
a little shout out...

day 72

...i guess what is important with writing a blog everyday is that i have this forum to give a shout out to whomever the hell i want...which is awesome...however it is also a way that you get to experience something that you might have never even encountered...so instead of thinking it as a way of shoving some useless piece of information down your throat, think of it as lesson learned or experience created...

a friend of mine who is fabulous, has created this website Twenty Dollar Dates, where she advises those that live in columbus to have date nights using less than $20.00 (genius idea, right & now you wish you thought of it, well its taken)...now i know its crazy, right?, but she has done it, hell she has even done it in NYC...i know amazing right...i know it is specifically for columbus but really you could use her ideas in every city...

so take a gander & if nothing else, like it on facebook Facebook Twenty Dollar Dates; why not...

PS other reasons to give Jessica Porter Buscemi & Twenty Dollar Dates some love, is because her wedding was SO much fun, she is always fun...& she is a social worker with an amazing personality...i love her, so ie you should too (i mean i only associate myself with cool people, just sayin;)

HAVE FUN, & next time you go out do it for under $20!

<3 BH

1 comment:

  1. AWWWW! I love you girl!!! I just saw this post!! I guess better late than never hahaha MISS YOU!!!! :):)

    ps-thanks for the shout out!
