
Seriously Funny!

day 68...

(first of all a lot of peeps apparently like my brothers, or i have gotten really good at this blog thingy, the first answer is probably correct...literally the most views on a post...THANK YOU!)

so in my course of growing up & almost hitting the rip ole' age of 30, i have figured out that i LOVE to volunteer, i actually would do it everyday of my life if i didn't need money to live...but i do, super lame i know...ohh wait you thought i was a billionaire b/c of this blog, no i am sorry they have not contacted me to publish a book, still waiting...anyways i digress, LOVE LOVE VOLUNTEERING...

there are certain causes i tend to lean towards, special olympics, anything Deaf, kids, & anything cancer related...well since moving to GR, i have scaled down on the volunteering & decided i need to step it back up...(i should also put in this disclaimer, i am not always the greatest volunteer, but i always have good intentions & try my hardest...)...so Laughfest it is, is the 2nd annual were proceeds benefit Gilda's Club of GR.  Gilda's Club was founded in honor of Gilda Radner, a comedian who lost her fight with her cancer.  The concept being that it is a free community of support for those that have encountered cancer.  Helping not only the physical effects, but the mental & emotional effects that cancer leaves behind... (Gilda's Club)

Two years ago, Grand Rapids Gilda's Club decided to host, Laughfest, first ever nationwide comedy festival.  Because research shows that laughter can improve physical well being, as well as the emotional & mental well being.  It also raises awareness & support for Gilda's Club.  So ten days, and over 200 different events featuring over 600 artists, Gilda's Club invites you to laugh with them.  (Laughfest)

So you are probably asking whats up with all the awareness & why do keep posting random things to help people that have no direct contact with me...well, as i mentioned before all it takes is a conversation, a conversation then turns into a discussion & that could become an action, and then your life will be that much different, all stemming from a conversation, so why not!

Seriously Funny!

KC <3

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