the "one true faith" orthodoxy ;) holy week is this week which means Christ is Rising on Sunday...for real, my easter is this upcoming Sunday (no, no one is wrong it is a calendar thing) & i have to admit this is my absolute favorite time to go to church...
it could very well be that when i was younger i got to skip school (if it was not during spring break) pretty much thursday & friday to go to what if i spent a few hours in church to have a whole day off...or the fact that my mom would bribe us with TCBY to get through services (if you know my brothers you know why a bribe was in order)...or the fact that on friday night after services, as a teen group we would hold a vigil &
well that is how my love for Holy Week grew...all these memories surrounded Jesus dying on the Cross for you & i...but then as i grew older it became different to wasn't about all the fun reasons to go to these services it was about understanding the passion...understanding His dying, His rising, & then His going forward...some of the my most peaceful moments happen during the services throughout lent...very prayerful & helpful feeling that comes from being in church...just being there makes me feel at home...
so this upcoming week as i attend services i will look forward to the bridegroom services followed by healing services & being blessed with holy oil...only to be able to hear the 12 passion gospels, followed by lamentations (where in my church the 2 choirs sing back & forth one in arabic and one in english & it gives me goosebumps) and we walk around the church carrying candles & the beir of Christ & finally celebrating Jesus rising which is pretty amazing as we all descend out of church and the priest/bishop knocks on the door (the symbolic tomb of Jesus) of the church (my mom told me that my giddo used to be the one who answered from the inside so i feel a part of him is always there)...and we sing Christ is is amazing feeling & after all these years some of my most favorite services to go to...
Happy Palm Sunday (Happy American Easter & Happy Passover)
Here is to Holy Week...
Prayer of St. Ephraim:
"O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, faint-heartedness, lust of power, and idle talk.
But give rather the spirit of chastity, humility, patience, and love to Thy servant. Yea, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own transgressions, and not to judge my brother, for blessed art Thou, unto ages of ages. Amen."
<3 MLJ
the 80s Montage...
day 98...
JP <3
what better way to celebrate a saturday evening than with a good 80s movie...& what better way than an 80s montage...
this one in particular is a tribute to John Hughes, the director, writer & producer that created the movies that you fell in love with or taught you some of life's greatest lessons...
so what else do i really need to say, so i will shut up while you ENJOY!
JP <3
oh, the places you'll go...
day 97...
..."you have brains in your head... have feet in your shoes... can steer yourself...
...any direction you choose...
...You're on your own. And you know what you know...
...and YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go...
...(dr. seuss)...
...oh, the places you'll go...
where are you you actually know??...i sure don't but isn't that the best part of life...not as if today is the only moment you have & you have no idea what tomorrow will of my favorite verses is, "therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. each day has enough trouble of its own..." (mt. 6:34)... take the brains that you have been blessed with & put your best shoes on & take yourself where you want to go for the day...& live in that day...for that moment...then take on tomorrow in which ever way you choose...b/c it is up to you...
as our friend dr. seuss so greatly explains, oh, the places you'll go...&
"be who you are & say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those matter don't mind..."
<3 TV
..."you have brains in your head... have feet in your shoes... can steer yourself...
...any direction you choose...
...You're on your own. And you know what you know...
...and YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go...
...(dr. seuss)...
...oh, the places you'll go...
where are you you actually know??...i sure don't but isn't that the best part of life...not as if today is the only moment you have & you have no idea what tomorrow will of my favorite verses is, "therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. each day has enough trouble of its own..." (mt. 6:34)... take the brains that you have been blessed with & put your best shoes on & take yourself where you want to go for the day...& live in that day...for that moment...then take on tomorrow in which ever way you choose...b/c it is up to you...
as our friend dr. seuss so greatly explains, oh, the places you'll go...&
"be who you are & say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those matter don't mind..."
<3 TV
a butterfly...
day 96...
"...hold a butterfly in your hand & it will die...but let it go & see what happens; & if it comes back then it was meant to be yours..." (NH)
first...#1 reason why men & women should stay friends...b/c they give insight in to the opposite sexes' head...they help you gain understanding of why they act that way & how to deal...get some friends of the the opposite sex...especially those that will tell you the truth no matter what...
second...after you have read the above statement, reread it; i love this you are wondering how this topic, especially about a butterfly would a) get me excited & b) would have anything to do with the first part of the blog...just hold the phone, i'm going to tell you...
this statement came from a friend of mine (now remember i mentioned that i believe people have a purpose in your life, some times we know and some times we don't, well with this friend this whole conversation could be the purpose of our friendship) the details of this conversation not so important, the lesson of what i learned is where the importance lies...
one of lessons, being the statement i wrote above...i have written about letting go, this is the best example...of it...if i hold on too tight to the butterfly (whatever that represents) it will die, or be destroyed...but if i have faith, let it go, & have no fear (which another friend told me to have)...this butterfly could go & be & if it is meant to come back to me it will, in its own time...why would i or anyone for that matter want to destroy something...or kill it, knowingly you would never do would want to see it go, & hope/pray it would come back...the risk is great b/c you have no idea if it is going to come back & it could very well be the scariest thing you have ever done...especially after holding on to it for so long...
i think i also should add in that you can't wait for it to come friend also explained that you can't keep waiting five more minutes on something that might never happen...i also (even though i don't always practice) believe in this would be benefiting no one if you stood waiting for the butterfly to come might by you letting go; you have done what you needed to do, all you can do is move on...& when/if it comes back then it was meant to be that way...
a simple thought with such a profound all the butterflies that were let go & came back be thankful & in the same breath for all those that didn't, i hope you found what you were looking for...
feeling very zen...
<3 MM
"...hold a butterfly in your hand & it will die...but let it go & see what happens; & if it comes back then it was meant to be yours..." (NH)
first...#1 reason why men & women should stay friends...b/c they give insight in to the opposite sexes' head...they help you gain understanding of why they act that way & how to deal...get some friends of the the opposite sex...especially those that will tell you the truth no matter what...
second...after you have read the above statement, reread it; i love this you are wondering how this topic, especially about a butterfly would a) get me excited & b) would have anything to do with the first part of the blog...just hold the phone, i'm going to tell you...
this statement came from a friend of mine (now remember i mentioned that i believe people have a purpose in your life, some times we know and some times we don't, well with this friend this whole conversation could be the purpose of our friendship) the details of this conversation not so important, the lesson of what i learned is where the importance lies...
one of lessons, being the statement i wrote above...i have written about letting go, this is the best example...of it...if i hold on too tight to the butterfly (whatever that represents) it will die, or be destroyed...but if i have faith, let it go, & have no fear (which another friend told me to have)...this butterfly could go & be & if it is meant to come back to me it will, in its own time...why would i or anyone for that matter want to destroy something...or kill it, knowingly you would never do would want to see it go, & hope/pray it would come back...the risk is great b/c you have no idea if it is going to come back & it could very well be the scariest thing you have ever done...especially after holding on to it for so long...
i think i also should add in that you can't wait for it to come friend also explained that you can't keep waiting five more minutes on something that might never happen...i also (even though i don't always practice) believe in this would be benefiting no one if you stood waiting for the butterfly to come might by you letting go; you have done what you needed to do, all you can do is move on...& when/if it comes back then it was meant to be that way...
a simple thought with such a profound all the butterflies that were let go & came back be thankful & in the same breath for all those that didn't, i hope you found what you were looking for...
feeling very zen...
<3 MM
the power of laughter...
day 95...
this may very well be a two parter...first of all if one thinks that they are funny, are they really funny? or is it one of those things where if you are laughing at yourself or what you say/do; you aren't that funny after all...ahh, who knows, life is too short might as well laugh at yourself...however...
laughter is great is proven that laughter can help people when they feel like also burns ever feel like crying & then all of sudden you start laughing & it makes you feel that much better...
so tonight...i have a make you hopefully if you are having a bad day or just need a laugh...this makes you laugh...& besides that i am going to shut up, seeing how i think i am hysterical & i quite possibly am it is win, win for you...
<3 MF
this may very well be a two parter...first of all if one thinks that they are funny, are they really funny? or is it one of those things where if you are laughing at yourself or what you say/do; you aren't that funny after all...ahh, who knows, life is too short might as well laugh at yourself...however...
laughter is great is proven that laughter can help people when they feel like also burns ever feel like crying & then all of sudden you start laughing & it makes you feel that much better...
so tonight...i have a make you hopefully if you are having a bad day or just need a laugh...this makes you laugh...& besides that i am going to shut up, seeing how i think i am hysterical & i quite possibly am it is win, win for you...
<3 MF
damn you, drunk text...
day 94...
remember there was the pager, then it the bag phone, then the zack morris phone, then there was the flip phone, then there was this phone, then there was another & another, then a droid, then an iphone...
well as one might guess with the evolution of the phone there is also the evolution of communication...when i was in college which was not that many moons ago...cell phones had begun to sweep the country (now i know what you are thinking, wait a minute everyone had one, no not really)...if you were one of the forerunners there were some who did this activity called texting but for most of us, you had to actually call someone using your cell phone (which believe me was the thing, land lines they were so on their way out), yes breathe deeply a text was not a common thing back then (i feel like i am writing about something that occurred in the 1940's not the early 2000; technology cray, cray) fact it cost a hell of a lot more than now, & no one had unlimited b/c not everyone did it...
so when said person would go to the bar or a party...& have a few adult beverages...and build up some liquid courage, they would naturally pick up there ohh so cool cell phone & call either their friend or their family & leave some inappropriate message (which usually entailed some music blaring in the background & them trying to produce a coherent sentence or just screaming in the phone; ask my sister in law cena, many a message to her)...then there was the occasional (usually people would default to this one), one would pick up the phone & call the person they were semi-dating, their significant other, their crush, or just some random hot guy/girl (who they had class with & happened to have their number b/c the person was stuck in their study group) that they had no business calling & say something uber stupid...this is referred to as drunk dialing...there was even a saying, "friends don't let friends drunk dial"...the nextmorning afternoon the person would stumble out of bed, try to make themselves look semi decent, eat & eventually pick up their phone...(btw, phones were not attached to people back only recent years have they become an appendage)...they would then scroll through their call list, & that very moment this thought would run through their head, "OHH SH#$"...& usually then call friends to find out what was said, now here is the kicker...most people would ignore the behavior & if ever come in contact with the person who was the causality of drunk dialing, would laugh, apologize & blame everything on alcohol...the few will own it, & call apologize...
now fast forward the drunk dialing, now it has become the drunk text (first of all, people don't call people anymore...i am guilty of this very act...) HOWEVER the drunk text is more lethal...why might you ask...well first it takes less time to text a quick message than to dial, wait for an answer or vm & then either talk or leave a i.e less time means you can reach more people throughout the night, & more hot mess to clean up later...second, just as texting has replaced people having full conversations, a lot can be typed and sent & then guess what it doesn't go away...not that many people delete texts, voicemails yes, not it can be in someone's phone FOREVER, like they (who ever they are, but they are smart) say, "once its out there, its out there, no taking it back..." so after the whole night i have previously described, you wake up scroll through (before you do anything else in the morning, b/c as i mentioned the phone is attached to you)...& see all your drunk texts right in front of your face, yeah sure go ahead & delete, but guess what the other person still has now you have to send the awkward text, being, "dude i was so drunk, sorry, or someone got a hold of my phone, not sure what happened, or i totally didn't mean that, i am sorry, or no, i would never say that about you"...& the list goes on...
i have been on occasion a victim to the lesson of the day (which we all know, & some idiot writing a blog is not a genius & coming up with something new)...PHONE + ALCOHOL = BAD COMBINATION...if its a problem for you, hand over the phone, just as the after school special so clearly states, "friends don't let friends drunkdial text"...
<3 MS
remember there was the pager, then it the bag phone, then the zack morris phone, then there was the flip phone, then there was this phone, then there was another & another, then a droid, then an iphone...
well as one might guess with the evolution of the phone there is also the evolution of communication...when i was in college which was not that many moons ago...cell phones had begun to sweep the country (now i know what you are thinking, wait a minute everyone had one, no not really)...if you were one of the forerunners there were some who did this activity called texting but for most of us, you had to actually call someone using your cell phone (which believe me was the thing, land lines they were so on their way out), yes breathe deeply a text was not a common thing back then (i feel like i am writing about something that occurred in the 1940's not the early 2000; technology cray, cray) fact it cost a hell of a lot more than now, & no one had unlimited b/c not everyone did it...
so when said person would go to the bar or a party...& have a few adult beverages...and build up some liquid courage, they would naturally pick up there ohh so cool cell phone & call either their friend or their family & leave some inappropriate message (which usually entailed some music blaring in the background & them trying to produce a coherent sentence or just screaming in the phone; ask my sister in law cena, many a message to her)...then there was the occasional (usually people would default to this one), one would pick up the phone & call the person they were semi-dating, their significant other, their crush, or just some random hot guy/girl (who they had class with & happened to have their number b/c the person was stuck in their study group) that they had no business calling & say something uber stupid...this is referred to as drunk dialing...there was even a saying, "friends don't let friends drunk dial"...the next
now fast forward the drunk dialing, now it has become the drunk text (first of all, people don't call people anymore...i am guilty of this very act...) HOWEVER the drunk text is more lethal...why might you ask...well first it takes less time to text a quick message than to dial, wait for an answer or vm & then either talk or leave a i.e less time means you can reach more people throughout the night, & more hot mess to clean up later...second, just as texting has replaced people having full conversations, a lot can be typed and sent & then guess what it doesn't go away...not that many people delete texts, voicemails yes, not it can be in someone's phone FOREVER, like they (who ever they are, but they are smart) say, "once its out there, its out there, no taking it back..." so after the whole night i have previously described, you wake up scroll through (before you do anything else in the morning, b/c as i mentioned the phone is attached to you)...& see all your drunk texts right in front of your face, yeah sure go ahead & delete, but guess what the other person still has now you have to send the awkward text, being, "dude i was so drunk, sorry, or someone got a hold of my phone, not sure what happened, or i totally didn't mean that, i am sorry, or no, i would never say that about you"...& the list goes on...
i have been on occasion a victim to the lesson of the day (which we all know, & some idiot writing a blog is not a genius & coming up with something new)...PHONE + ALCOHOL = BAD COMBINATION...if its a problem for you, hand over the phone, just as the after school special so clearly states, "friends don't let friends drunk
<3 MS
are you a stalker?? (read on, i'm going some where)
not a real one of course (well at least i hope not; if you are my sister in law is a shrink (close enough she has a degree in counseling) she can help:)
day 93...
facebook (FB) was introduced likeyesterday ions ago & has become a massive craze...people of all ages log on more hours than they actually do work (true fact) to comment, post a status or a picture, to find long lost friends, or to just waste an absurd amount of time...hey i am not pointing fingers, i am guilty of all those things including FB stalking, i have decided to categorize it as a syndrome...
...these are the symptoms (they can vary case by case), you get on FB really quick to update your status, or post a quick picture & then all of sudden you get sucked in by someone else's post or picture...
...for instance if i was that type of person, which i am not (usually those guilty of said behavior tend to deny, deny; just sayin')...i proceed to get on FB to, i don't even remember why, & then i see some pictures of a girl i know...i then proceed to find out she is engaged (yes you congratulate her)...then i thought to myself how in the hell did i miss after stalking all her pictures...i definitely have to go to her profile page & stalk all the way back to the point where she posted that she was engaged & got 100 million likes or changed her status to there i am 11:51 at night (i mean this is hypothetical, i would never) scrolling through this girl's page to find out when she got engaged...& i had to go all the way back to last summer...& i am thinking i am so way out of touch how the hell did that happen...i need to step up my game...then i scream stop...get off the site right now...that is how an "hypothetical" instance of stalking works...
or...for instance you do a quick FB scroll through statuses & you notice a friend of yours is at the exact same play as what do you do before the 2nd act starts you shoot him a quick text...which by then he figures out either its a weird coincidence that you just happen to know that he is there (yeah you just happened to guess that he be in toledo on that day at that theater at the same play as you & i am a size 2, which as we all know is not likely now or the near future) or you have committed an infraction & basically admitted that you FB stalk...& you are now, just got your hand caught in the cookie jar, GUILTY...
it just so happens, i have a very dear family friends' mom who post pictures about her kids, their spouses, her grandkids...anything major/minor, she takes pictures...i LOVE it...why b/c i am a FB stalker (ok i said it)...i am going ahead & putting it all out there (seriously i am not alone)...i do it, & i honestly can't help don't dangle a donut in front of a fat kid, they are eventually going to go for it...& that is what happens...
so either you just say NO (just like the DARE program) to whole mess of a situation or you shout it fromthe mountain tops a blog, i am a FB stalker, watch out (but by all means keep the info/pictures/statuses/major or minor events a comin', please)...(yes i have consulted my sister in law & we are now in a support together; besides she says (or at least i think she would say), admitting you have a problem starts the process of healing...
until then...
Cheers to the stalk....
<3 PO
day 93...
facebook (FB) was introduced like
...these are the symptoms (they can vary case by case), you get on FB really quick to update your status, or post a quick picture & then all of sudden you get sucked in by someone else's post or picture...
...for instance if i was that type of person, which i am not (usually those guilty of said behavior tend to deny, deny; just sayin')...i proceed to get on FB to, i don't even remember why, & then i see some pictures of a girl i know...i then proceed to find out she is engaged (yes you congratulate her)...then i thought to myself how in the hell did i miss after stalking all her pictures...i definitely have to go to her profile page & stalk all the way back to the point where she posted that she was engaged & got 100 million likes or changed her status to there i am 11:51 at night (i mean this is hypothetical, i would never) scrolling through this girl's page to find out when she got engaged...& i had to go all the way back to last summer...& i am thinking i am so way out of touch how the hell did that happen...i need to step up my game...then i scream stop...get off the site right now...that is how an "hypothetical" instance of stalking works...
or...for instance you do a quick FB scroll through statuses & you notice a friend of yours is at the exact same play as what do you do before the 2nd act starts you shoot him a quick text...which by then he figures out either its a weird coincidence that you just happen to know that he is there (yeah you just happened to guess that he be in toledo on that day at that theater at the same play as you & i am a size 2, which as we all know is not likely now or the near future) or you have committed an infraction & basically admitted that you FB stalk...& you are now, just got your hand caught in the cookie jar, GUILTY...
it just so happens, i have a very dear family friends' mom who post pictures about her kids, their spouses, her grandkids...anything major/minor, she takes pictures...i LOVE it...why b/c i am a FB stalker (ok i said it)...i am going ahead & putting it all out there (seriously i am not alone)...i do it, & i honestly can't help don't dangle a donut in front of a fat kid, they are eventually going to go for it...& that is what happens...
so either you just say NO (just like the DARE program) to whole mess of a situation or you shout it from
until then...
Cheers to the stalk....
<3 PO
quote of the day...
day 92...
have you ever seen the movie, "the wedding date" is one of my favorite chick flick movies...aside from quoting it with my sister in law, is just a fun movie with a good today i watched it for the one hundredth million time & as i mentioned i love most of the dialogue from the movie...including, "i think i'd miss you even if we never met..." & then there is many many funny ones...but tonight i picked up on one i had never caught before... a little background in case you have not watched...the sister who is getting married just told her soon to be husband that she was shagging his best friend, who also happened to be her sister's fiance at the time...the soon to be husband takes off after best friend; only to meet up with date of bride's sister (bride's sister paid wedding date to go to wedding so she didn't have to face ex-fiance by herself)...while he is contemplating what to do, the date says this...
have you ever seen the movie, "the wedding date" is one of my favorite chick flick movies...aside from quoting it with my sister in law, is just a fun movie with a good today i watched it for the one hundredth million time & as i mentioned i love most of the dialogue from the movie...including, "i think i'd miss you even if we never met..." & then there is many many funny ones...but tonight i picked up on one i had never caught before... a little background in case you have not watched...the sister who is getting married just told her soon to be husband that she was shagging his best friend, who also happened to be her sister's fiance at the time...the soon to be husband takes off after best friend; only to meet up with date of bride's sister (bride's sister paid wedding date to go to wedding so she didn't have to face ex-fiance by herself)...while he is contemplating what to do, the date says this...
"The hardest thing is loving someone and then having the courage to let them love you back. But if you know her shit and she knows yours, and at the end of the day if you still would rather give up than try, nothings ever going to be worth it."
...if you read it & then read it again it is pretty profound...having enough trust & courage to let someone in, to let that person love you back...that is us when our heart is fully exposed...& if they are worth it, you are going to try no matter the risk or the hurt...& you are going to take the good with the bad...& then even when you know the bad, you will say well that sucks but i am not giving up...cause, simply put that is LOVE...
<3 CB
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